Code Block |
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `2`3x_kav_indate_a`() BEGIN UPDATE stats_formra f JOIN rr.formra wtea ON f.id = wtea.id JOIN (SELECT pm.personId ,pm.programmeID ,p.stdSpecialtyProgramme ,p.programmeNumber ,pp.owner AS managingDeanery ,pm.programmeStartDate ,cm.curriculumCompletionDate ,c.name AS curriculumName ,s.name AS specialtyName ,pm.uuid AS programmeMembershipUuid FROM tcs.CurriculumMembership cm JOIN tcs.Curriculum c ON cm.curriculumId = c.id JOIN tcs.Specialty s ON c.specialtyId = s.id JOIN tcs.ProgrammeMembership pm ON cm.programmeMembershipUuid = pm.uuid LEFT JOIN rr.stdProgramme p ON pm.ProgrammeID = p.programmeTisId LEFT JOIN tcs.Programme pp ON pm.ProgrammeID = pp.id WHERE s.name NOT IN ('Academic', 'Foundation') AND ((now() BETWEEN cm.CurriculumStartDate AND cm.CurriculumEndDate) OR cm.CurriculumStartDate> now()) ) c ON c.personId = wtea.traineeTisId AND c.managingDeanery = wtea.localOfficeNameStd AND ( c.stdSpecialtyProgramme = wtea.programmeSpecialty OR c.stdSpecialtyProgramme = wtea.cctSpecialty1 OR c.stdSpecialtyProgramme = wtea.cctSpecialty2 OR c.specialtyName = wtea.programmeSpecialty OR c.specialtyName = wtea.cctSpecialty1 OR c.specialtyName = wtea.cctSpecialty2 OR c.curriculumName = wtea.programmeSpecialty OR c.CurriculumName = wtea.cctSpecialty1 OR c.CurriculumName = wtea.cctSpecialty2 ) SET f.linkedPmUuid = c.programmeMembershipUuid, linkedBy = "23x. Kav rulesindate" WHERE linkedPmUuid IS NULL AND pm_current_bufferedin_monthswindow(c.programmeMembershipUuid, wtea.submissionDateDate, 12, 64) = 1 AND -- started 6+ended within 12 months before, finishessubmission 6+date, months starts within 4 months after submission date pms_current_bufferedin_monthswindow(f.traineeTisId, wtea.submissionDateDate, 6) = 1 AND -- only pm current 6+ months before, 6+ months after pms_current_buffered_months(f.traineeTisId, wtea.submissionDateDate, 012, 4) = 1; -- only pm that currentfalls in whenthe submittedwindow END |
Code Block |
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `2`3x_kav_indate_b`() BEGIN UPDATE stats_formrb f JOIN rr.formrb wtea ON f.id = wtea.id JOIN (SELECT pm.personId ,pm.programmeID ,p.stdSpecialtyProgramme ,p.programmeNumber ,pp.owner as managingDeanery ,pm.programmeStartDate ,cm.curriculumCompletionDate ,c.name as curriculumName ,s.name as specialtyName ,pm.uuid as programmeMembershipUuid FROM tcs.CurriculumMembership cm JOIN tcs.Curriculum c ON cm.curriculumId = c.id JOIN tcs.Specialty s ON c.specialtyId = s.id JOIN tcs.ProgrammeMembership pm ON cm.programmeMembershipUuid = pm.uuid LEFT JOIN rr.stdProgramme p ON pm.ProgrammeID = p.programmeTisId LEFT JOIN tcs.Programme pp ON pm.ProgrammeID = pp.id WHERE s.name NOT IN ('Academic', 'Foundation') AND ((now() BETWEEN cm.CurriculumStartDate AND cm.CurriculumEndDate) or cm.CurriculumStartDate> now()) ) c ON c.personId = wtea.traineeTisId AND c.managingDeanery = wtea.localOfficeNameStd AND ( c.stdSpecialtyProgramme = wtea.programmeSpecialty OR c.stdSpecialtyProgramme = wtea.dualSpecialty OR c.specialtyName = wtea.programmeSpecialty OR c.specialtyName = wtea.dualSpecialty OR c.curriculumName = wtea.programmeSpecialty OR c.curriculumName = wtea.dualSpecialty ) SET f.linkedPmUuid = c.programmeMembershipUuid, linkedBy = "23x. Kav rulesindate" WHERE linkedPmUuid IS NULL AND pm_current_bufferedin_monthswindow(c.programmeMembershipUuid, wtea.submissionDateDate, 12, 64) = 1 AND -- ended startedwithin 6+12 months before submission date, starts finisheswithin 6+4 months after submission date pms_current_bufferedin_monthswindow(f.traineeTisId, wtea.submissionDateDate, 6) = 1 AND -- only pm current 6+ months before, 6+ months after pms_current_buffered_months(f.traineeTisId, wtea.submissionDateDate, 012, 4) = 1; -- only pm current when submittedthat falls in the window END |
Functions used in above:
Is the given PM current at a given date plus/minus a given buffer of monthswithin the defined window around the submission date:
Code Block |
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` FUNCTION `pm_current_bufferedin_months`window`(theuuid VARCHAR(50), dt DATE, mnthsmarginbefore INTEGER, mnthsmarginmnthsmarginafter INTEGER) RETURNS tinyint(1) BEGIN DECLARE CNT INTEGER DEFAULT 0; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO CNT FROM tcs.ProgrammeMembership WHERE uuid = theuuid AND DATE_ADD(programmeStartDateprogrammeEndDate, INTERVAL mnthsmarginmnthsmarginbefore MONTH) <>= dt AND DATE_ADD(programmeEndDateprogrammeStartDate, INTERVAL - 1 * mnthsmarginmnthsmarginafter MONTH) ><= dt; RETURN CNT > 0; END |
How many of a trainee’s PMs are current at a given date plus/minus a given buffer of monthswithin the defined window around the submission date:
Code Block |
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` FUNCTION `pms_current_bufferedin_months`window`(traineeId VARCHAR(50), dt DATE, mnthsmarginmnthsmarginbefore INTEGER, mnthsmarginafter INTEGER) RETURNS int(11) BEGIN DECLARE PMS INTEGER DEFAULT 0; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO PMS FROM tcs.ProgrammeMembership WHERE personId = traineeId AND DATE_ADD(programmeStartDateprogrammeEndDate, INTERVAL mnthsmarginmnthsmarginbefore MONTH) <>= dt AND DATE_ADD(programmeEndDateprogrammeStartDate, INTERVAL - 1 * mnthsmarginmnthsmarginafter MONTH) ><= dt; RETURN PMS; END |
E. Unique programme membership matching local office and programme details: