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Table of Contents

There are 5 jobs in sync service:

  • PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob: Truncates and repopulates the list of connections between trainees and the employingBody trust. It writes data into the database table tcs.PersonTrust.
  • PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob: Repopulates the list of connections between trainees and the trainingBody trust. It also writes into tcs.PersonTrust, and is triggered after PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob, so the data wouldn't be truncated at first.
  • PostEmployingBodyTrustJob: Truncates and repopulates the list of connections between posts and the employingBody trust. It writes data into the database tcs.PostTrust.
  • PostTrainingBodyTrustJob: Repopulates the list of connections between posts and the trainingBody trust. It also writes into tcs.PostTrust, and is triggered after PostTrainingBodyTrustJob, so the data wouldn't be truncated at first.
  • PersonElasticSearchSyncJob: Truncates index of persons in ElasticSearch and creates a new index of persons. Then repopulates the documents of PersonViews from TCS-Service and saves these documents in ElasticSearch. 


Sequence Diagram for sync jobs:

Image Added

The processing flows of PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob, PostEmployingBodyTrustJob, PostTrainingBodyTrustJob are similar to PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob, so there's no need to repeat the diagram.

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Time scheduled

00:05 PersonOwnerRebuildJob

00:09 PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob


01:29 PersonElasticSearchSyncJob

Job Execution Order

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Sequence Diagram for sync jobs:

Image Removed

The processing flows of PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJob, PostEmployingBodyTrustJob, PostTrainingBodyTrustJob are similar to PersonPlacementEmployingBodyTrustJob, so there's no need to repeat the diagram.

Image Removed01:45 PostFundingStatusSyncJob

02:00 PersonRecordStatusJob

If the container is restarted in a pre-defined time range (00:00:00+00:00 to 07:00:00+00:00) then the jobs are run sequentially.

Note: All the time are here in UTC

Run jobs out of schedule

Instructions taken from Refresh Elasticsearch cache page.

Where possible; it is easiest to use the web interface at the root of the application (https://<host IP/domain name here>/sync/.).


If a job needs to be run manually, e.g. after a database has been re-imported to stagefrom the server, the instructions taken from Refresh Elasticsearch cache page can be used:

  1. Copy the commands below into your favorite text editor.
  2. Replace the $bean_name and $job_method with the ones for the job you are re-running.
  3. ssh into either the blue or green server and paste the modified commands in a single chunk and it will go through the process of:
    1. downloading the JDK and the JMX client
    2. copy them to the container
    3. extract the compressed JDK
    4. launch the JMX client and
    5. restart the sync job.


cd /tmp
mkdir javatools
cd javatools
cd ..
docker cp javatools sync_sync_1:/tmp
docker exec -it sync_sync_1 /bin/bash
cd /tmp/javatools
tar -zxvf jdk-8-linux-x64.tar.gz
rm jdk-8-linux-x64.tar.gz
./jdk1.8.0_202/bin/java -jar jmxterm-1.0.0-uber.jar
open 1
domain sync.mbean
bean sync.mbean:name=$bean_name
run $job_method
run isCurrentlyRunning

When your you're back at the bash-4.4# prompt you can run the following command to keep an eye on the progress of the sync.

tail /var/log/apps/sync.log -f

Summary of what to run:

Failed/Out-of-date JobManaged Bean NameMethod NameThings that need to be done after this has been started


PersonPlacementEmployingBodyJobdoPersonPlacementEmployingBodyFullSyncRe-run PersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJobPersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJobPersonPlacementTrainingBodyTrustJobPersonPlacementTrainingBodyFullSyncnone (assuming only this failed)PostEmployingBodyTrustJobPostEmployingBodyTrustJobPostEmployingBodyTrustFullSyncRe-run PostTrainingBodyTrustJobPostTrainingBodyTrustJobPostTrainingBodyTrustJobPostTrainingBodyTrustFullSyncnone (assuming only this failed)PersonElasticSearchSyncJobPersonElasticSearchJobpersonElasticSearchSyncnone