Using the two-step matching process described in more detail below, 82% of FormRs can be linked with no obvious errors. This leaves ~46 000 FormRs that cannot be linked automatically.
Additional steps to link ~95% of FormRs can be added (leaving ~12 000 unlinked) with error rates estimated to be 0.05% (projected to 115 mis-linked forms).
FormR and TIS data as of early Oct 2024 were retrieved and used to evaluate potential methods of linking FormRs and programme memberships. Both submitted and draft forms were assessed.
Trainee has only one current programme membership in the time-period window of interest (from 12 months before form submission date to 4 months after form submission), with matching local office and programme details. SQL.
FormR PartA: 62934 (52.8% of test dataset); 1788 manually linked forms
FormR PartB: 76637 (54.2% of test dataset); 2542 manually linked forms
None detected.
C. One matching programme membership for submission local office and specialty active within 1 year before and 4 month after submission date
Trainee has only one current programme membership with matched local office and specialty in the time-period window of interest (from 12 months before form submission date to 4 months after form submission), with matching local office and programme details. SQL.
FormR PartA: 17156 (14.6% of test dataset); 629 manually linked forms
FormR PartB: 17886 (15.3% of test dataset); 659 manually linked forms
27, of which 4 may be considered non-trainee errors.