Approvals - Feedback

Approvals - Feedback

Questions and feedback from PO's, BA's and SMLs/BMs.


We could also then use this to identify trainee representatives as these are time limited roles.  

What is a trainee representative? (IO)

Trainee reps are trainees that are a representative of a particular group of trainees.Angela FletcherAlistair Pringle (Unlicensed)

At our North East TIS meeting the other day we discussed the option of putting an end date against a role and then the system can automatically set the record to inactive. I have been thinking about this and.....

  • This wouldn’t really work if you had more than one role (I'm looking at this from a trainer record perspective)
  • What we could maybe do is have an end date for each role so that it makes the role inactive but not the record. On intrepid there is not the option to deactivate a role from a person’s record, you can only delete it which then removes the trail of previous roles which causes me issues when providing information to the Director – I have to sit and trawl through files.
  • We could also have a start date against the role and this could be used from an approval perspective? I only use accreditation pathway to record the start and end dates of a trainer’s appointment – I am not too sure if anyone would require more fields than this.

I hope this makes sense – happy to discuss over the phone if needed.

Hi Tammy Armstrong, I believe what you have described above is our intention for TIS. We will have the ability to record the role that the approval is for and the dates of the approval. We haven't implemented any automation around making the record inactive but that is something we could consider in the future.Tammy Armstrong, 17/11Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
3We could also then use this to identify trainee representatives as these are time limited roles.  

AP: When you say trainee reps are these trainees who act as a rep for the other trainees by programme or another sort of trainee rep?

AF: Yes that's right. You get School/specialty representatives and then also local representatives

Angela Fletcher, 21/11Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)

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