- ESR-ETL receives and sends different files from and to ESR. The details of files and data sets are outlined here: ESR - Datasets (Historical)
- It receives RMT files in changed (RMC) or full (RMF) mode. It processes and stores POR and POS records from the files.
- The POR and POS records are persisted in ESR database (mySQL) using ESR service.
- Each of the above files are received per deanery/local office and all the files produced are as well per deanery.
- For each of the deanery posts ESR requests corresponding APP file containing applicant records in placement for the post is generated. The following restriction applies for the selection:
- Only the future applicant placements are selected.
- The selected future placements should have a start date between 2 days from that day to 3 months.
- It uses TCS service to fetch the post, placement and trainee details.
- The applicant records are stored in ESR database using ESR service.
- A notification file (DNF - full notifications and DNC - changed notifications) is sent per deanery on a daily basis.
- The notification records tracks all the events happening in TIS and creates different notification types outlined in the ESR spec. This is a way of updating ESR about the changes happening in TIS.
- The TIS notification events are tracked and stored in TCS database in the EsrNotification table using the TCS service. This records only the TIS contents.
- All of the final notification records generated are stored in ESR database using the ESR service.
- An acknowledgment is generated for each RMT file processed and similarly an acknowledgment file (APC) is received from ESR for each APP file sent.
- These APC records are stored in the ESR database using the ESR service.
- The ESR service and ESR-ETL use profile/keycloak for user authentication and have an ESR specific user configured for the same.
SYNC (Service)
- TIS-SYNC is a container for background and long-running 'batch' jobs that synchronise data and update cached values.
- It currently is one package with a dependency of TCS persistence and reference client.
- It currently comprises 5 separate jobs (listed in "What it does") which assume they are run in a particular order.
- The jobs are currently duplicated in TCS but are scheduled to run a minute earlier by default
- The default schedules for the cron jobs can be found here: ETL Timings
What it does
There are 5 7 Jobs:
- PersonOwnerJob: This triggers a stored procedure that updates the local office for Person records.
- PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob: After running this job, tcs.PersonTrust table will be truncated and resynchronised with populated EmployingBody Trust data.
- PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob: Will also synchronise populated trainingBody Trust data into tcs.PersonTrust table.
- PersonRecordStatusJob: Updates the 'training status' (DB field: status) based on a ProgrammeMembership starting today or ending yesterday.
- PostEmployingBodyTrustJob: After running this job, tcs.PostTrust table will be truncated and resynchronised with populated EmployingBody Trust data.
- PostTrainingBodyTrustJob: Will also synchronise populated trainingBody Trust data into tcs.PostTrust table.
- PersonElasticSearchSyncJob: Will truncate index of persons in ElasticSearch and then create new index and save documents of populated PersonView for ElasticSearch.
- PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob should be triggered after PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob.
- PostTrainingBodyTrustJob should be triggered after PostEmployingBodyTrustJob.PersonElasticSearchSyncJob should be triggered after PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob and PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob are finished.