Sprint 76 Review (2019-06-25)

Sprint 76 Review (2019-06-25)


(assume Team Availability Calendar is up to date, otherwise, everyone was available for 8.5 days of the 2-week Sprint)

Full team availability 8.5-day Sprint * 8 dev team members (adjusted as below)63.5 days

Andy -3, Yafang, JohnO, Simon -1, Ola, Jay -0.5, Pepe, John

Total team availability this Sprint94%

POs present a review of Sprint goals and other committed work

Sprint Goal: Complete Placement Planning Tool MVP ready for use outside East Mids pilot and begin stabilising Reval.
Plus other committed-to work:
  • Remove/Create tabs in Manage Connection have reduced visibility when displaying the record count
  • Remove jHipster from Admins UI FE - removal of dependencies / libraries. Part 1
  • Replace backend query param sanitizer
  • Remove the Synchronisation jobs within TCS and build a separate Synchronisation service
  • ESR - Produce Full Notification Files (DNF) for all Local Offices after 14/03
  • Service status (Database, Admin Page, Incident Log Admin Page, Microservice)

POs supported by Dev team provide narrative on why, and what, emergency work was brought into the Sprint and which committed-to tickets were moved out as a result

Live Issues:

type summary story points (effort) assignee created status

Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no more reference to specific list of Jira tickets, and no more reference to work not 'done')

ItemDemo - from Prod URL where feasibleDemo link


Extend logic for Programme role for Placement Planner users
3.Remove jHipster from Admins UI FE - removal of dependencies / libraries. Part 1TIS app was created on the back of a Scaffolding tool call Jhipster. We have now removed Jhipster in order to facilitate the immediate upgrade of our app from its current Angular version 5 to Angular version 6 which is the minimum acceptable version; and the later upgrade to later versions.
4.Replace backend query param sanitizer

Previous Site search: Loom Video
Current Site search: Live Create Post page

5.Remove the Synchronisation jobs within TCS and build a separate Synchronisation service
6.Remove/Create tabs in Manage Connection have reduced visibility when displaying the record count


ESR - Produce Full Notification Files (DNF) for all Local Offices after 14/03Nothing to demo.
The DNF files were produced on 18th June 2019 and included in the ESR upload on the 19th June 2019. 
8.Service statusJohn Simmons: Deploying Sevice Status outside of our core environment.

Stakeholders / Users invited to query / interrogate / applaud (after Sprint Review POs convert consensus inputs into backlog tickets, giving the option to consider them in the coming Sprint Planning)

POs present the roadmap