Sprint 3 Review (2019-10-02 to 2019-10-15)

Sprint 3 Review (2019-10-02 to 2019-10-15)

Availability (assume Team Availability Calendar is up to date, otherwise, everyone was available for 8.5 days of the 2-week Sprint)

Full team availability 8.5-day Sprint * 9 dev team members (adjusted as below)76.5 days

Paul -1, Yafang -5, JohnO -5, Jay -2, Simon -1, Andy D -1.

Total team availability this Sprint80.3%

POs present a review of Sprint goals and other committed work

Sprint Goal

  1. Release new UI for PPT and support our apprentices to release service status.
  2. UI enhancements to PPT and Auto-rerunning of overnight processes if they fail.
  3. Storing ESR information in a traceable and validated manner.

POs supported by Dev team provide narrative on why, and what, emergency work was brought into the Sprint and which committed-to tickets were moved out as a result

Live Issues:

type summary story points (effort) assignee created status

Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no more reference to specific list of Jira tickets, and no more reference to work not 'done')

AreaItemDemo - from Prod URL where feasible
ESR - storing information in a traceable and validated manner

Create exchange and queues configuration

Create consumer for POR and POS records

The plan:

Where we were:

Where we are now:

Release new UI for PPT and support our apprentices to release service status

UI enhancements to PPT and Auto-rerunning of overnight processes if they fail

  1. I want to see GMC number in lists of trainees.
  2. I want trainees, sites and specialties to be ordered alphabetically.
'Active' field from HeeUser to be added to VwUser in NDW so that admin can differentiate inactive users from active and prepare a report

Live Demo

Make specialty1 a required field in placement bulk upload

Live Demo

OtherTrainee UI - User story mapping and infrastructure/technical set-up

Stakeholders / Users invited to query / interrogate / applaud (after Sprint Review POs convert consensus inputs into backlog tickets, giving the option to consider them in the coming Sprint Planning)

Sprint Goal (achieved? (thumbs up) / (thumbs down)): 

  1. Release new UI for PPT and support our apprentices to release service status.
  2. UI enhancements to PPT and Auto-rerunning of overnight processes if they fail.
  3. Storing ESR information in a traceable and validated manner.

Next Sprint priorities