tail /var/log/apps/sync.log -f |
Summary of what to run:
Failed/Out-of-date Job | Managed Bean Name | Method Name | Things that need to be done after this has been started |
PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob | PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob | PersonPlacementEmployingBodyFullSync | Re-run PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob |
PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob | PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob | PersonPlacementTrainingBodyFullSync | none (assuming only this failed) |
PostEmployingBodyTrustJob | PostEmployingBodyTrustJob | PostEmployingBodyTrustFullSync | Re-run PostTrainingBodyTrustJob |
PostTrainingBodyTrustJob | PostTrainingBodyTrustJob | PostTrainingBodyTrustFullSync | none (assuming only this failed) |
PersonElasticSearchSyncJob | PersonElasticSearchJob | personElasticSearchSync | none |