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Overviews of the iteration


  • Overview of the last couple of weeks

  • Any interruptions to our apps / Live Defects

  • Team going through what they’ve achieved during the


  • last couple of weeks

  • Feedback from those on the call on what we have done (constructive criticism / praise / questions)

  • Collaboration with those on the call on what to do next

Please ask questions, that’s what this Review is primarily for - your constructive interrogation of what we’re doing:

  • out loud on the call - really, we’d appreciate you doing this!;

  • write in the Team meeting chat; or

  • fill in the post-Review survey after the call (for questions that occur after the call is over, or if you don’t want to ask the question during the call for whatever reason, and for letting us know whether the Review meets your expectations, or whether you have some suggestions for improvement)




  • 2 LiveDefects this iteration (last fortnight): TIS Reference migration interrupted TIS between 16.00-18.15 on a Fri afternoon / Thames Valley list of doctors did not automatically sync on Reval - it was available again within 40mins of discovery.

  • Reval app: Changing Recommendation history order to be by ‘Actual Submission Date’, with newest record at the top.

  • TIS Self-Service app: Following feedback from the last Review, we’ve made it easier/more obvious for Trainees to save Form Rs as PDF. A webinar has been arranged to target those HEE admins coming into TIS Self-Service recently. We had a 'Hack day' where we created a chatbot proof of concept. 3rd Pilot summary of progress (sign ups 43.3%, 96.5% have signed up with SMS, 86.2% have submitted a Form R Part B, only 2 Trainee queries, few support requests)

  • Quarterly Objectives and Key Results (OKRs): TIS Self-Service 3rd Pilot is going very smoothly, with only a couple of queries so far. We are also making good progress on our technical OKR.

  • Changes to the roadmap: n/a.

Live Issues:


(the reason we include these is to be open and transparent about when our apps have been compromised, in order to confirm that we’re constantly iterating to improve performance, resilience and security of our Apps.)

Jira Legacy
serverSystem JIRA
jqlQueryproject = TIS21 AND issuetype = LiveDefect AND ((created >= 2022-03-01 AND created <= 2022-03-15) OR (status changed to done after "2022/03/01 11:00")) order by created DESC

Incident logs

2022-03-04 TIS services disrupted

2022-03-03 TV list of doctors did not sync for Under notice and All doctors

Dev team demo


work completed during this iteration (last two weeks)




Team Representative

Demo - from Prod URL where feasible

TIS Self-Service (TSS)

Trainee feedback (via TIS Admins) - Make ‘how to save Form R as a PDF’ process clearer so admins get fewer queries.

john o

Forms List screens


Image Added


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Submitted Form R page


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Clicking on Save a copy as a PDF button opens this page (desktop browser)…


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…then clicking Save opens this with a default filename of: TIS Self-Service _ Form R Part-A.pdf

Image Modified

Webinar arranged for 24th March

Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) / Nazia AKHTAR

Audience will be admins who haven't been involved to this point

TIS “Hack day”


The TIS Team had a Hack day this iteration. The purpose was to come together as a team and work through one or more challenges as a team, free from the normal daily distractions of planned work and meetings. This is an increasingly standard tool for teams to improve their collaboration, team-working to deadlines, and to do peer-to-peer personal development.

This Hack day focused around two challenges, one of which was a practical one relating to TIS Self-Service: the idea of developing a chatbot to answer questions that Trainees might have that are related to the Form R they are being asked to complete.


TIS Self-Service 3rd Pilot progress


Out of the 201 Trainees forming this pilot

  • Ensure trainees can independently create an account on TSS
    We have seen


  • 87 accounts created (up from 49 last iteration) and only a couple of issues raised so far

  • Ensure trainees can use SMS to authenticate
    We can see


  • 84 trainees logged in via SMS (up from 48), 3 via Authenticator app (up from 1)

  • Ensure instructions in the comms are understood clearly by trainees
    We have seen a reduction in queries to admins which shows that guidelines were clearly understood

  • Ensure forms are submitted
    We have seen


  • 65 Form R Part A (up from 36) and 75 Form R Part B (up from 38) submissions as part of this 3rd Pilot submitted by trainees


Sorting Recommendation history in details page


Recommendation history order by Actual Submission Date, with newest record at the top

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Trainee Information System (TIS)

date validation has been added to ensure Placements cannot have an end date set before the start date

Edward Barclay

Placement Planning tool:

Image Added

Person Placement Update page:

Image Added

Electronic Staff Record (ESR)

Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA)

Objective Key Results (OKRs) 2021/22 Q4:


Image Added







OKR #1: Prepare and launch 3rd TSS pilot

Preparing for the wider release of TSS in 3 tranches from April 2022

Key Result#1: 99% of trainees successfully able to login using self-sign up and the MFA.

too early

too early




Key Result#2: 25% of trainees complete a survey.

too early

too early




Key Result#3: Support materials enriched based on feedback.

too early

too early




Key Result#4: 95% of admins agree that the process has been made more efficient by TSS.

too early

too early




OKR #2: Keycloak to Cognito authentication migration

Extricating us from our reliance on an outdated application (Keycloak), several major versions behind what is supported

Key Result#1: All TIS apps can accept authentication from Cognito.

too early





Key Result#2: Keycloak is no longer used for user authentication by any TIS apps.

too early





TIS team development (following external review)

titleUp to end of Q4 | Iteration #5

We highlighted that we recently had an external review of how we work within the TIS team. From that review, a number of recommendations were put forward for how we can alter things going forward. The whole team is actively working towards implementing these recommendations. As we are a team that at its core believes in transparency and openness, we decided to give you a flavour of what we have been working on:


Up to end of Q4 | Iteration #5

  • We've created and published a Team charter. And we’ve completed initial work on adhering to the team Charter - a soft/supportive approach of using regular team health-checks against the Charter values: Empathy, Unity, Transparency and Collaboration.

  • We're reviewing all our meetings and events with a view to rationalising them in the near future

  • We're embarking on team training in User-Centred Design: Online, 15hrs over 5 days | On-site at one of our offices, 1 day. Some of the team attended the online GDS UCD training, others are booked to attend in Feb and Mar.

  • Progressed work on standardising Job Descriptions / Job Summaries. We’ve identified the need for two roles we don’t currently have in the team: User Researcher and Performance Analyst.

  • Debating sensible ways of splitting the team’s work up by Services and Products.

  • Started the review of Stakeholder mapping.

  • Had an end of Quarter Review and looked forward to Q4.

  • Agreed we need to reach out to gain more context for what we do in TIS, within the wider HEE and NHS. And we’ve started having these sessions (one from Jon Howes on PGMDE and another on Digital First). If anyone reading this would like to volunteer to do a session, please let us know!

  • Started the process of agreeing standard team events (TIS team meetings, stakeholder sessions etc), and central comms (Teams, Sharepoint, mailboxes, etc), so that communicating within the team is more efficient and communicating with us will be, too.

TIS interim roadmap:

Trello board



We really do welcome any feedback you have for us - whether it be negative or positive, or whether it be a suggestion of something we could try/incorporate in a future Review. We absolutely don’t want to stand still. We’re very happy applying the 12th Agile principle of ‘becoming more productive’ to our Reviews themselves! Your contributions to this survey are entirely anonymous, should you wish to include anything others might perceive as controversial. We welcome any and all feedback, as long as it is constructive!