Sprint 7 Review (2019-11-13 to 2019-12-10)

Sprint 7 Review (2019-11-13 to 2019-12-10)

PO present a review of Sprint goals and other committed work

Sprint Goal

  • Make placements that have been approved editable, so that users can fix any mistakes themselves
  • Handle Position deletion for applicant process and increase robustness to data changes
  • Creating a database to store Trainee app data
  • Continue getting TIS ready for the recording and generating of NTN

POs supported by Dev team provide a narrative on why, and what, emergency work was brought into the Sprint and which committed-to tickets were moved out as a result

Live Issues:

type summary story points (effort) assignee created status

Sprint Challenges 

On the x day of Christmas, the TIS team brought to meItemDemo - from Prod URL where feasible
1Bulk UploadWhen I upload a Programme Membership, then the training pathway defaults to 'CCT' or 'N/A'.

Joseph (Pepe) Kelly to demo from https://stage-apps.tis.nhs.uk/admin/uploads.

Old behaviour:


2TCSOne off script to generate the Training Pathways on existing Programme memberships based on defined rules

One off script has been written by following these business logic given below-

If Leads To CCT = True , then default Training Pathway to CCT

If Leads to CCT = False, then default Training Pathway to N/A

If at least one of the curricula attached has a Leads to CCT = True where there are multiple curriculum against the Prog. Memb, then default Training Pathway to CCT when creating a new programme membership, when the Training Pathway was previously 'N/A' but has since been updated with an additional curricula which leads to CCT

Exception to CESR is: if an existing programme membership with Training Pathway already set to CESR is being updated with a curricula, it should remain as untouched, i.e. keep as CESR.

3Trainee-UICreate database for trainee uihttps://www.loom.com/share/01241a6b51014ca7ad6fc5bb39536573
4Admins-UIFixed the page load issue with selection of post -"OOP/CST/Imperial" due to the large number of sites associated with the post. while creating a new placementDemo
5Admins-UITechnology upgrade - Updated Angular to use LTS(7.2.15) version.
6Trainee-UIInvestigate Microservices and Messaging

Technical discussion and investigation to look at:

  • how to update trainee-ui data when updates are made to TIS
  • how to structure the application for simplicity, scalability and resilience
  • creating an architectural diagram to help visualisation
  • future-proofing the application design 


New developer on board - Say hello Sachin

Migration work for LDN

New subsystem implemented in TIS to catch data changes to feed into ESR - This helps with the unhappy path during reconciliation

Work started on the Deletion flow

Where we were at the end of last sprint:

What the plan is at the end of last sprint:

Where we are now:

8PPT/ Placements

The latest changes mean that:

Approved users (e.g. HEE Admin) can:  

  • create a new placement with the Approval field defaulting to 'APPROVED'
  • move an 'APPROVED' placement back to 'DRAFT'

Non-Approved users can:  

  • create a new placement with the Approval field defaulting to 'DRAFT'
  • update an 'APPROVED' which will save it as a 'DRAFT' 
Live demo 

Stakeholders / Users invited to query / interrogate / applaud (after Sprint Review POs convert consensus inputs into backlog tickets, giving the option to consider them in the coming Sprint Planning)

Sprint Goal (achieved? (thumbs up) / (thumbs down)): 

  • Make placements that have been approved editable, so that users can fix any mistakes themselves
  • Handle Position deletion for applicant process and increase robustness to data changes
  • Creating a database to store Trainee app data
  • Continue getting TIS ready for the recording and generating of NTN

Current Priorities

- Overall and next sprint