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  • You have docker /docker desktop installed on your computer.
  • You have access to a copy of TIS Stage/Prod data.
  • You have added "" in your /etc/hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts for Windows).

Set up TIS core services with dev-handbook

  • Clone dev-handbook, go to the "dev-handbook/admins-ui/environment-setup", and do `docker-compose up` to bring docker containers up. 
  • Stop the docker containers "tis-nginx", "tis-admins-ui", as we're going to use another nginx container and the built scripts of admins-ui.
  • To setup Keycloak together with Admins-UI, the necessary containers we have to start up include: 


  • Build TIS-ADMINS-UI: do `npm run build` and then you would notice an `admin` folder is created under the project folder.

Configure MySQL database

  1. If you've already got MySQL db setup locally with data, skip this step and go to step 2.
    Get a copy of tis backup db data from S3 bucket (this could be either Prod or Stage) and upzip it on your local.
    After tis-mysql docker container is started up, import data into MySQL . (If you have no idea how to do this, please check with one of other devs).
  2. Run `docker exec -it tis-mysql bash` on your command line, then in the new bash env, type `mysql` to login, and modify the password of MySQL user `keycloak` by executing the following command:

    alter user 'keycloak'@'%' identified by '11111111';
  3. Run the following scripts in command line or via MySQL Workbench:

    use keycloak;
    -- clear admin user in keycloak
    SET @user_id = (SELECT ID FROM USER_ENTITY where username = "admin");
    delete from CREDENTIAL where user_id = @user_id;
    delete from USER_ROLE_MAPPING where user_id = @user_id;
    delete from USER_ENTITY where id = @user_id;
    SET @api_gateway_client_id = (select CLIENT where CLIENT_ID = 'api-gateway' and REALM_ID = (SELECT ID FROM keycloak.REALM where NAME = 'lin'));
    -- reset secret for api-gateway
    update CLIENT
    set SECRET = 'local11111111' where ID = @api_gateway_client_id;
    -- reset redirect_uris
    delete from REDIRECT_URIS where CLIENT_ID = @api_gateway_client_id;
    insert into REDIRECT_URIS values(@api_gateway_client_id, '/admin/redirect_uri');
    insert into REDIRECT_URIS values(@api_gateway_client_id, '*');
    insert into REDIRECT_URIS values(@api_gateway_client_id, 'http://localhost/*');
    insert into REDIRECT_URIS values(@api_gateway_client_id, '/access/index.html');
    insert into REDIRECT_URIS values(@api_gateway_client_id, '/logout/index.html');
    -- reset web_origins
    update WEB_ORIGINS
    set value = '' where CLIENT_ID = @api_gateway_client_id;

Configure Keycloak + Apache + Nginx

Please clone to get started. 

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