BST unless otherwise stated
??:?? Earliest relavent thing
??:?? - Something happened
??:?? - Site Owner got notified
??:?? - Something happened
??:?? - The extract was refershed
??:?? - We confirmed the latest data was showing 09:42 James Harris Raises the alarm on the number of email notifications in own inbox about failed tableau refreshes on TIS PID Data site
10:15 - PO and team informed. Brief team discussion on priority and problem resolution delegation
11:00 - Quick analysis of number of data sources with failed refreshes and dates of last successful refresh established
11:56 - Tableau Administrator/Data Service team got notified
14:09 - Tableau Administrator/Data Service team confirms identification of the root cause of the problem
13:00 - Commenced further analysis to establish scope/coverage of the problem and identify extent of stale data
07:21 -
07:29 -
11:35 -
14:23 -
14:38 -
Root Cause(s)
Action Items