Overview of the new ESR integration
The new ESR integration was started out of the need from the need to improve the working practices for doctors in training. What this meant was that there were improvements in the way data flowed between various systems that the trainee would need to up to date by manually keying in data. The new ESR integration was just a small part of these improvements such that data held by a trainee’s employer would be the only thing to be up to date for certain fields in TIS to be up to date.
ESR provides multiple “Interfaces” where by clients would interact with ESR, we’ve implemented just one of said interfaces which covers 5 key areas.
This is the act of receiving ESR Positions and matching them up to a TIS Post
This is the process of generating Applicant records for Placements linked to Posts that have been reconciled
The sending of ESR notifications when a placement is about to be active / has been modified
The loading and confirming of the processing of records
The persisting of ESR mastered data into TIS
High level overview
Related content
Slack: https://hee-nhs-tis.slack.com/
Jira issues: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=14213