2021/2: Q4 | Review#2 (2022-01-18 to 2022-02-01)

2021/2: Q4 | Review#2 (2022-01-18 to 2022-02-01)


  • Overviews of the iteration

  • Any interruptions / Live Defects

  • Team going through what they’ve achieved during the iteration

  • Feedback from those on the call on what we have done (constructive criticism / praise / questions)

  • Collaboration with those on the call on what to do next

Please ask questions, that’s what this Review is primarily for - your constructive interrogation of what we’re doing:

  • out loud on the call - really, we’d appreciate you doing this!;

  • write in the Team meeting chat; or

  • fill in the post-Review survey after the call (for questions that occur after the call is over, or if you don’t want to ask the question during the call for whatever reason, and for letting us know whether the Review meets your expectations, or whether you have some suggestions for improvement)

Live Issues:

key summary created updated status

Incident logs

This iteration

2022-01-18 Reference Service failed to start after upgrade

2022-01-26 Overnight jobs failed to run

Carryover from previous iterations

2022-01-06 ESR MongoDB cluster down

2021-12-06 GMC sync & Connections giving errors


Dev team demo 'done' work contributing to those goals (no reference to specific Jira tickets, and no reference to work not 'done')



Team Representative

Demo - from Prod URL where feasible



Team Representative

Demo - from Prod URL where feasible

Trainee Self-service (TSS)

Display message advising trainees that only those invited to partake in pilot should sign-up

@Steven Howard

Demo from live

Tech improvement: Simplify state management i.e. how and when data is shared and updated as a trainee uses TSS.
Primary aim is to enable more of the team to make changes to the codebase with greater confidence and speed.

@john o

A few ‘quick wins’ included in this work:

fig.1 Stepper
fig.2 ‘Back to submit’ button


Trainee feedback - Display a message/information showing the trainee who maintains their personal details data and how they go about updating incorrect details.

@john o



Remove non-ARCP/test Form Rs created during initial pilot

@Andy Dingley

Our forms list was still showing forms created as part of the initial pilot, so those trainees who took part would have seen forms which were not used as part of their ARCP.
These forms have now been removed and will no longer be shown to trainees and/or admins.



Display curriculum end date instead of programme end date in Recommendations summary page





Display correct GMC Status and TIS Status for pass recommendations

@Jayanta Saha

GMC Status and TIS Status for pass recommendation should be displayed as <blank> and “Not started”



Replace custom:preferred_username with OOTB Cognito attribute

@Jayanta Saha

Brief discussion

Trainee Information System (TIS)

Investigate user auth token and decide how to deal with the non-required attribute “perferred_username”

@Yafang Deng

Limit list of Post’s subspecialties to specialties of type SUB_SPECIALTY

@Marcello Fabbri (Unlicensed)

The creation and update of a Post involves the optional indication of the post’s sub specialties.

This field used to be populated with a list of all Specialties whose status was CURRENT.

Now it’s populated with a list of Specialties whose status is CURRENT and SpecialtyType is SUB_SPECIALTY.

The Specialties eligible to be a Post’s subspecialty are 32. (List)

Restricting a post’s list of sub specialties to Specialties that are of type SUB_SPECIALTY is consistently observed when:

  • creating a Post

  • updating a Post

  • creating Posts in bulk (demo)

  • updating Posts in bulk (demo)


Make Front end deletion for assignments hard-delete

@Edward Barclay

Previously when a assessment was deleted in TIS this would update a column in the database (DB) for that assignment called “softDeleteDate”.


when this column has a value it is filtered out of the FE but allowed it to be kept in the DB. this has now been changed to a Hard delete method meaning that the assessment being deleted is not retained in the DB. the warning before deletion has been updated to reflect its permeance.

Electronic Staff Record (ESR)







Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency (NIMDTA)







Objective Key Results (OKRs) 2021/22 Q4:








OKR #1: Prepare and launch 3rd TSS pilot

Preparing for the wider release of TSS in 3 tranches from April 2022

Key Result#1: 99% of trainees successfully able to login using self-sign up and the MFA.

too early

too early / 0.1





Key Result#2: 25% of trainees complete a survey.

too early

too early / 0.1





Key Result#3: Support materials enriched based on feedback.

too early

too early / 0.1





Key Result#4: 95% of admins agree that the process has been made more efficient by TSS.

too early

too early / 0.1





OKR #2: Keycloak to Cognito authentication migration

Extricating us from our reliance on an outdated application (Keycloak), several major versions behind what is supported

Key Result#1: All TIS apps can accept authentication from Cognito.

too early






Key Result#2: Keycloak is no longer used for authentication by any TIS apps.

too early







TIS team development (following external review)

Last Review I highlighted that we recently had an external review of how we work within the TIS team. From that review, a number of recommendations were put forward for how we can alter things going forward. The whole team is actively working towards implementing these recommendations. As we are a team that at its core believes in transparency and openness, we decided to give you a flavour of what we have been working on:

Up to end of Q3

Q4, Iteration #1

  • Agreed we need to reach out to gain more context for what we do in TIS, within the wider HEE and NHS. And we’ve started having these sessions (one from Jon Howes on PGMDE and another on Digital First). If anyone reading this would like to volunteer to do a session, please let us know!

  • Started the process of agreeing standard team events (TIS team meetings, stakeholder sessions etc), and central comms (Teams, Sharepoint, mailboxes, etc), so that communicating within the team is more efficient and communicating with us will be, too.

TIS interim roadmap:


We really do welcome any feedback you have for us - whether it be negative or positive, or whether it be a suggestion of something we could try/incorporate in a future Review. We absolutely don’t want to stand still. We’re very happy applying the 12th Agile principle of ‘becoming more productive’ to our Reviews themselves! Your contributions to this survey are entirely anonymous, should you wish to include anything others might perceive as controversial. We welcome any and all feedback, as long as it is constructive!


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