People - Field Validation | Oriel & ESR Interfaces

People - Field Validation | Oriel & ESR Interfaces

Currently, when a person record is created, the following steps will occur

  1. the trainee applies for a programme (and so placements) via the Oriel portal, where they enter their personal details and preferences about training
  2. this information is then validated, the trainee goes through vetting and interview process before being offered a place on a programme 
  3. the trainee is then to accept the offer via Oriel and ensures all necessary documents are attached to their application/acceptance
  4. once they have accepted the place, Oriel updates its systems to allow Intrepid pick up a nightly file stating who has accepted a place and so needs to exist in the database
  5. HEE admins either use the import tool or manually update their systems to add trainees to the database, this information is limited and should be supplemented at later stages
  6. Once a trainee has been recorded, an update file is shared with ESR who then use that as a trigger to create any new records that are required in their systems.


The Oriel import fields in Intrepid are as follows

  • Applicant
  • GMC
  • GDC
  • Applied Grade
  • Documents

/wiki/spaces/TISDEV/pages/59315189 guide can be found here.

Key Points:

  • automated xml extract end of each night
  • produced per local office
  • first night after
    • status = “offer accepted” to programme or “accepted withdrawn”
    • complete set of documents attached
  • the file includes applications and associated documents for each RO
  • withdrawals are also shared in this way
  • access restricted to each local office / trust
  • notifies relevant users
  • documents attached in their original format

To Be

There is a new overall assumption that person record data will now be derived from an ESR file interface, and so the impacts are several.

According to this new assumption the following records will come from ESR:

  • person
  • address
  • professional bodies
  • qualifications
  • sickness absence

Further Assumptions

  1. New trainee records will be initially populated from Oriel import data << by whom?
  2. Oriel knows placements related to a programme (could be incorrectly named) << how is this maintained?
  3. ESR records will be generated from the TIS record on first appearance << is this true?
  4. TIS records can be overwritten by ESR updates << are they / should they be?
  5. Trainees can update their details in Oriel << at what points in the application journey and at what point does this stop being relevant to ESR / Intrepid, if at all?
  6. An application is initially generated within the first nightly extract after it is processed to a status of ‘Offer accepted’ in Oriel.
    1. In the event that any part of an extracted application record (including documents) is amended, the entire ‘Application’ and ‘Document’ dataset is extracted again at the next nightly occurrence.
    2. if the application acceptance is withdrawn, this is also updated at the next nightly extract


The full ESR spec can be found here.

In detail, the following will be shared with TIS, the fields are also flagged on the People Field Validation screen

*Field labels italicised are not currently in scope to display to TIS users

Person Record

  • Record Type
  • Position ID
  • Assignment ID
  • Change/Delete Indicator
  • NHS Unique Identifier
  • Employee Number
  • National Insurance Number
  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Maiden Name
  • Title
  • Gender
  • DOB
  • NTN << does this really come from ESR if it's being mastered in TIS?
  • Home Telephone Number
  • Mobile Telephone Number
  • Work Telephone Number
  • Home Fax umber
  • Email Address
  • Ethnic Origin
  • Latest Start Date << is this a placement start date or programme start date? (This is the placement start date)
  • Residency Status
  • Work Permit Required
  • Work Permit Number
  • Work Permit Expiry Date
  • NHS entry date
  • GMC Registered First Name
  • GMC Registered Surname

Address Record (there may be multiple addresses)

  • record type
  • position ID
  • assignment ID
  • change/delete indicator
  • primary flag
  • address type
  • address line 1
  • address line 2
  • address line 3
  • town << there is a 4th line available in address fields
  • county << there is a 4th line available in address fields
  • post code
  • country << there is a 4th line available in address fields

Professional Bodies Record

  • Record Type
  • Position ID
  • Assignment ID
  • Change/Delete Indicator
  • Professional Registration Scheme
  • Professional Registration Expiry Date
  • Professional Registration Scheme Number
  • Status
  • Specialties << does this refer to curriculum specialities or something else?

Qualifications Record

  • Record Type
  • Position ID
  • Assignment ID
  • Change/Delete Indicator
  • Qualification Type
  • Qualification Name
  • Awarded Date
  • Establishment
  • Country

Absence Record (only provided if the employing body approves sickness absence information to be shared)

  • Record Type
  • Position ID
  • Assignment ID
  • Change/Delete indicator
  • Sickness Absence Actual Start Date
  • Sickness Absence actual end date

Mapping of ESR - Oriel -TIS fields (Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed), Sunil Rochani (Unlicensed) , Former user (Deleted))

ESR - Oriel - TIS Fields mapping v0.1.xlsx

Mapping of Reference data for ESR - Oriel - TIS (Former user (Deleted))

Reference Data - Oriel to Intrepid and ESR mapping v4.xlsx

ESR Interfaces - Inbound and Outbound flows v0.3 (Former user (Deleted))

ESR List of Values

ESR-NHS0057 ESR Interface List of Values v10.0.doc

For Discussion

1Who creates accounts first ESR or intrepid in the current way of working?

(IO) According to NE local office, the ESR record is created off the back of the Intrepid record. This can be done the other way around, but is not currently used; it would be worthwhile confirming whether this is the case in all local offices.

ESR Guide - Once a person is appointed to a post in the Deanery/HEE Local Offices system, the Deanery/HEE Local Offices system creates an applicant record with a status of ‘preferred applicant’ and an ESR Position Number populated with the relevant ESR position number as originally supplied on the Deanery Update Interface.

In practice, the details of the rotation are sent from the Deanery/HEE Local Offices Systems to the NHS INTERFACE HUB which will transform the data into an ESR notification format, targeted for the MSO Role. This notification provides MSO (these are trust users of ESR; ESR called them Medical Staffing Office) with details about where their current trainees are moving to (probably six weeks before the projected hire date) and details of new starters in table format.

AR: Deanery Update Interface sends Position details to TIS/Intrepid. Placements for matched posts retrieved with applicant details on TIS/Intrepid and sent to ESR in an APP file. VPD's  will either create new employee or update existing employee records with those details via the Deanery Inbound Recruitment Interface on ESR. Please see above workflow for more details.  

2Should Admins be able to edit data imported from Oriel in TIS?

Yes, this is normal practice as a trainee's contact details (as an example) can change from the time they completed their application to when they started their new job. 

3Should Admins be able to edit data imported from ESR at all? If so, when?

In the case of ESR-TIS flow of data we will need the local offices to agree which system is the master and for which fields

AR: Within intrepid, when changes are made to trainee records, the Notifications Export Interface will send those updates to ESR via a Generic Inbound Notification File. Master Rotation Noification Spreadsheet is created on ESR via the Generic Inboud Notification Inteface and Medical Staffing Officer notified. It is within the remot of the MSO to decide whether to accept those changes on ESR or ignore.  

4What do employers (who is classed as an employer) do with Oriel access? If anything at all...

Will vary.  If you have a lead employer that manages recruitment and employment the employer will have Oriel access.  

Perhaps one for the data leads in each local office to supply the info for?


At what point is the NTN shared with ESR?

AR: Please refer to the workflow diagram. Positions are created on ESR manually by VPDs/Trusts with the Position number,  ODS number,  DPN number etc. which comprise of a Postion Information. Every evening the APP file sent to ESR will contain the applicant details for the matched posts requested in the morning for that day. NTN number is one of the Person record details sent in the APP file.SML

Person Record: "Latest Start Date" in ESR << is this a placement start date or programme start date?

AR: This is the placement start date.
7TIS is currently specified to show 4 address lines, ESR has capabiity of sending 3 + town + county + country. Are these fields we should consider adding to TIS view?

Distinguish country field from others

AR: ContactAddreddCountry is available from Oriel and makes sense to have on TIS and send to ESR. Town and county are not on Oriel and would therefore not be populated to be sent to ESR. 


Professional Bodies Record: Specialties << does this refer to curriculum specialities or something else?

AR: The Professional Bodies Record are GMC details. ESR has integration with GMC. However, ESR would like GMC/GDC Number, Start date and End Date to be sent from TIS. The remaining fields can be received via the LRMP GMC file through GMC interface directly, which includes the Specialties against which the trainee holds registration with the GMC.  

What is the offer that’s received by a trainee via Oriel? is it a placement, or programme acceptance that’s asked of them?

It is an offer of a place on a Programme. An offer in oriel has details such as the following attached to it: a unique Offer Code, Grade, Duration in months, geographical area of the offer (sector, sub-region, region), Recruitment Office it belongs to (Local Office). There are other details that are also available to the applicant at offer which are part of the vacancy like the specialty, dual specialty(where applicable), level, recruitment year and type.Ashley Ransoo

How is trainee data supplemented beyond what's provided from Oriel?

  • why are only a subset of data fields imported via oriel, can we look to getting more?
AR: Mapping exercise already in progress to supplement what's possible for ESR. Whilst we aim to supply all the mandatory fields on ESR, there are fields that are non-mandatory on Oriel, hence TIS and may not be sent to ESR. These are currently being looked into. In addition Oriel/TIS/ESR reference/LOV data are currently being reviewed to agree on alignment where possible to either ESR or Oriel.SML

Which fields are mandatory v optional? Would it be worthwile expanding the data that's imported via Oriel?

AR: Mandatory ESR Fields are marked with a (plus) in the ESR NHS0098 Streamlined documentation. Amongst those is 'National Insurance Number' which is currently optional field on Oriel for valid reasons. Speaking to Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) - If the NI number isn’t brought across on the Oriel interface a trust will need to input it on ESR after the initial trainee record is created.ORIEL
12Which documents are needed to be part of the trainees acceptance / application? Who appends them?

AR: In Oriel, applicants are required to submit competences documents as part of their application submission process. The type of competences documents submitted depends on the grade and level of the Programme they are applying for. Some of the types of competences required to be submitted with their application are i) FPCC, (ii) ARCP/RITA ,(iii) Educational/Clinical supervisor report., (iv) Alternative Certificate of Core Competence, and (v) Supporting documents (e.g. Visa, passport etc.)

In addition, references requests PDFs that are completed by referees are also sent in the Oriel extract.

How are these documents used by Trusts and Employers and do they have any bearing with ESR?

Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
13Who is the master of Post data? ESR or Intrepid currentlyAR: Posts are managed by HEE. Positions Information records are keyed in manually on ESR by Trusts/VPDs. The Positions Information Records contains DPN number amongs other information and is sent via the ESR Deanery Update Interface to TIS/Intrepid every morning. Where the position information match to placement records, applicant details are sent to ESR. Please refer to the workflow diagram.Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)ML
14Do Admins update ESR and Intrepid person data?

Gwilym Williams - We make the changes in Intrepid but I'm not sure how ESR is updated based on those changes. I believe they only get the person data up until the start date of the placement in that Trust

AR: Former user (Deleted) There is mention in the spec that changes made will only be received where the placement start date is within 3 months.

15What are the arrangements for local offices about who inputs the placements into intrepid at the moment? Is it HEE admins or Trust admins? Thanks in advance.  (cc'ing for info Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed) Former user (Deleted) Joanne Watson (Unlicensed))

Tom de Salis (WM): It varies from region to region. It's HEE admins in the West Mids, but I'm aware of other areas where it's Trusts. 

Like No. 4 perhaps we need to ask the data leads in each local office to advise (JW 30.10.17)

Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
16Is there a window during which the placements should be imported to Intrepid? Reason I ask is because of the ESR interface that sends placements updates to Intrepid.  (cc'ing for info Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed) Former user (Deleted) Joanne Watson (Unlicensed))

Tom de Salis (WM): 

We would not pull placement data from ESR, we would only send it the other way. SLA is to have the placements on Intrepid by 12 weeks before the start date, ESR's limit is 2 days prior to start date.

Dale Gilbert (NW):

In HENW we put the placements onto Intrepid and then run reports for our Lead Employer so they can then add them to ESR.  We used to use the ESR / Intrepid interface for one of our Lead Employers ( and were planning on setting up the other ) but it was switched off due to a request from the Lead Employer.  The Trusts have minimal access to Intrepid here - mostly for Foundation.

Mairi Hills (HETV)

In HEETV, HEE admin inputs placements into Intrepid and the trusts do use the ESR/Intrepid Interface.

Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
17Which Oriel fields are mandatory v optional for the trainee to complete?AR: Duplicate of #11?ORIEL

Who will Oriel extract be produced for with the concept of one HEE?

AR: Pelase refer to Oriel Workflow for ingestion of trainees into TIS.Oriel-TIS Integration (Current).ORIEL
19Oriel - 
  • what is an RO?

It stands for Recruitment Office/Organisation in Oriel. 

For the purposes of postgraduate medical and dental training the UK NHS is divided into regions which have responsibility for recruiting for, managing, overseeing and commissioning postgraduate medical & dental training. In this role they are ‘Regional Lead’ but they also take the role of ‘National Lead’ for some specialities or specific vacancies.
In England these bodies are known as Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs). 

Ashley Ransoo

What should the failsafe be if the TIS import of Oriel data fails?

Bulk upload of people (via the excel template). Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed) Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)
21ESR: "The Deanery/HEE Local Offices system will be enhanced to add functionality to pass details of ‘Medical Rotations’ to ESR" what's medical rotation here?AR: Based on both ESR and Intrepid documentations, Medical Rotations are the Trainees and their associations to Posts. Basically, placements of trainees but with the added context of current, past and future placement which ESR is interested in order to keep employees records up-to-date.ESR
  • what validation is completed on post data exports and how/where is it updated?

  • what is a position (position reconciliation)? if a placement, are positions created based on extract from Intrepid placements, or something else? How does it differ from an Assigment?

  • duplicate placements cannot be included in the export to ESR, how does it handle shared placements?


Multiple Post Holders and Duplicate ESR Posts:

  • Ashley asked whether ESR can accommodate multiple post holders i.e. more than one person associated with the same post. Victoria confirmed that ESR is built to accommodate this scenario, as long as the post setup has been completed and a post is set to ‘shared’ or the field is left null. Victoria highlighted that the setting for single incumbents, (which would prevent the creation of multiple post holders in ESR) is rarely used.
  • Ashley asked about duplicate post number in multiple VPDs. Victoria briefly explained that a single DPN could exist within two ESR VPDs at one time, but the DPNs should always have an ESR Position Number and Position ID on the outbound file, which would make each post record unique. This is particularly common where there is a lead and host employer situation. ACTION - Joanne agreed to put Ashley in touch with Wendy (who is the payroll manager in the North East Lead Employer), to brief him on this subject. Victoria offered to help wherever the ESR Team can to bring Ashley up to speed.
  • where are ODS codes derived from? how do local offices use them if at all?

26ESR: What is an MSO role?
27ESR: will the option to update by local office, is this still relevant with there being a single database for all records? If not, does the decision to make full or partial imports reside with TIS, or another party?

Data discrepancies between ESR and TCS:

ESR requires the following information:

Contact Last Name, Contact First Name, Contact Gender, Contact Title and Contact Home phone number

A contact will only be created when creating a new person record, not when updating an existing person record.

A contact will be set up for the person with a relationship type of ‘Emergency’ and with the primary flag set. From Date will be set to Effective Date (field 5 above).

Where do we get this information from?

Contact details i.e. next of kin information, 

Contact = next of kin

Not collected as part of Oriel data; will need to be collected outside TIS

AR: From previous discussion, this is deeemed sentitive data and does not serve any purpose on TIS and was therefore recommended to be collested on ESR directly from an IG perspective


Data missing in TCS:

Country of Birth
Town - Could possible be Address4 in DR & TCS? ESR has address lines 1 to 3 only while we have up to 4 lines
Middle Names - Do we split Forenames into First name and middle names?
Mob Tel & Home Tel - On TCS we have Contact phone number 1 & 2, does it matter which is which here?
UK NIN (National insurance number)

Mobile & Telephone number in DR, need to be renamed on front end
30Do we need to record host v lead employer?It is required in some instances, so this should be surfaced on TISESR
31- Are first name / middle name mandatory?

- what's the impact of having multiple first names sent across?


- do trainees need to provide any supplementary information directly? ie for fields not captured in either TIS or Oriel

AR: Similar stance to #11 I believe. For e.g. If the NI number isn’t brought across on the Oriel interface a trust will need to input it on ESR after the initial trainee record is created.ESR

- which fields are mandatory v optional?

AR: Duplicate of #11?ESR

- what is Position ID v Position Number?

AR: Both are unique numbers to ESR. 

Position ID: The ESR unique system generated Position Identifier.

Position Number: Segment 1 from the Position Definition

36what's the impact on trusts that do not use ESR?


Ethnic Orgin - ESR is asking for the following:
The ethnic code of the applicant. If supplied, must match valid ethnic code within ESR

What are the codes ESR use, do we need to map from our Ethnic code string to a code?

AR: I have done a mapping of the ESR LOVs to Oriel/TIS LOV's. Ethnic Origin is one of them. Where the ESR value matches to one of the Intrepid/Oriel values, the ESR interface will sent the code associated to the value. 

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