- PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob: Truncates and repopulates the list of connections between trainees and the employingBody trust. It writes data into the database table tcs.PersonTrust.
- PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob: Repopulates the list of connections between trainees and the trainingBody trust. It also writes into tcs.PersonTrust, and is triggered after PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob, so the data wouldn't be truncated at first.
- PostEmployingBodyTrustJob: Truncates and repopulates the list of connections between posts and the employingBody trust. It writes data into the database tcs.PostTrust.
- PostTrainingBodyTrustJob: Repopulates the list of connections between posts and the trainingBody trust. It also writes into tcs.PostTrust, and is triggered after PostTrainingBodyTrustJob, so the data wouldn't be truncated at first.
- PersonElasticSearchSyncJob: Truncates index of persons in ElasticSearch and creates a new index of persons. Then repopulates the documents of PersonViews from TCS-Service and saves these documents in ElasticSearch.
- PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob should be triggered after PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob.
- PostTrainingBodyTrustJob should be triggered after PostEmployingBodyTrustJob.
- PersonElasticSearchSyncJob should be triggered after PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob and PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob are finished.