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A mechanism/process is required to bring across GMC LRMP (List of Registered Medical Practitioners) data to update trainees records on TIS. This page captures the LRMP data mapping and how we'd intend to bring across the LRMP data as an MVP and Post MVP.
Currently, the LRMP Data can be accessed only via a secure webiste or sent (daily) by email in CSV format with the following schema. The user guide has been attached to this page too, see list of attachments at the bottom of the page.
The archived space for relevant comments made previously - /wiki/spaces/TISDEV/pages/57281626
GMC LRMP Data Specification
Column Name | Example | Description |
GMC Ref No | 1393398 | This is the unique seven digit reference number allocated by the GMC to each registered doctor. |
Surname | Chater | The surname, last name or family name in mixed case. |
Given Name | Susan | The given / first names in mixed case. |
Other Names | Y/N | The doctor’s other or “middle” names in mixed case. This field will contain all of the other names that the doctor has registered with the GMC. |
Gender | W | Man (M) or Woman (W) |
Qualification | MB BCh | This is the name of the doctor’s Primary Medical Qualification |
Year Of Qualification | 1978 | The year when Primary Medical Qualification exams were passed. |
Place of Qualification | National University of Ireland | The name of the Place of Study for Primary Medical Qualification |
PR Date (Provisional Registration) | 5071978 | This is the date that the doctor was first granted Provisional Registration. |
FR Date (Full Registration) | 8021980 | This is the date that the doctor was first granted Full Registration. |
Specialist Register Date | 25022003 | This is the date that the doctor was entered into the Specialist Register. |
GP Register Date | This is the date that the doctor was entered into the GP Register. | |
Registration Status | Registered with Licence | The current status of a doctor's entry in the Register, including the doctor’s Licence status. |
ARF Due Date ( Annual Retention Fee) | 8022012 | This is the date that the doctor’s Annual Retention Fee (ARF) is due. |
Specialty1 | General (internal) medicine | This is the specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 specialties can be provided for a given doctor. |
Sub_Specialty1 | This is the sub-specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 sub-specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Specialty2 | This is the specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Sub_Specialty2 | This is the sub-specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 sub-specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Specialty3 | This is the specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Sub_Specialty3 | This is the sub-specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 sub-specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Specialty4 | This is the specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Sub_Specialty4 | This is the sub-specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 sub-specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Specialty5 | This is the specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Sub_Specialty5 | This is the sub-specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 sub-specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Specialty6 | This is the specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Sub_Specialty6 | This is the sub-specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 sub-specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Specialty7 | This is the specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
Sub_Specialty7 | This is the sub-specialty identified in the specialist register. Up to 7 sub-specialties can be provided for a given doctor. | |
FTP Conditions Exist (Fitness to Practise) | This indicates whether the doctor has active Fitness to Practise Conditions applied to their Registration. | |
FTP Undertakings Exist | N | This indicates whether the doctor has active Fitness to Practise Undertakings applied to their Registration. |
FTP Warnings Exist | N | This indicates whether the doctor has an active Fitness to Practise Warning. |
Place of Qualification Country | Ireland | The name of the country where a doctor undertook their Primary Medical Qualification. |
TIS Requirement
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The Main fields to update on TIS:
TIS Field | GMC LRMP Field to populate with |
GMC start date |
GMC end date |
GMC Status |
Note: “The ‘Delta’ file contains all LRMP records that have been updated in the last 24 hours.”
In a scenario where the last delta failed to update on TIS for whatever reason the following has been suggested by the GMC:
- GMC preserve a rolling 7 days of Delta files in the download area, which should allow us to recover from any load issues
- Failing that, then the suggestion is to get the full file before carrying on with the delta
- Delta files are produced 7 days a week
MVP - (discuss with devs and split ticket)
- 11/06/2020: Suggestion is to at least consider periodical updates on TIS with the GMC LRMP data that is now available in National Data Warehouse under sql02
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Post MVP- (discuss with devs and split ticket)
- Consider Delta updates in addition to full loads
- Engage in discussions with GMC stakeholders to build an API and some form of alignment with their roadmap
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List of Registration Statuses and Dates
GMC status | GMC Start date | GMC End/Expiry Date |
Provisionally registered with Licence | Provisional registration date | No date from LRMP |
Provisionally registered without a Licence | Provisional registration date | No date from LRMP |
Temporary registration with Licence | Some people with no date at all (e.g. a brain surgeon temporarily required), will not have an ARF date. Some may have a PR/FR grant date. | No date from LRMP |
Temporary registration without a Licence | Some people may have no date if they’ve never been granted PR/FR in the UK. For those that do, first PR/FR grant date ever. | No date from LRMP |
Registered with Licence | Full registration date | ARF Due Date ( Annual Retention Fee) |
Registered without a Licence | PR/FR if held before still sent. Some people may not have PR but will have a FR. Therefore, FR date is the start date. If they have both FR and PR, then PR if the start date. | ARF Due Date ( Annual Retention Fee) |
Suspended | Some people may have no date if they’ve never been granted PR/FR in the UK. For those that do, first PR/FR grant date ever. | No date from LRMP |
Not Registered - Administrative Reason | Some people may have no date if they’ve never been granted PR/FR in the UK. For those that do, first PR/FR grant date ever. | No date from LRMP |
Not Registered - Deceased | Some people may have no date if they’ve never been granted PR/FR in the UK. For those that do, first PR/FR grant date ever. | No date from LRMP |
Not Registered - Erased after Fitness to Practise panel hearing | Some people may have no date if they’ve never been granted PR/FR in the UK. For those that do, first PR/FR grant date ever. | No date from LRMP |
Not Registered - Having relinquished registration | Some people may have no date if they’ve never been granted PR/FR in the UK. For those that do, first PR/FR grant date ever. | No date from LRMP |
Not Registered – Erased for false declaration | Some people may have no date if they’ve never been granted PR/FR in the UK. For those that do, first PR/FR grant date ever. | No date from LRMP |
Not Registered – Erased for fraudulent application | Some people may have no date if they’ve never been granted PR/FR in the UK. For those that do, first PR/FR grant date ever. | No date from LRMP |
Not Registered – Provisional registration expired | PR Date | No date from LRMP |
Questions and Assumptions / Design Considerations - (Draft TBD)
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No. | Question and Assumption | Comments |
1. | API:
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2. | Operations:
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3 | Batching/Paging: Batching/Paging of Response data is desirable if there are more than c.?10,000? records; will also need to consider batching of requested data if we have large numbers of trainees that are bulk uploaded. | |
4 | Format:
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5 | Data:
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6 | GMC's MVP/Pilot: The pilot of “Get Doctor By GMC Number” probably involves (subtasks);
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7 | What (if any relationship) is there between the DoctorsForDesignatedBody (revalidation) and the LRMP data? Does LRMP include more than just the doctors that we would be interested in? LRMP contains c.308K records. | After discussion, we came to conclusion there's none at the moment in the dataset. |
8 | Are there existing WebService Operations that could include LRMP data? No | None at present |
9 | If it were needed before a pilot is ready; we could create a Client to:
| |
10 | Do we have the current SFTS doc/data spec? Is data well populated (esp. Gender)? | |
11 | Are there metrics (Google Analytics, person page per. week) that we can get ahead of talking to the GMC team (Pete et al.)? | |
12 | Should we take LRMP data from ESR, which is taken from GMC until there is a GMC Service available? | |
13 | Pete: We don't have an LRMP API at the moment. We hope to build and pilot one later next year. What would your use case be?
... as I expect our MVP and pilot version is only likely to deliver 'B'. Your intended usage may help us steer our roadmap. TIS Team:
| |
14 | Pete: A couple of challenges for consideration/discussion:
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