Bi-directional fields accepted and mapping
Name | ESR ID | DB | Table | ID | Notes |
ukNino | T_PER07 | TCS | Personaldetails | Nationalinsurancenumber |
lastName | T_PER08 | TCS | Contactdetails | Legalsurname |
firstName | T_PER09 | TCS | Contactdetails | Legalforenames |
title | T_PER12 | TCS | Contactdetails | Title | Mapped LOV |
dob | T_PER14 | TCS | Personaldetails | Dateofbirth |
gender | T_PER13 | TCS | Personaldetails | Gender | Mapped LOV |
homeTel | T_PER16 | TCS | Contactdetails | Telephonenumber |
mobileTel | T_PER17 | TCS | Contactdetails | Mobilenumber |
emailAddress | T_PER20 | TCS | Contactdetails | Workemail |
ethnicOriginCode | T_PER21 | TCS | PersonalDetails | Ethnicorigin | Mapped LOV |
sexualOrientation | T_PER32 | TCS | PersonalDetails | sexualOrientation | Mapped LOV |
religiousBelief | T_PER31 | TCS | PersonalDetails | religiousBelief | Mapped LOV |
disability | T_PER33 | TCS | PersonalDetails | Disabilitydetails | Mapped LOV |
address1 | T_ADD07 | TCS | Contactdetails | Address1 | Only update for Primary address |
address2 | T_ADD08 | TCS | Contactdetails | Address2 | Only update for Primary address |
address3 | T_ADD09 | TCS | Contactdetails | Address3 | Only update for Primary address |
town | T_ADD10 | TCS | Contactdetails | Address4 | Only update for Primary address |
county | T_ADD11 |
| Not mapped |
postcode | T_ADD12 | TCS | Contactdetails | Postcode | Only update for Primary address |
country | T_ADD13 | TCS | Contactdetails | New field | We will create a new field. |
absenceStart | T_ABS05 | TCS | AbsenceDetails | AbsenceStart | New data in new table |
absenceEnd | T_ABS06 | TCS | AbsenceDetails | AbsenceEnd | New data in new table |
absenceDuration | T_ABS07 | TCS | AbsenceDetails | AbsenceDuration | New data in new table |
absenceID | T_ABS08 | TCS | AbsenceDetails | AbsenceID | New data in new table |
This file outlines the timings when information is sent.
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