Reporting - Discussion 03/11/2017

Reporting - Discussion 03/11/2017

Page content:

  • Attendees
  • Notes
  • Questions
  • Next actions

Attendees: Hayley Foskett, Tom de Salis, James Harris, Liam Coleman, Angela Fletcher, Angela Johnson, Louise Wymer, Lynn Bradley, Michelle Tate, Justine Harris, David Short, Fiona Ball, Thomas Connell, Neil Squires, Sue Barrand, Simon Davis, Alice Brindle, Mike Richardson, Andrew Horton, Paul Bowron, Ross Gingles, Benjamin Witton, Joanne Watson, Rob Pink, Ify Onyenokwe-Orhiunu, Ashley Ransoo.


  • National Data warehouse will be on Azure
  • Potential – connect excel to the data mart and use excel to write queries. (Expand with Ray when he’s back)
  • Dynamics flow available within office 365. (Expand with Ray when he’s back)
  • Report requests could be fulfilled either regionally or nationally depending on the needs, otherwise requested to national team.
  • Information Governance – manipulation, sending by emails etc. Try and minimise these with TIS.



  1. James Harris – EoE – Data Quality Dashboard currently being built. Arrange to see the work being done.
    1. Standard reports – SQL scripts, send on Microsoft Teams
    2. Vacancy matrix report is a standard report on Intrepid that’s useful.
    3. Standardise the data – consistency in how the data is recorded
      1. BM engagement is key
      2. Data managers to help in the improvement on the data consistency
    4. JW: Data Quality Strategy discussed at away day – how the common understanding is filtered down/communicated to Local Offices.
  2. Angela Fletcher
    1. Work out requirements
    2. How self-sufficient can people in LO be in writing their own reports?
    3. BI team within the LO team have the skillset at the moment.
    4. Can we be mindful? – Where Trusts currently don’t have access, they would need reports
    5. Dashboards – they have a lot at the moment that they don’t want to lose by February next year.
      1. Ability to be able to run more reports
    6. ARCP tool in the GMC – Replicate this in TIS?
      1. Data validation to be done by TIS when entering GMC number.
      2. Add to feedback page
    7. Data Quality – tackle at source
    8. Split of teams at the moment – A data standards group required to drive this
      1. Currently have HEDGE group previously involved in Intrepid work
  3. Rob Pink
    1. Dashboards – Work with analysts groups
    2. Some of the organisations have not matured in their processes
    3. Data analysts group – Process component should be defined by the business on how to drive the data output
    4. National reporting – If data quality is improved we would not need those GMC data validations.
    5. We already have some GMC validation in TIS – to be verified with technical architects and dev what these are.
    6. As TIS goes live, DR will go out of sync – A meeting will be arranged to cover those issues off.
  4. David Short
    1. LEMON?? dashboard – Connect to the DR and run reports
    2. Require some way in the data warehouse so that current structure of the reports still works with the DR since the data standards may differ to the current standard.
  5. Justine Harris
    1. List of nationally involved people?
    2. Rob Pink:
      1. Data analysts
      2. Local intrepid leads
      3. Anyone else who’d want to

Next Actions:

  • LaSE – Monitoring of data quality tool used post mergers, dashboard. Work with them to see how this can be replicated for others where needs dictate.
  • JW/RP: Feedback to Ray when he’s back
  • Set up follow-up call with BM’s
  • Potential – connect excel to the data mart and use excel to write queries. (Expand with Ray when he’s back)
  • Dynamics flow available within office 365. (Expand with Ray when he’s back)