Table of Contents |
Install the tools you will need with the windows package manager chocolatey
- Additionally, pasting into a google chrome browser should get an elastic search REST response
Create databases
In a command prompt:
mysql -u root
create database esr;
create database heetiscleardbconcerns;
create database profile;
create database reference;
create database heetiscleardbrevalidation;create database heetiscleardbtraineeid;
create database heetiscleardbnotification;
create database tcs;
create database connectiondiscrepancy;
mvn clean package spring-boot:run
If you see any error as follows:
'nested exception is org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Unable to obtain Jdbc connection from DataSource (jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/esr?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false) for user 'root': Unknown database 'esr'
then create a database in your MySQL called 'esr' and run the 'mvn clean package spring-boot:run' command again.
etc etc
However, it may not fix it the second time. If this is the case, download a suitable REST client (
Enter the URL (check the IP matches that of your docker → use "docker-machine ls" in a cmd prompt
Choose DELETE and click Send
and then run the query.
INSERT INTO `HeeUser` (`name`, `firstName`, `lastName`, `gmcId`, `phoneNumber`, `emailAddress`, `active`)
('jamesh', 'James', 'Hudson', '1000000', '7788996655', '', 1);
INSERT INTO `UserRole` (`userName`, `roleName`)
('jamesh', 'ConcernsAdmin'),
('jamesh', 'ETL'),
('jamesh', 'ProfileAdmin'),
('jamesh', 'RVAdmin'),
('jamesh', 'TisAdmin');
INSERT INTO `UserDesignatedBody` (`userName`, `designatedBodyCode`)
('jamesh', '1-AIIDR8'),
('jamesh', '1-AIIDSA'),
('jamesh', '1-AIIDVS'),
('jamesh', '1-AIIDWA'),
('jamesh', '1-AIIDWI');
insert into Role values ('SuperUser');
INSERT INTO `RolePermission` (`roleName`, `permissionName`)
SELECT 'SuperUser' as 'roleName', `name` as 'permissionName'
FROM `Permission`;
delete from RolePermission where permissionName = 'revalidation:submit:to:gmc' and roleName = 'SuperUser';
INSERT INTO `UserRole` (`userName`, `roleName`)
('jamesh', 'SuperUser');
INSERT INTO `HeeUser` (`name`, `firstName`, `lastName`, `gmcId`, `phoneNumber`, `emailAddress`, `active`)
('local_ro', 'local', 'RO', '1234567', NULL , '', 1);
INSERT INTO `UserDesignatedBody` (`userName`, `designatedBodyCode`)
('local_ro', '1-85KJU0');
INSERT INTO `UserRole` (`userName`, `roleName`)
('local_ro', 'RVOfficer');
--Add TCS user for writing to some tables:
CREATE USER 'tcs'@'%';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'tcs';
At the end of it all your app should run like so:
- Concerns takes a long time to load through the UI (
- Notifications takes a long time to load through the UI (
- Can't run git pull (or git clone) on SM's windows machine - ok on Ola's
- clean package spring-boot:run → See above (had to set = local in intellij)
- Having to update in (related to/same as ^)
- Script to create docker container + elastic search etc
- script to get all the packages up and running - incorporate git pull and spring-boot:run etc
- Manually having to update
Is this ^ an issue?