Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. When the notifications pilot was run, we had a slightly different rule to identify placements that belonged to pilot programme memberships. This rule had a similar rate of ambiguous / missing matches (and in the context we didn't mind, since it was intended purely to identify if there was at least one programme membership that the placement might belong to that was in the pilot, rather than identify that PM unambiguously).

    New rule:
    - placement start date between PM start and end dates OR
    - placement start date no more than 13 days before the PM start date AND placement end date no later than PM end date

    The rule we used for the pilot logic:
    - placement start date not before 1st of month of PM start date AND placement start date on no later than PM end date
    SQL new rule (example for no matches, 2023):
    --, pl.dateFrom, pl.dateTo, matches, minpmuuid, pmmin.programmeStartDate, pmmin.programmeEndDate, maxpmuuid, pmmax.programmeStartDate, pmmax.programmeEndDate
    FROM tcs.Placement pl JOIN
    SELECT id, sum(ismatch) as matches, min(uuid) as minpmuuid, max(uuid) as maxpmuuid FROM
    SELECT, pm.uuid, if((pl.dateFrom >= pm.programmeStartDate AND pl.dateFrom <= pm.programmeEndDate)
    OR (date_add(pl.dateFrom, interval 13 day) >= pm.programmeStartDate AND pl.dateTo <= pm.programmeEndDate), 1, 0) AS isMatch FROM
    tcs.Placement pl
    JOIN tcs.ProgrammeMembership pm ON pm.personId = pl.traineeId
    WHERE (pl.dateFrom >= "2022-01-01" AND pl.dateFrom < "2023-01-01")
    ) plpm_match
    GROUP BY id
    ) plsummary ON =
    JOIN tcs.ProgrammeMembership pmmin ON pmmin.uuid = plsummary.minpmuuid
    JOIN tcs.ProgrammeMembership pmmax ON pmmax.uuid = plsummary.maxpmuuid
    WHERE matches = 0
    Pilot rule (example for no matches, 2023):
    --, pl.dateFrom, pl.dateTo, matches, minpmuuid, pmmin.programmeStartDate, pmmin.programmeEndDate, maxpmuuid, pmmax.programmeStartDate, pmmax.programmeEndDate
    FROM tcs.Placement pl JOIN
    SELECT id, sum(ismatch) as matches, min(uuid) as minpmuuid, max(uuid) as maxpmuuid FROM
    SELECT, pm.uuid, if((pl.dateFrom >= CAST(DATE_FORMAT(pm.programmeStartDate ,'%Y-%m-01') as DATE) AND pl.dateFrom <= pm.programmeEndDate), 1, 0) AS isMatch FROM
    tcs.Placement pl
    JOIN tcs.ProgrammeMembership pm ON pm.personId = pl.traineeId
    WHERE (pl.dateFrom >= "2022-01-01" AND pl.dateFrom < "2023-01-01")
    ) plpm_match
    GROUP BY id
    ) plsummary ON =
    JOIN tcs.ProgrammeMembership pmmin ON pmmin.uuid = plsummary.minpmuuid
    JOIN tcs.ProgrammeMembership pmmax ON pmmax.uuid = plsummary.maxpmuuid
    WHERE matches = 0
