2020-07-01 Applicant Confirmations from ESR not received

2020-07-01 Applicant Confirmations from ESR not received

AuthorsJoseph Kelly
StatusModified File processed

Job failure meant applicant confirmations from ESR were not saved

ImpactDelay in being able to report on which applicants had been processed by ESR.

Jira Live Defect

TISNEW-4910 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Root Causes

  • Job failure meant not all applicant confirmations were processed and others were duplicated a number of times
  • Failure due to data in the file (2 files, each containing multiple instances of 1 badly formatted applicant record)
  • We send ESR data they consider invalid (Invalid/badly formatted post codes)
  • Date specificity of jobs means the system is fragile to errors
  • The jobs lack 'bulkheads' to prevent the 'whole process failure'


  • Postcodes "Doha, Qatar" and "YO12 5EX,"


  • The preference would have been to remove the corrupted files and let ESR know so they could send corrected files.

Instead because of the urgent issue sending applicants to ESR;

  • Manually changed the corrupted lines.
  • Moved files to 2nd July folder and re-ran job.
  • Removed files from 2nd July folder to prevent being re-processed by the scheduled job.

Detection / Timeline

  • 1st 20:01 to 21:07 - Prompted by Slack notification, several attempted re-runs of the failed job
  • 2nd 11:09 - ESR Service was restarted
  • 2nd 12;00 to 13:47 - Discussed whether to exclude problem files or modify files from ESR to fix the format.

Action Items

  • Improved the ability to pickup/process files for a different day
  • Awaiting confirmation from TIS users (& Trusts)?
  • Admins to correct data where they can
  • Talk to ESR hub about improving the format of error messages in files.

What went well

  • Found the problem lines in the files relatively quickly with little manual work, thanks to new code developed
  • Limited to confirmations file rather than data needed for Trusts/Doctors

What went wrong

  • The use of this information isn't widely understood; there could be a wider impact.
  • We attempted to re-run it several times before identifying the cause; the way data is stored means there is some duplicate data.
  • It is unclear whether there is a process to pick up those applicants which ESR rejected.

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