- Check which files (if any) weren't sent to ESR (comparing export ETLs and FTP Sync job in #esr_operations channel in slack)
Moved missing file to the 'outbound' folder in Azure for today (22nd) ready to be processed at 18:00.
- Validate the file was processed by ESR the next day.
- Add application level retries to cope with temporary connectivity issues.
Detection / Timeline
- 2019-05-21 1700: Ansible message to #esr_operations channel reporting failure.
- 2019-05-21 1745 (approx.): Message from Ansible picked up and job run manually via jenkins.
- 2019-05-21 1800: FTP Sync runs and picks up all but 1 file.
- 2019-05-22 1130: Investigation started. Found that there was 1 file placed in Azure after the FTP sync ran and the last file uploaded was processed by ESR.
- 2019-05-22 1458: Copied file from yesterday's outbound folder (2019-05-21) to today's outbound folder (2019-05-21).
- 2019-05-23 0807: Checked that file was processed by ESR. Email in #esr_emails confirms file contents