2021/2: Q3 | Review#4 (2021-11-09 to 2021-11-23)
- out loud on the call - really, we’d appreciate you doing this!; |
Live Issues:
Incident logs
Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')
Area | Description | Team Representative | Demo - from Prod URL where feasible |
Trainee Self-service (TSS) |
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Revalidation | Map GMC Status to TIS outcomes | @Cai Willis or @Joseph (Pepe) Kelly |
Production use of Reval | @Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) |
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Trainee Information System (TIS) | Remove Validation on Qualifications' Medical School | @Joseph (Pepe) Kelly | https://apps.tis.nhs.uk/admin/people/person/279584/edit-qualifications https://stage-apps.tis.nhs.uk/admin/people/person/47165/edit-qualifications
Fix: set curriculumMembership ID as programmeMembership ID for assessment | @Yafang Deng | When updating curriculum name on pre-assessment details, we actually select a new curriculum membership. But the curriculum membership ID sometimes can be not updated with the name. This bug was not something we could find on the UI, but it does affect the data quality. So we fixed it, now it’s the correct curriculum membership ID set to the DB. | |
Auditing case-sensitive columns for Generic Bulk Upload | Currently, the majority of the columns on Bulk Upload templates are case-insensitive while some are not, which makes the validation rules inconsistent and users might feel confused. To improve user experience, those case-sensitive columns should be fixed to case-insensitive. So we audited the 10 current templates, found all the case-sensitive columns and analysed the causes. Besides, even though we allow the data in different casing, we should use the exactly correct data to write to the DB, eg. “female“ is allowed for the gender but “Female“ is the correct format in the DB and shown on the UI, otherwise they affect the data quality. We also found some columns have this kind of problem. | ||
Rework available placement grade | @Reuben Roberts | This is the first step on a larger piece of work to clean up the grades associated with posts and placements. Placement grades previously defaulted to the approved grade of the applicable post, but any of the ‘Other’ grades for the post could be used as well. As any current grade can be associated with a post, and hence with a placement, a number of inappropriate non-training / non-placement grades are in use, as well as now-inactive grades. Retrospectively, grades attached to existing placements are unaffected. Subsequent work will apply similar restrictions to the selection of grades for creating or editing posts themselves, and after existing post grades have been reviewed and cleaned by data leads, placement grade selection will once again be limited to the particular subset of appropriate placement grades associated with their post. | |
Electronic Staff Record (ESR) | Integration test added to a service in the ESR interface | @Marcello Fabbri (Unlicensed) | Integration test added to a service in the ESR interface |
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Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA) |
Objective Key Results (OKRs) 2021/22 Q3:
OKR | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th (Xmas) |
Objective: Complete the TSS 2nd pilot and release Reval MVP |
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Key Result#1: Negative TSS User feedback declines as a proportion of overall feedback | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
Key Result#2: Number of users that have authenticated and submitted their Form R using TSS exceeds 90% of pilot Trainees | 0.2 | 0.5 | 0.8 | 0.8 |
Key Result#3: All Reval Admins switch to using Reval rather than GMC for Recommendations | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.2 |
TIS team development (following external review)
Last Review I highlighted that we recently had an external review of how we work within the TIS team. From that review, a number of recommendations were put forward for how we can alter things going forward. The whole team is actively working towards implementing these recommendations. As we are a team that at its core believes in transparency and openness, we decided to give you a flavour of what we have been working on:
Up to end of Iteration # 3
We've created and published a Team charter
We're about to hire a User Researcher, and are looking at the team needs in terms of other Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) professions
We're reviewing all our meetings and events with a view to rationalising them in the near future
We're embarking on team training in User-Centred Design: Online, 15hrs over 5 days | On-site at one of our offices, 1 day
During Iteration #4
TIS interim roadmap:
We really do welcome any feedback you have for us - whether it be negative or positive, or whether it be a suggestion of something we could try/incorporate in a future Review. We absolutely don’t want to stand still. We’re very happy applying the 12th Agile principle of ‘becoming more productive’ to our Reviews themselves! Your contributions to this survey are entirely anonymous, should you wish to include anything others might perceive as controversial. We welcome any and all feedback, as long as it is constructive!
Post-Review survey: https://healtheducationyh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/tis-review-2021-2-q3-iteration4 |
Related content
Slack: https://hee-nhs-tis.slack.com/
Jira issues: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=14213