EOE Trainee Management

EOE Trainee Management



Jack Adamson
Maryam Wali-Aliyu
Monika Gupta
Caroline Grisdale
William Kerley
Alistair Pringle
Ashley Ransoo
Sebastian Kwok
James Harris
Ade Adekoya

Any support in place for trainees?

  • Generic inboxes for specialities like - EDIT (Eastern Deanery Info Team), Foundation, IDT, LTFT, OOP, Relocation etc.

  • EDIT generic inbox is where all sorts of queries goes into - managed by 5-6 people

  • EDIT has an auto response sent to trainees where they see where a contact list for various queries

  • Sub-folders based on teams within the generic inboxes - queries or emails from trainees are moved into the folders, so that time can be delegated to deal with them.

  • Trainee Notification - Wednesday, every week - only if there is a change. Data exposed to trainees

  • Queries from TPD's treated similar to trainees queries

  • Form R Part A included in welcome email to trainees

  • Form R Part B dealt by assessments? EOE team need to find out how they manage it

Any inboxes management as part of your support process?

  • The programme team manages these inboxes

  • There is a lead for each inbox that rotates each month

  • Queries forwarded to relevant inboxes and the same team looks after all queries

If yes, how do you manage the inboxes ?

How many queries do you get per day/week… e.g placement/assessment queries?

  • Currently there is an increased volume due to the notification of placement email that was recently sent out. Hard to cope with volume of queries because of shortage of staff, but generally able to manage.

  • Queries pertain to inconsistencies in placement from the trainee’s perspective

Do trainees have an opportunity to see the data you keep on them on tis? If so what's the process of managing queries/change?

  • Trainee Notification - Wednesday, every week but only if there is a change. Data exposed to trainees

Any dedicated Team to manage the queries?

Is the support the same for Dentist &PH? 

  • Nothing separate - the same generic inboxes.

Any document for your FAQ?

  • Trainees are directed to the website for the FAQ

Do you do have any KPIs? Any system or process to measure this?

  • Out of office - respond within 5 days

  • Don't actually have a way of measuring

Any plans to improve your current system?

  • Looking at measuring KPI

  • Looking at improving on the generic inboxes

  • Volume difficult, but the spreadsheet they designed to monitor placement queries is helping

Document to receive from them:

Useful website to get more information

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