Programmes - Consolidation
For Discussion
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# | Comment | Owner |
1 | Should the Programme Name and Number be unique ? Programme Name is not unique. I'm not sure on whether an agreement on naming convention has been agreed in consolidation but there will be many duplicate programmes. | |
2 | Should the Programme Number be unique ? The programme number is unique. This number is assigned by the GMC to each local Programme when it gains first approval. |
Hicom and HEE have completed the consolidation of 9 separate Intrepid DBs, into a single DB. As part of the consolidation, Hicom have created the table vwLocalOffice to trace the consolidated data back to the DB origin;
Programme Consolidation Metabase Dashboard
Programme by LocalOfficeName and Status;
select LocalOfficeName, Status, count(*) from [HEELIVE].[vwProgramme] as p join [HEELIVE].[vwLocalOffice] as lo on (lo.ItemType = 'Programme' and lo.UniqueID = p.ProgrammeID) group by LocalOfficeName, Status order by 2,1;
This is the distribution of the Hicom LocalOffice table data to Programmes;
Programme by LocalOfficeName and Status
There are 153 Programmes that have been assigned to multiple LocalOffices;
select LocalOfficeName, Status, count(*) from [HEELIVE].[vwProgramme] as p join [HEELIVE].[vwLocalOffice] as lo on (lo.ItemType = 'Programme' and lo.UniqueID = p.ProgrammeID) where p.ProgrammeID in (select UniqueID from [HEELIVE].[vwLocalOffice] as lo where lo.ItemType = 'Programme' group by UniqueID having count(*) > 1) group by LocalOfficeName, Status order by 2,1;
The following LocalOffices have shared Programmes within them;
Programmes that have been assigned to multiple LocalOffices
There are 70 Programmes with duplicated ProgrammNumber and ProgrammeName, though only 2 are still active Programmes;
select ProgrammeNumber, ProgrammeName, status, count(*) from [HEELIVE].[vwProgramme] as p group by ProgrammeNumber, ProgrammeName, status having count(*) > 1 order by 3,4 desc;
If using the smart search in TIS for Programmes, by Programme Number or Name, searching the following values will cause duplicates to be returned;
Programmes with duplicated ProgrammNumber and ProgrammeName
Of the 2 active duplicate Programmes, this is the details;
select lo.LocalOfficeName, p.* from [HEELIVE].[vwProgramme] as p join [HEELIVE].[vwLocalOffice] as lo on (lo.ItemType = 'Programme' and lo.UniqueID = p.ProgrammeID) where exists (select ProgrammeNumber, ProgrammeName from [HEELIVE].[vwProgramme] as pc where pc.status = 'Current' and pc.ProgrammeNumber = p.ProgrammeNumber and pc.ProgrammeName = p.ProgrammeName group by ProgrammeNumber, ProgrammeName having count(*) > 1)
Details on the 2 duplicated Current Programmes;
active duplicate Programmes Names and Numbers
There are 818 duplicated ProgrammeNumbers, of which 49 are active
select ProgrammeNumber, status, count(*) from [HEELIVE].[vwProgramme] as p group by ProgrammeNumber, status having count(*) > 1 order by 2,3 desc;
If using the smart search in TIS for Programmes, by Programme Number, searching the following values will cause duplicates to be returned;
The 49 Current ProgrammeNumber = 219 Programmes;
select lo.LocalOfficeName, p.* from [HEELIVE].[vwProgramme] as p join [HEELIVE].[vwLocalOffice] as lo on (lo.ItemType = 'Programme' and lo.UniqueID = p.ProgrammeID) where ProgrammeNumber in (select ProgrammeNumber from [HEELIVE].[vwProgramme] as p where status = 'Current' group by ProgrammeNumber, status having count(*) > 1) order by ProgrammeNumber
Details on the 49 duplicated Current Programmes Numbers;
Current duplicated ProgrammeNumber
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