WIP: This will be improved upon to be platform-aware but the devops jobs will be automatically updated when that happens
Creating new stack
- Check out TIS-DEVOPS
- Create a new directory under docker/stacks/:stack_name
- Add a docker-compose.yml in that new directory. If your application needs environment variables then use an env_file section, i.e.
- ./:stack_name.env Create new playbook under ansible/ directory that matches your service name
- Add the hosts to the Ansible inventory file for platforms you are targetting.
Create a Jinja template under ansible/roles/docker_compose/templates/:stack_name.env.j2
- Commit and push your changes to Github.
- Create a deploy job in Jenkins by copying the 'revalidation-dev-deploy' job and changing the export STACK=revalidation to match your stack name.
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