On Friday 3rd April, the development team came together in the first step to the migration to AWS. We came together virtually as there was a little global pandemic happening so the conversation was facilitated via MS Teams with the usage of aww to sketch up any diagrams and notes.
It's been known for some time now that the current cloud provider (Microsoft Azure) was not suited for what we need/want. Issues with the speed in which infrastructure is created/destroyed. Features that are considered are a must are missing, poor documentation, poor support are some of the issues to say the least.
We’ve been given the approval to use AWS in place of Azure as its more mature, has the features we need and is a leader in the space.
The plan for this session was understand what we currently have in Azure as well as their dependencies. This will give us some transparency on what would be required in AWS to have the same sort of features as well as have some appreciation of the size of the task at hand.
What we currently have
The following is what was drawn up from the session
Apologies for the low resolution image! aww didn’t export the file in high resolution.
Below is a description of the current Azure system.
The applications are currently deployed to 2 virtual machines (blue/green) per environment (dev, staging, production)
These app servers host the docker images for TIS as well as run the Apache service for reverse proxying
Storing the data for these applications is a single (per environment) database server hosting MySql. This
MongoDB is also used to store information for the ESR integration system. This is currently a 3 docker node system on one VM with the idea to moving to 3 separate VMs
There are a number of ElasticSearch instances of different versions, holding
We have a build server that currently holds Jenkins, Sonarqube and metabase
N3 bridge
A jumpbox (bastion server) to allow SSH connectivity
A VMs hosting monitoring tools such as Graphana, Prometheus
Going forward