tis-revalidation-integration (ECS)
tis-revalidation-recommendation (ECS)
tis-revalidation-connection (ECS)
ElasticSearch (EC2)
RabbitMQ (Amazon MQ)
Sync job data flow
endpoint called in Integration service, the Master index is cleared and rebuilt“syncStart“ Message sent to TCS to start extracting data
TCS send trainee data with latest programme/curriculum information of the trainee one by one via the queue. “syncEnd“ signal will be sent together with the last trainee.
Integration service process to insert trainee data from TCS to the Master IndexWhen the “syncEnd” message is received by Integration, “gmcSyncStart” message is sent to Recommendation to get GMC data
Recommendation get trainee data from “DoctorsForDB” and send it over to Integration one by one via the queue. “syncEnd“ signal will be sent together with the last trainee.
Integration service process to insert/update (if exist) trainee data from Recommendaition to the Master IndexWhen the “syncEnd” message is received by Integration, “getMaster” message is sent to Recommendation and Connection service at the same time to get data from Master Index
Recommendation service cleans and rebuilds Recommendation Index, then maps and populates the trainee data to Recommendation Index
Connection service cleans and rebuilds Connected, Disconnected, Exception Index, then maps and populates the trainee data to corresponding indexes according to business logic
[Old version]
Sync job RabbitMQ configuration