Placements - Feedback
# | Feedback | Comment | Story? | Reporter | Owner |
1 | Can we have an API between the eportfolio that would automatically update the placements from TIS to eportfolio. That would save the teams duplication of work as we currently put this into intrepid and eportfolio. | No ePortfolio integration for MVP, this can be revisited post March go live | Post MVP | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | |
2 | Can the Trusts (Med Staffing?) have access to TIS to update Educational / Clinical Supervisor. This would then sync via an API with the eportfolio and avoid duplication of work. | Trusts will have access to TIS; permissions to be agreed via email shared on 11/01 | Post MVP | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | |
3 | Can the Royal Colleges/Faculties have access to trainee names, GMC number and NTN as a minimum to allow registration of doctors in that specialty? | Not MVP | Post MVP | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | |
4 | The ability for trainees to review and query placements (if they have moved for example but we haven’t updated TIS). This should be in real time and not just at rotations. | Not MVP - support processes are under review, but live contact is likely to be manual until after MVP | Post MVP | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | |
5 | Can we have a tool which forecasts your future vacancies based on CCT dates, average number of OOPs and maternity per year. This would be a guide for recruitment planning. | This is a planned discussion for the future of Placement manager, not MVP | Post MVP | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | |
6 | Can we have a tool that allows us to plan rotations into the future. This would be especially useful in GP and many of the core specialties. This would allow us to plan and see where a post has been decommissioned or is currently used by another trainee so you can plan a rotation for recruitment. This would also be beneficial to TPDs to allow them to plan their trainee’s rotation progression into the future and could potentially be shared in draft with trainees. This would help us meet the code of practice and allow trainees to plan where we propose they will be working in the future so they can plan accommodation, child care, travel etc. This would also allow trusts to forecast who may be staying with them longer than the current rotations (ie if they are staying in the same hospital for 2 years but the rotation occurs yearly). | This is a planned discussion for the future of Placement manager, not MVP | Post MVP | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | |
7 | Can we have a preferencing facility for rotations where trainees can request certain hospitals, specialties, geographical locations etc. This would again benefit TPDs as they would have information about constraints and requests. | Currently, Trainees can preference certain placements in their initial request via Oriel, however for onward placements this will need to be discussed as a future requirement.. not MVP | Post MVP | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | |
8 | Can we have the ability to communicate rotations with trainees and trusts directly. We would need the ability to work on the data in TIS but then publish it 12 weeks prior to the rotation date. This stops any additional processes and spreadsheets being emailed/sent to Trusts/Trainees. | Allowing trusts access to whatever placement management tool we develop is desirable. Agreed that we should try and eradicate additional processes and spread sheets which cause inefficiency. ESR interface should assist as well to communicate placement details Trainee UI will also inform trainees view their placement information | N/A | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | |
9 | Rules in TIS which won’t allow 2 trainees in the same post unless LTFT. Other rules could be developed ie flagging up when trainees go over the recommended amount of OOP. | The initial approach we have taken is generally warnings rather than hard validation as Tom suggested. In my experience the hard validation can cause more problems than it solves especially with historical records. We can review this with SMLs when we release the placements UI for testing Apply warning message to advise users that they are adding a 3rd user to a post | - TISDEV-2946Getting issue details... STATUS | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | |
10 | Can a rotations schedule be built into TIS which would notify TPDs and staff when rotation deadlines are coming up? This would also generate any tools needed to plan rotations for TPDs and staff and drive notifications to Trusts and Trainees. | As I said above the intention is for complex reports to be managed by BI from the data warehouse. We could then allow users to run these reports as and when required potentially. This should be treated as part of Reporting considerations / feedback Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | ||
11 | Can reports be built to allow teams to see errors in TIS, ie 2 trainees in the same post but not LTFT, no trainee in post etc | This should be treated as part of Reporting considerations / feedback Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) | - TISDEV-3671Getting issue details... STATUS | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | |
12 | Can a report be generated per Trust which allows staff, TPDs, HoS and Postgraduate Deans to review where a Trusts are repeatedly under filled and may need intervention or if quality issues then the post can be transferred to another Trust. | This should be treated as part of Reporting considerations / feedback Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) | - TISDEV-3672Getting issue details... STATUS | Matt Butcher, 12/10 | |
13 | Can we have a facility within TIS where we publish data, that way we can have a working database with information that is held for internal view only, and is then published (discussion needed on how this works) so that trusts see/generated in reports they run. | Not MVP. Discussions have been held around a draft option to create placements in a holding area but this will likely form part of any future placement management development. | Post MVP | Angela Fletcher, 10/10 Lynn Bradley, 10/10 Amanda Barber, 10/10 | |
14 | TIS/e-portfolio interface - I think this was one of the original main selling points of the TIS proposal, but we should keep talking about it so they don't pretend to have forgotten | We have had a number of meetings with various Colleges relating to this. Previously with 13 instances of Intrepid and multiple Colleges the task was very difficult but now after consolidation it presents us with an opportunity. We will not achieve this pre April but absolutely intend to crack this as we know how much inefficiency is caused by the necessity of duplication. As SMLs we hope you will all be involved in helping us find a solution. Not MVP | Post MVP | Tom de Salis, 17/10 | |
15 | Trust access - Our local med staffing departments have access in V10. We have them keep the supervisors' records up to date, but I don't know if we have them linking them to the trainees or posts | The trusts will have access to TIS to support HEE. I have been discussing the management of trainers within TIS and how we might support this after Accreditation pathway is removed. I see no reason why trusts should not be given access to manage this process while the same as above applies to the API with Eportfolio. | N/A | Tom de Salis, 17/10 | |
16 | Royal College access - Didn't they used to be able to pull their own new starter reports or did I imagine that? | It’s unlikely that Royal Colleges will have access to TIS themselves but there may be an option to allow them to run their own reports. This is a requirement we will have to explore further. A potential reporting consideration Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) | - TISDEV-3673Getting issue details... STATUS | Tom de Salis, 17/10 | |
17 | Trainee access - Our trainees have access in V10, and can view their own placement history, but most of the older trainees are still stuck on e-portfolio. We'll probably get more interaction once TIS becomes their first port of call | Within the trainee user interface trainees will be able to view the placements we hold for them at any time. | N/A | Tom de Salis, 17/10 | |
18 | Forecasting vacancies - Would be nice but may be a bit complicated for just a module (considering how complex the WSP work was) | This sounds like something that would be dealt with by a reporting tool. We can nail down specific requirements and get the Business Intelligence team to write the code. Not MVP for Admin UI capability, however possible via Reporting | Post MVP | Tom de Salis, 17/10 | |
19 | Future posts - V10 allows you to put placements on as far into the future as you like, Placement Manager also allows this to be done in 'draft' without releasing to trainees | While a placement management tool is out of scope for TCS and will not be delivered pre April it is my expectation that we will look to design and implement a much better version of the Intrepid placement management tool after April that will have many of the features you mention above and should be easy to use for TPDs and whoever else plans/maintains trainee placements. Not MVP for Admin UI - this can be achieved via Spreadsheet upload which has not yet been developed but will be for March | Post MVP | Tom de Salis, 17/10 | |
20 | Preferencing - Would be nice, but without a ranking system it would be hard to automate. We use the allocations preferencing in Oriel, which works well because the trainees are ranked at interview, but once they're in training they're not ranked anymore | This relates to a placement management tool and the trainee user interface. We will explore any functions that users deem helpful although this does sound like the logic required would be fairly difficult. Not MVP | Post MVP | Tom de Salis, 17/10 | |
21 | Comms - I would love the ability to email everyone in a programme at the push of a button, this would be useful for a lot of things. Alistair - do we maybe need a separate Comms group? I can see that discussion being quite large on its own | It is desirable that we have some sort of in system comms tool which could be used for notifications/ reminders and comms with colleagues. Not MVP | Post MVP | Tom de Salis, 17/10 | |
22 | Placement rules - I would agree to alerts, but 'rules' can get annoying. If the system just flat didn't allow two trainees to be in the same post unless they're in a slot-share, you would have to input placements in a very specific order to avoid breaking the rules, which, given the regularity of changes to placements with LTFT trainees, would get very frustrating for those doing the inputting | We definitely intend to support data quality with indicators to give users sight of poor data. Validation rules will be shared following the call for review, via the Field Validation | PDF created and shared on Teams | Tom de Salis, 17/10 | |
23 | the ability to record a secondary site if the individual is at 2 sites (as can often be the case for Orthodontics in the NW, for example) | Should allow multiple sites per placement | Dale Gilbert | ||
24 | Hi Alistair Pringle - your final point about complex reports to be managed by BI from the data warehouse - is this the power BI we have for the hicom dashboard? would this be available to all users of TCS or would this be restricted to data managers, key administrators? I assume this is something that will be discussed with the reporting and data extraction SMLs Joanne Watson | To be considered via Reporting stream | N/A | Lynn Bradley, 17/10 | |
25 | As part of our reporting for rotations, our reporting system (Lemon) only returns placements that are entirely encapsulated within a programme. If a placement end date exceeds the Prog. End Date with POG by even one day it doesn't come out on the reports. Due to this, I get frequent queries as to why trainee x and y are not appearing on a rotation. Most of the time it's because of dates. Maybe a placement has been extended taking it beyond the current Prog. with POG End Date. Is there anything that can be added into TIS that prompts or auto-updates curriculum/programme end dates when a placement end date is entered (or extended) that goes beyond them? AP: Hi David Short, there are various ways we can tackle issues such as this which is essentially a data quality issue but yes we fully intend to have a more robust way of ensuring that the level of data quality is better in TIS and that we implement tools that enable us to maintain this. Lynn Bradley: I think this is a great idea and something our specialty training and LET teams would welcome. | Automated leavers processes still to be developed as part of post-MVP product development Validation rules can be applied to restrict start/end dates depending on other factors A data quality dashboard is planned for post-MVP, or possibly a function of Tableau - requires further discussion | Post MVP - TISDEV-3674Getting issue details... STATUS Post MVP | David Short, 17/10 | |
26 | Live review: known: create placements journey should start from person record | To be discussed with Developers - now fixed | N/A | Ify O, 06/12 | N/A already being worked on |
27 | Review with Devs - add new column to Placements within a person record for "WTE" | - TISDEV-3675Getting issue details... STATUS | Dave Roxborough 3/1/18 | ||
28 | Sounds like it may have been a data issue. Do you have the post number you were trying to create a placement for? Validation rules to be reviewed - it appears that drop down options MUST be selected, rather than typed in but exact match may not work consistently | - TISDEV-3676Getting issue details... STATUS | Claire Le Houx 3/1/18 | ||
29 | This was a permissions issue that we picked up from this testing. a Fix has been implemented so it should now be possible to create placements. | N/A | Mike Richardson 4/1/18 | ||
30 | Navigate to placements I can navigate to Placements from a Person record. Not easy to find, embedded in a trainees record (drop down menu also not obvious) | Discuss with SMLs - is this found to be the issue for many? When accessing a new screen it takes you to the centre of the page rather than the top. | - TISDEV-3677Getting issue details... STATUS | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher | |
31 | Search placement details (search for either a person or post number) I can see the Placement history for a Person. I can see the Placement history for a Post but there are no column titles displayed. No data to search. Need data to be able to test and agree confidence in sign off. The specialty field is blank for all placement records on the placement list | Column headers to be added, new ticket required Specialty field to be checked with Devs - this is a bug, it is not being displayed | - TISDEV-3598Getting issue details... STATUS | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle | |
32 | Create placement from person record I can attempt to create a New Placement but get Access is Denied when I try to save it. I tried to create a new placement. I filled in all of the relevant fields. When I clicked save, I received an error message stating “Access is denied”. Placement creation button easy to find Save – error message of access denied if I try to save. Is thi8s because I have entered values it doesn’t recognise? If so the errors need to be highlighted so they can be rectified. If not, then there is a bug with the save function. Essential for sign off. Tried to save the placement, page now jammed with the calendars dropped down. | Permissions issue for create, now fixed | N/A | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, LASE | |
33 | General point – When you navigate to a box it should bring up all options in the drop down, only brings up options as you type something. | Type ahead proving problematic, to be discussed with SMLs. Search rules under review | - TISDEV-3629Getting issue details... STATUS | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, | |
34 | Trainee name and GMC number at the top of the page – Only name shows, GMC not pulled through. Other details would also be helpful such as Specialty and NTN. | GMC numbers should be populated, this is an error to be investigated- this is now being displayed New fields can be added please confirm if there are any others than Specialty and NTN | - TISDEV-3679Getting issue details... STATUS | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, | |
35 | Post number search – No intuitive, needs to be in order ie if you type in the regional code (LDN) followed by the trust (RGZ01) it doesn’t bring up the rest of the NPNs in any order (should be numeric/alphabetic) Comes up with an error message when try to copy and paste NPN so have to type in manually | Search to be reviewed in general across site Cannot C&P - add this as new ticket | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, LASE | ||
36 | What is local post number and how can this be created/modified? | To be discussed on call, potential candidate for guidance information / tool tip - this is a non-mandatory field used by some Local Offices | - TISDEV-3682Getting issue details... STATUS | ||
37 | Owner – London Deanery does not exist (deaneries have not existed for many years, can this be updated?) | New owner for London to be added | - TISDEV-3647Getting issue details... STATUS | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, | |
38 | Grade – Do LATs still exist? Should that be removed as an option? Grade – When searching it should bring up the search results in alphabetic/Numeric order ie when you type ‘specialty’ it brings up ‘GP specialty’ as the first option but I would expect that to be discounted from the search | Grades to be reviewed by Data leads for streamlining, possily due to inactive fields not being filtered out? Search rules will be under review across the site | - TISDEV-3683Getting issue details... STATUS | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, | |
39 | Some unexpected options ie ‘Specialty training – HESW’ – why do they need this? Could this list be streamlined/standardised. At the very least if you choose a LDN post number you should only be able to choose the agreed wording for that region to ensure consistency of reports in that region. | Is this for placement type? If so: Yes the list can be standardised, would need to be reviewed by Data Leads and confirm that only Current data is being surfaced to UI Replace type ahead with fixed drop down to be discssed with Devs, but would need a more streamlined list | - TISDEV-3683Getting issue details... STATUS | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, | |
40 | Date from to – This is labelled as ‘Location’ on the page Date from – You can’t choose a date further than 31/12/18. This is essential for programmes such as CMT, Foundation and GP where placements are planned in advance. Can’t sign off without this. Date from and to – You can’t add a date in the past on the to box. Essential for sign off as you may need to adjust or add placements in the past. I entered the date from 30.09.2018 and it automatically sets the status as current rather than future | Sub-heading to be reviewed (numbering changed, impacted sub-headers) new ticket to be created Issue with dates you can select. Status flag behaviour needs checking. | - TISDEV-3685Getting issue details... STATUS | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, LASE | |
41 | Placement type - Some unexpected options – why do they need this? Could this list be streamlined/standardised. At the very least if you choose a LDN post number you should only be able to choose the agreed wording for that region to ensure consistency of reports in that region. Drop down list for placement type would be helpful | Yes the list can be standardised, would need to be reviewed by Data Leads Replace type ahead with fixed drop down to be discssed with Devs, but would need a more streamlined list | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, LASE | ||
42 | Whole time equivalent – What are the arrows at the side for? They only allow you to choose -1, 0, 1 &2. Whole time equivalent – the field should be restricted to only allow certain values (0.125 is not valid but can be entered). Whole time equivalent – From my understanding anything less than .5 needs further approval, can a waring message show on this to notify more junior staff who may not know this. Anything less than .2 is not counted towards training I believe (induction and refresher scheme?) | Arrows dependent on validation - why do we need arrows? Validation can be added to allow any value between 0-1, to 1 decimal place, however this is not a priority for MVP Display of warning messages is possible, new ticket(s) required | - TISDEV-3688Getting issue details... STATUS Post MVP | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, | |
43 | Status – What is this and how can you change this? Status – Is this linked to the date from/to? Will it automatically update to current if set to a current date. ( put in a date of 01/01/18 – 31/01/18 and this automatically picked up the post status as ‘past’ but this should be current as todays date is 08/01/18. | It is current future or past, in relation to a Placement - this information is derived from the Placement dates | N/A | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, | |
44 | Training description – What is this? Training description - When bypassing this field record cannot be saved as the system indicates Access is denied. Unable to complete and add new placement. This field should not be mandatory | Free text field, non-mandatory used by some local offices to add context to the post/placement Possibly due to permissions issue, should be revisited once fix is in place Training description should behave as 'local post number' does. Being derived from the post. | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle, LASE | ||
45 | View/edit placements When attempting to update a placement I get ID must not be null. There is no field called ID to complete. No data – Can’t test functionality. Essential for sign off. When I open the placement details for a specific placement in the placement list, all the fields are blank. Even the ones populated on the placement list itself. I could not figure out how to delete a placement. I opened the placement’s details but there was no option to delete the placement. | Site ID reference data validation rules to be reviewed, possibly fixed by permissions fix Permissions issue now fixed for create, still problematic for edit | N/A | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle | |
46 | Manage multiple placements I don’t know what this means. Need more clarification of what you want us to test here. · No data – Assume I can’t test this without data – Essential for sign off? I don’t understand why you are asking us to test. | Out of scope for MVP | Post MVP | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle | |
47 | Unlink placements I’m not sure what Unlink a Placement means, and I can’t see where to Delete a Placement. · Need more clarification of what you want us to test here. Does this mean delete a placement? · No data – Can’t test functionality. Essential for sign off. Unlink placements from what? | Tool tip / guidance may be required as "unlink" a placement is to remove a trainee from a Post, but is unclear Not currently implemented Data dependent on ETLs - they have been problematic, along with some permissions which will limit ability to test. Fixes underway. | - TISDEV-3682Getting issue details... STATUS | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle | |
48 | Manage placements with slot share Does this means add the same Placement to 2 trainees with a WTE < 1? But I can’t currently add a Placement. · No data – Can’t test functionality. Essential for sign off · Can’t see a function to do this when creating a placement. · If you pick a placement that is already occupied by someone in the date range you pick this should be flagged but not restricted to allow slot shares. · A report needs to be available to audit posts that have double occupancy but trainees are not LTFT/Slot share / WTE = more than 1.8 (ie 2x 0.9 slot sharing). This is simply managed by adding the whole time equivalent details to placements. There does not need to be functionality built into the system that is more complicated than that and, thankfully, I can’t find any. | There was a permissions issue with creation of placements which has now been fixed. However editing placements is still being investigated. As long as a WTE can entered for a value of <1, this should be possible | N/A | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle | |
49 | Placement end (automatic unlinking of post from person, where the placement end date has passed) I don’t know how to test this. · More clarification needed. · Placement should still appear in trainee’s record even once date passed. · Unclear where to test this on the site I don’t understand what this is asking. | The placement would still appear in the record as a past Placement, not something that can be manually triggered / tested | N/A | Mike Richardson, Matt Butcher, Alice Brindle | |
50 | I would also find it useful to be able to see the Educational Supervisor/Clinical Supervisor on this page, not sure if this would be useful to others? | This is a requirement but the user role "Trainer" (ie Clinical or Educational Supervisor) has yet to be created so it cannot be viewed as yet The field has not been implemented as design - to be discussed with Devs | - TISDEV-3400Getting issue details... STATUS | Gemma Sams 9/1/18 | |
51 | Also, will there be an option to delete a placement or only to edit existing placements? | This would be unlinking a placement, to be investigated | - TISDEV-3692Getting issue details... STATUS | Gemma Sams 9/1/18 | |
52 | Unable to add past placements as calendar does not go back past Jan 2018. | Calendar picker option will have to be reviewed, there was also feedback that users should be able to just write the date - this change will happen across the site | - TISDEV-3686Getting issue details... STATUS | LASE | |
53 | Placements cannot be edited and amend unable to find the save button | Permissions issue | N/A | LASE | |
54 | Could there be a discard function in case you start making a change an realise it’s a mistake? | No drafts are out of scope, too complex for the timescales to design & develop | Not MVP | ||
55 | Could we have a restore to previous details function in case of mistakes? | No restorarions are out of scope, too complex for the timescales to design & develop | Not MVP | ||
56 | Is there an audit of changes made and by who> This is currently within Intrepid and is useful to see what details were updated. | Yes, to be developed. It will display who made changes, what changes to be made and when - design currently underway | N/A | ||
57 | No data – created my own data for sign off Can’t see a function to do this when creating a placement. If you pick a placement that is already occupied by someone in the date range you pick this should be flagged but not restricted to allow slot shares. | Permissions issue Flag posts in slot share Reporting requirement | - TISDEV-3693Getting issue details... STATUS |
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