

Working Group

TIS: @Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)@Ashley Ransoo , @Adewale Adekoya,

South: @Sue Barrand (Unlicensed)@Mike.Richardson (Unlicensed)

North: @David Short (Unlicensed)@Andrew.Crozier (Unlicensed)@Liam.Lofthouse (Unlicensed) 

London/KSS/SE: @Chris Norman (Unlicensed)@Maria Kist (Unlicensed) 

Midlands and East: @Gwilym Williams (Unlicensed)


Link to Metabase dashboard for data quality issues to resolve - https://build.tis.nhs.uk/metabase/dashboard/18












Support for Pandemic/COVID

April Rotations changes


April rotations to be cancelled and current placements extended in the light of Coronavirus.

There is potentially going to be the need to delete some or all rotation starting in April and extend the ones ending in March/April. This can be done using the bulk delete and bulk amend imports.@AshleyR, @apringle and I have been discussing it. Pulling the necessary data placement data will be fairly easy to do and so will making the bulk amendments. However, I suggest we hold fire at this point until we have a coordinated national approach. Once that is confirmed I will write a report to pull the placements necessary, we can all vet the script and you can take that to your local offices. Also, @AshleyR and I need to check the impact this will have on ESR notifications and work with the ESR team to perhaps send a refreshed bulk notification through to trusts.On top of the ESR notification I would also suggest local offices have access to a report they can send to all their trusts. Again, once I have the specifics I can put this together. I do have a feeling though that trusts may have more information than we do at this stage.

Proposed plan (TBD):

  • National decision on what rotations this applies to (please see questions below)

  • Action of the necessary data changes will be nationally led and supported but locally actioned:

  • Reports to generate the list of placements to be deleted

  • Checked by local offices via their region's data leads

  • Data leads bulk delete using placement bulk delete tool

  • Reports to list placements which need their placement end date extended

  • Checked by local offices via their region's data lead

  • Local Office/Data Leads bulk amend the necessary placements via the Placement Bulk Upload Tool

  • Trainees requiring ad hoc rotations to fill gaps will be managed by local offices on an ad hoc basis


  • waiting on the end dates to be updated with

  • waiting on the criteria for trainees placements that should be extended

  • Deans'/BMs' approval by COP Friday

06/04: April Rotations:

  • South

  • North

  • London/KSS  

  • Mids & East

May, June and July Rotations would also need to be extended.

  • South

  • North

  • London/KSS  

  • Mids & East

Timescale - as soon as we can, taking Easter holidays into account

  • Numbers are assumed to be less than April


Support for Pandemic/COVID


A Post for each Programme to be created called `...\PANDEMIC' as a bucket post for people returning from OOP.


TIS Template for Posts/Post Fundings/Post Rotations:



  • If trainees were supposed/scheduled to come back from OOP, should they be on this post? - @James Harris

  • Academic trainees

  • London - no rotations, done at programme level 

  • Is there an emergency budget for COVID?

    • waiting on the criteria for trainees placements that should be extended

    • Deans'/BMs' approval by COP Friday. Any specific comments for the other funding type?


  • South

  • North

  • London/KSS

  • Mids & East

Potentially more to come for new sites. (e.g. London Nightingale Hospital)

Problem: Trusts would not be able to see the OOP posts on TIS and Reporting as the training/employing body is not one of the Trusts.

  • Document the problem and possible solutions to look at

    • Possible solution - Have individual posts for each Trust (Training/Employing body)

    • What placement type should be? Should be In Post rather than OOP

Support for Pandemic/COVID


Note: There is a national group looking after a list of doctors/trainees/consultants with experience in Respiratory Medicine. If you get any requests, please get in touch with James/John Stock & co.


Support for Pandemic/COVID

Recording of ARCP Outcome of 10


06/04: Recording ACRP Outcome of 10 with a reason. - Not confirmed yet.

  • List of reasons to be rationalised.




Support for Pandemic/COVID

Trainees not necessarily coming back from OOP but redeployed for COVID support



  • Trainees remain in the same Placement but switching Specialty

  • Might be too late for ESR transfers over the interface

  • Normal process of requesting post to be followed

  • Placement comment can include explanation of Covid 19 of why placement specialty does not match Post Specialty.



Resolve Duplicates - TISDEV-4841: Resolve the duplicate invalid GMC numbers, such as 'Retired,' and make them 'UNKNOWN'

Data leads

First discussed on DQ on 04/06: 

08/01: TISNEW-2364-Merging, then removal of Duplicate Person Records - Round 1DONE - Work completed for Round 1 on Stage and testing began. Since this was a flyway script, the importance was stressed on completion of the testing on stage as this would block anything else from being released to Production in out release pipeline

DS: Has done some testing. SB: leave manager tests carried out. JH/DS/AH: re-use some of the scripts that were used during consolidation for testing on metabase for next week.

DS: Prog membership, placements and assessments - Looks good so far. 

How long more this would need? - conclude by Wed 16/01.( and  are going to test this on Wednesday afternoon)

21/09: The scripts have been run on Prod over the weekend.

has taken extracts of the data on Friday afternoon ahead of the scripts being run. 

4/02: Round two will be needed. LaSE still to advise DS on what to do with the records that weren't an easy match. Chris picking this up - London may be ok but KSS need more attention

4/02: Leave manager - need to do checks for the circa 500 records to make sure that the round 2 de-duping would not leave orphaned records (as per the procedure for Round 1


to provide the list of Id's/template for the second round of duplication (second strongest match rule). To send the list out to all regions be checked. Jen would have done for the South - to be checked?

15/04: Still awaiting for EMD, South and London.

24/06: Jen to speak to David tomorrow (25th) re queries she has found in the South. 

James to ask Gwil where has gotten to with this - returns from leave on the 1st July

08/07: David to resend file to Gwil and Jen is no longer confused   as she now understands that this part of the exercise will not remove ALL erroneous records. Work is continuing........

22/07: Ongoing, waiting for South and EMD data

02/09 EM have submitted, awaiting the South (ongoing)

14/10: Back with DS - to compare and rebuild the new list of what's been merged

  • Might be useful for bringing in the Northern Ireland data into TIS (@Adewale Adekoya

11/11: Completed by South. With David at the moment.

09/12: There will be some duplicates because of Study Leave. The merging would have to be done at some point on TIS. Almost ready to go. 

06/01: DS post on slack for additional feedback.

03/02: DS posted on slack for everyone else to confirm this is OK. (De-dupe Round 2 spreadsheet)


Identification and removal of Consultant data on TIS


Removal of consultant data has a dependency on De-duplication work.

22/10: Dependency on the De-dupe work. Follow up with Chris after the de-dupe work has taken place. This is to identify which Consultant data belongs to which Trust so that they can have this if the trust wants.

29/10: Linked to the removal of the consultant information from TIS we also need to address the issue of the non-trainee posts. So a further piece of work needs to take place to identify and hard delete these posts. Will need to take a copy of this so that (like with the non-trainee records) we can pass this to the trusts if needed. JW to create ticket related to the deletion of posts.

19/11 - Once de-dupe is done, check the full list of People from Chris. Please review against the surviving records (IDs) onTISNEW-2057.

14/01: Wait until the testing of the de-dupe has been done on stage then carry on.- 

04/02: Awaiting on DS on testing outcome for TISNEW-2057 to prioritise TISNEW-2083. Does the script attached to 2083 has everything? 

Check with Rob about urgency of this re IG - JW to do this

01/04: to check with Rob/Ben.

15/04: response from Rob 'From an IG perspective - of we don't need it then we should not keep it.'

Supervisors and Leave approvers taken into account on Chris's script.

24/06: The South has undertaken a post audit and set to Inactive Consultant/non current posts which has resulted in a reduction of approx. 2000 posts

Suggestion that this is something that the other three regions can do while the Person de-dup is in the process of being completed.

Suspect most of the Consultant posts in the North and Mids and East are now inactive meaning that the majority of outstanding posts belong to KSS (possibly)

Once this has been completed for Posts they can remain as Inactive rather than undertake another unnecessary step.

22/07: Still waiting on the de-duplication work. To discuss about Supervisors after this piece of work.

17/02: Intrepid/Leave Manager roles to be sorted out ahead of de-dupe of consultants on TIS

On hold until Point 1 has been completed to the group's satisfaction for People area


Sites created with Trust code. Trust codes are not unique. 

01/03/2019: Tom De Salis:

Cleansing the NTS data revealed the fact that 3 of our CCGs merged into a super-CCG last year, which means their sites have the wrong Trust/Trust code on TIS. This is an issue on both the Site reference table and on all the posts related to these sites. It affects around 100 sites.

  1. Do we know when the post update tool might be available to update the posts? Is it worth waiting?

  2. Would we be able to do an update on the back-end to the site reference table?

AR:  Site is linked to Trust via the TrustId. When creating a Site, a valid Trust Code is entered and the Trust ID is fetched from the Trust reference table to attach to the Site. 

However, since the Trust Code is not currently unique in the Trust reference table, the site might be linked to incorrect Trusts.

E.g. Trust Code RQ3:

Trust Code VTS:

Are these sites linked to the correct trusts?

01/04: Check if the FE is displaying INACTIVE values when creating site. Need to understand what the problem is.

to speak to Tom de Salis/invite him to the next data leads call . 

  • Raise a ticket to get the Trust search behave as the Site Search.

  • list posted on DQ channel to be discussed.


  • Identify duplicate Sites (Site codes not unique) in Site Reference Table- 

  • Identify duplicate Trusts codes in Trust reference table

  • Identify association between Current Sites to Inactive Trusts

  • Each Region data Lead to review on DQ channel.

24/06: Regions to act on report created by Chris. Not for immediate attention due to the current work ongoing in Local Offices.

19/08: Ongoing

07/11/2019 Similar issue raised Lynn Bradley team https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TISNEW-3571 another ticket raised for all duplicate trust code https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TISNEW-3577

  • Mids and East -

  • South - Ongoing

  • North -  Ongoing

  • London - 

11/11: Post the spreadsheet on DQ channel to sort out the duplicate Trusts codes and ensure 1 only is CURRENT for each code. 

Trusts do not have Local Office boundaries, owner field can be ignored. 

03/02: Inactivate and ensure only unique trust codes are left

  • London: In progress, with Maria K

  • North: In progress

  • South: In progress

  • Midlands and East: Done

Not for immediate attention as priority in LOs is August intake and ARCPS


Posts with no Programmes attached. 


There are currently a number of posts that do not have a programme attached to them.

There's been some suggestions to make the Programme field mandatory on the Post (both via a new bulk post create tool and from the UI). However, in cases where there are currently no programmes attached, it would be problematic to edit the post from he UI if all Mandatory fields are not completed. What should happened with those Posts, are they still in use?

Posted on #data_quality

  • Data leads to make these posts inactive using the TIS bulk posts update tool before we make them mandatory?

Report split by Local Office - https://build.tis.nhs.uk/metabase/question/300

Mids and East - Done

NW - NW done awaiting NE

South - Almost there

London - Get an update from Maria

TIS ticket to make mandatory:


09/12: @James Harris re-run the report and post on slack. 

03/02: Look at how much is left without one. 

17/02: Propose to inactivate the posts we spoke of last week as prior actions, those 8000 odd with no owner and a non-training grade


02/03: This was done last week (KSS, YOR and NTH) with a few remaining where a suggested owner could not be worked out. (~120). This will be done by adding an 'Unknown Local Office' to them and then inactivating. 


Posts with no Employing bodies or Training bodies and are current


In relation to the above, we are also discussing in making the Employing and Training bodies mandatory on Posts. The following posts are CURRENT on TIS and have with either a missing Employing body or Training body, or both. Can you check and update those posts as required, please? The TIS bulk post update tool should support that.


  • Mids and East -

  • North - 

  • South - In Progress

  • London - 

TIS ticket to make mandatoryhttps://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TISNEW-365403/02: Look a the percentage left without one. James to pick up with Chris. 


List of curricula that we could bulk inactivate


James: I have started compiling a list of curricula that we could bulk inactivate when we are ready link is https://healtheducationengland.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/ProgrammesAnalysisTeam-MaE/EYOGs7vMqntKim8ycVrduwwBxVi8ktOmu8NhDyORj8VjQg?e=vKD255
We will also need to check Leads to CCT and there is a Child and Adolescent Run-Through curricula with no Curriculum Sub-Type. I assume that will be Medical Curriculum?
There's an action column in column A


  • Mids and East - 

  • North - 

  • South - 

  • London - 

Ticket TISNEW-3386: - Only make Current curricula available for creating/updating programme memberships with.

03/12: POG to be made 0 on all curriculum. 

17/02: Same validation to be applied via bulk - https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TISNEW-3888


Issues around unique site codes


Branch sites.docx


  • Are Site Code and Site number the same for all site records - report?

  • Site code is not unique on TIS - should this be?

  • Can/Should one of  Site code or Site number be unique? Therefore serve the purpose of branch sites for recording the branch code

  • An investigation into the ODS list, to get the ODS list into the NDW.


Further discussions on #dataleads

  • There are only 49 sites where there is a mismatch between the two fields (Site number and Site Code) and of those a good chunk on is null. 

  • SiteKnownAs will be different for each Branch Site where the parent code is the same and branch code is different, therefore no impact on TIS.

  • Raise ticket to add SiteCode to TIS_Interim and send to NDW. https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TISNEW-3714 Add SiteCode to TIS_Interim and send to NDW.Add SiteCode to TIS_Interim and send to NDW.


Identification of IST trainees



Other regions to check and confirm:

  • North: To check and come back with

  • South: Done

  • London: Progress with Maria K

  • Mids and East: In progress


Programme memberships with invalid or null dates



We are working on a ticket in current sprint to set the Status field (Now Training Status) based on the programme membership. 

There are a number of programme memberships where we cannot set this at the moment as they have either missing start/end dates or the end date is greater than start date, and as such are invalid. Can the below be looked at by data leads for their respective regions: 

https://build.tis.nhs.uk/metabase/question/296 - add TIS Person ID

17/02: Some of those would not be corrected, old data. 

  • Hicom ETLs


Record Status > Training Status field



It appears that some Local Offices have been using this field to record Trainers approval. 

It was agreed at PAG for this field to be auto-populated based on trainee being on a current/inactive programme membership. 

Any impact on Leave manager / Accent and NDW reporting?


  • Mismatch of status between the list view and detail view

  • List of Roles for Accent - Sue to provide


Trainers status have been migrated to the new Trainers Approval area on TIS within the Approval Status.

All trainers have been given a status of CURRENT with empty start and end dates, the idea being to have a bulk tool to update those and make the status calculated in the future. 


Review possible reporting methods for the 3 processes

Data leads

These are the 3 PAG processes that have been reviewed and are ready to be implemented which are not dependent on TIS developments.

I’ve copied in Kate as from the discussions at TOG and PAG it would seem sensible to follow a similar process to SOPs for implementation and review. I have spoken to the data leads so part of the PAG process will involve the data group suggesting how compliance can be checked and reported e.g  if a processes requires a field to be completed, to report on whether the data has been entered.

The PAG group initially suggested 1st Jan for implementation but as it has taken some time to review I have amended this to 3rd February. No particular issues have been identified with the implementation of these processes.

New Starters


Will be linked to the Trainee UI development. 


Updating of Reference tables

Data leads

Who should be able to update what?

E.g. Specialty list being updated without other Local Offices knowing, impacts on all records linked to that reference value. 

Should there be category/group of reference lists that can only be updated by specific people/roles/data leads on TIS or an outside business process to agree who does the update for such references.

ticket to support updating the remaining post and stop the wiping out of the specialty on the associated fields. 

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TISNEW-385403/02: Ticket to restrict all except Site, Trusts, Programmes. - @Ashley Ransoo@James Harris

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TISNEW-3887There are a number of HEE TIS Admin that needs tidying up. This is the role that will have the permissions left on to manage all reference tables. 



Curriculum Sub type missing on Assessment records


There are a number of Assessment records on TIS that do not have their curriculum sub-types recorded consistently. We are unable to tell whether this is legacy data from Intrepid or an issue on TIS that has introduced this.

The ticket below is to:
- Investigate whether this is a TIS issue and fix accordingly
- Re-sync the Assessment records so that the Curriculum sub-types are pulled through to the Assessment records.



GMC Programme Code

Data Leads

Gwil: Hi all, James and I have been discussing the GMC Programme Code and wanted to come up with a clear definition and purpose for the field (and how it relates to the Programme Number). Our initial thoughts were that the field is for identifying the GMC code for dual and sub specialties only. All other curricula attached to that programme should have the same GMC Programme Code as the Programme Number.


Dual - 

Sub-specialty - 

To take forward proposal to GMC and feedback on the next.


A clear definition required./Screenshots - @James Harris


Assessment Bulk Update tool on TIS


Review Columns, validations and rules for a proposed Bulk Assessments Update tool using TIS_Assessment_ID's:

Assessment - Bulk Uploads


Data leads to review and feed back.


Site Approvals Bulk Upload on TIS


Fields to review and feedback

Approvals - Field Validation#FieldValidation-BulkUploadSiteApprovalsColumnHeaders


Post funding duplicates


#dataleads convo



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