- Update Admins UI code to Angular v5
- TISNEW-2498: Re-write Angular 1.2/1.5 apps (Reval | Concerns Log | Notifications | Common Components) to Angular v5
- TISNEW-2503: Remove dependencies on jHipster scaffolding
- TISNEW-1650: Move to standardised file structure for Angular v5 - (Panos Paralakis (Unlicensed), Oladimeji Onalaja (Unlicensed), Tuomas Alahäivälä (Unlicensed) - does this need to be defined clearly somewhere, in order to give you all a consistent reference point?)
- Tidy up SCSS folder, files and code (Panos Paralakis (Unlicensed), Oladimeji Onalaja (Unlicensed), Tuomas Alahäivälä (Unlicensed) - does this need to be defined clearly somewhere, in order to give you all a consistent reference point?)
- Decide when global components are preferable, and where TIS would benefit from local styles
- Tidy up tests - protractor, cucumber, etc (Panos Paralakis (Unlicensed), Oladimeji Onalaja (Unlicensed), Tuomas Alahäivälä (Unlicensed) - does this need to be defined clearly somewhere, in order to give you all a consistent reference point?)
- NGRX - observable (Panos Paralakis (Unlicensed), Oladimeji Onalaja (Unlicensed), Tuomas Alahäivälä (Unlicensed) - please urn this item into a specific action)