Table of Contents |
Install java8 ( the second command is required since java8 is no longer the default on macos ):
brew update
brew tap caskroom/versions
brew cask install java8
- install maven
- brew install maven
- Create the settings.xml for maven - Follow the steps from here:, also ensure that your public ssh key is on the jenkins azure box
Launch the docker quickstart terminal
Note: If you have the correct Docker installed ( you can skip the following 3 steps. To uninstall old versions of Docker please following this link:
- Create a new Docker VM.
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
3. Connect your shell to the default
$ eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
- create an Elastic Search docker container
- docker-compose up ( use "-d" option to run in the background)
- docker ps → verify the container is running
- in a Chrome browser (localhost:9200 if your using docker for mac - native) - you should get an elastic search REST response