Trainee has only one current programme membership starting more than 6 months agobefore form submission date, finishing more than 6 months in the futureafter form submission, with matching local office and programme details, and curriculum membership current or future when the rule is applied. SQL.
FormR PartA: 339814 (33.4% of test dataset); 1096 manually linked forms
Similarly, the form was submitted on 28 Aug 2024 for PM that finished on 3 Oct 2023, while having an ongoing PM with the same LO and programme curriculum specialty.
C. As for (B) but without requiring curriculum memberships to be current or future-dated
Trainee has only one programme membership starting more than 6 months before form submission date, finishing more than 6 months after form submission, with matching local office and programme details. SQL.
FormR PartA: 9744 (8.2% of test dataset); 22 manually linked forms
FormR PartB: 11889 (10.0% of test dataset); 38 manually linked forms
None observed, though the sample size of manually linked forms is small. One would assume the same sort of ‘errors’ as in (B) would apply.