An issue was discovered (on 11th Oct 2023) where TIS Data Extracts' refresh were failing since the 2 days prior. The impact of this was the data Data in some of the TIS reports were stale and reflected what was on TIS from the last successful refresh.
09:42 James Harris Raises raises the alarm on the number of email notifications in own inbox about failed tableau refreshes on TIS PID Data site
10:15 - PO and team informed. Brief team discussion on priority and problem resolution delegation
11:00 - Quick analysis of number of data sources with failed refreshes and dates of last successful refresh established
11:56 - Tableau Administrator/Data Service team got notified
14:09 - Tableau Administrator/Data Service team confirms identification of the root cause of the problem
13:00 - Commenced further analysis to establish scope/coverage of the problem and identify extent of stale data
07:21 - Requested progress update pertaining to implementation of permanent fix to problem from Tableau Administrator/Data Service team
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