Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Availability (assume Team Availability Calendar is up to date, otherwise, everyone was available for


8.5 days

(this Sprint includes a Bank Holiday)

of the 2-week Sprint)

Full team availability 78.5-day Sprint * 9 dev team members (adjusted as below)6776.5 days

Ola -3 and Knowledge transfer, Jay -1

Total team availability this Sprint77%95%

POs present a review of Sprint goals and other committed work

Opps we forgot

Other committed-to work in the Sprint:

  • We need to move our databases to be managed by our hosting provider (to ensure greater resiliency). To do this we need to modify them (all) slightly first.
  • To indicate which placements are whole time equivalents on the summary screen, rather than force users to drill down to find out this information.
  • Team to assess outputs from the Trainee workshops, to determine what work should be carried out to get us to an MVP.
  • Introduce validation to prevent users from accidentally deleting a curriculum on a trainee record.
  • Work remaining from last Sprint: For those services that don't auto-restart, create an interface for any member of the team to restart any service that fails at any time of day in order to get that service back up and running as quickly as possible for users.
    Sprint Goal: Improve HEE Admin users ability to manage PostFunding more accurately for financial reporting, and ensuring NDW allows users to interrogate up to date data.
    Sprint Goal

    POs supported by Dev team provide narrative on why, and what, emergency work was brought into the Sprint and which committed-to tickets were moved out as a result

    Live Issues:

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA
    columnstype,summary,story points (effort),assignee,created,status
    jqlQueryproject in (TISNEW, TISESR) AND issuetype = in (LiveDefect, Support) AND Sprint = 244 order by created DESC

    Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no more reference to specific list of Jira tickets, and no more reference to work not 'done')

    AreaItemDemo - from Prod URL where feasible

    ESR - Date of birth and postcode length exceeding 8 characters and is not accepted by ESR and therefore do no appear on ESR applicant records

    DOB Validation — Watch Video

    Image Added

    ESR - Applicants being exported in Duplicate - do not need to re-send applicants for positions that have already been exported before - don't create duplicate records

    Duplicates — Watch Video

    Image Added

    For the bi-directional TIS-ESR Interface - looking at the architecture and design for how to build this

    Microservice Architecture Design

    Image Added

    Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added

    Image Added

    Esr notification daily load stuck for numbers of records (14K) on 4 September 2019

    Service unavailable issue - We have applied a fix so please provide feedback if you still get this issue.
    We will do some more investigation and evaluation of the fix applied for this issue reported by the teams community last week

    Investigation of Ahead of Time (AOT) compiling of code - this will decrease the loading time of pages in TIS, and add extra levels of security on the app

    Completed tasks

    1. AoT test site created for the strategic transitioning of TIS's compilation from Just in Time (JIT) to AoT.
    2. As before, further tests across the test site show a reduction in page loading time by approximately 3 seconds.
    3. Intermittent and random unit test failures due to switch to AoT fixed.

    Next Steps

    1. Address issue with Lazy-loading of modules required for TIS.
    2. Address AoT-driven issues with end-to-end (e2e) tests.
    3. Introduce a level of monitoring in Admins-UI so that errors are easily surfaced and identified.
    4. Re-configure deployment pipeline to account for introduction of environment variables which enables us to align/mis-align our environments (Dev/Stage/Production) on demand for strategic testing.

    Remove Definer statement in MySQL in TCS (and *TEST*) - Basically means investigating how to migrate the TIS database to new infrastructure in the future

    Find reference data ( Site , and Trust etc) using the "known as" field field


    View file
    nameSearching for trusts (Before).mp4


    View file
    nameSearching for Posts (After).mp4
    Removal of erroneous assessment records3277 Assessments marked as deleted using a bulk update to the database

    NDW: Add Field to TIS_Interim > CurriculumMembership

    Screenshot from SQL-06

    Image Added

    Placement Planner

    Placement Planner - Full placement is not rendering



    Placement Planner - fix flashing when hovering over site filter

    Placement Planner - Be able to create placements without typing the post number

    Service Status

    Ongoing work by the apprentices for their service status project 

    Stakeholders / Users invited to query / interrogate / applaud (after Sprint Review POs convert consensus inputs into backlog tickets, giving the option to consider them in the coming Sprint Planning)

    Sprint Goal:

     Improve HEE Admin users ability to manage PostFunding more accurately for financial reporting, and ensuring NDW allows users to interrogate up to date data


    Next Sprint priorities