Admin Team Planning 2022

Admin Team Planning 2022

What is the purpose of planning?

  1. Identify goal(s) and what needs to be done and ID specific stories against the goal(s)

  2. Planning tickets to bring into Ready for Dev to work on (most of which to complete) in next iteration.

  3. Ditto above, plus check the capacity of the team in the next two weeks (availability etc)

  4. Resolve prioritisation / sequencing

  5. Assessing work in progress on the board against refreshed goals

  6. Planning is not a refinement session - this is what the Refinement session 2 days before is about

Dec 21, 2022

Goal(s) for the next Iteration:

Statement: We are only planning for the Christmas period and to come back New Year when we have full capacity.

Focussing on

  • Revalidation connections -

Team availability (e.g., Leave & Events):


Non-Kanban work (this iteration):

  1. Recruitment (Tracker) and update from Anita… https://hee-nhs-tis.slack.com/archives/C02EWCJR1MX/p1669895586096139

    1. Senior Product Manager - shortlisting

    2. Adverts out for DevOps, user researchers, delivery managers and product managers

    3. Interim appointments for two user researchers, delivery manager and problem manager

    4. Lead DevOps role(s) & Principal Developer in process.

  2. Post funding - to involve Ade B in further research work to help move this forward.

  3. Collate ESR work, specifically list of issues. Will keep a watching brief on the ESR User Group as they populate the list of current issues. New Year task.

  4. NI investigation. Ongoing.

  5. Touch base with Pete from the GMC re designated body changes and potential another meeting in the New Year.

  6. Send out survey to Review attendees. Circulated a draft and send in the New Year.

  7. Ideas from workshop being reviewed, so work on the ideas log has been moved to the New Year.

  8. Plus want to resurrect user satisfaction survey. Circulate. Did I circulate?

Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration




https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3530 (V=M.; E=M)


https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3774 this ticket is a pre-requisite of the below 3596



Connections - complete the assessment of the epics

Epics - come up with a strawman sequence of the work in the epics. (Carried over, but there’s not much there)

Complete review of outstanding epics. High-level estimation session? << resolve the one remaining epics>>

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3592 2 done, 1 backlog (*3734 disconnecting a doctor)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3593 COMPLETED

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3594 1 done, 2 backlog (*3769 migration tool and *3772 business needs and data mapping)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3595 1 done COMPLETED**

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3596 not assessed <<high-level estimation>>>

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3735 3 in backlog (*3873 API; *3874 Maven; *3875 database). Has this Epic been assessed. <<high-level estimation>>>


Programme Refactoring

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-2388 (V=M; E=S)


Data work




Technical improvement

Team to check in with Pepe to decide re: tech debt.


Downtime and other

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3880 (V=M; E=S)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3916 (V=H; E=M)


Bulk upload issue? Raised on Teams?


Retro actions


https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3945 (V=H; E=M)




Roadmap review

Can we just sense check? TIS Admin product roadmap.pptx




Dec 7, 2022

Goal(s) for the next Iteration:

Focussing on

  • Revalidation connections -

Team availability (e.g., Leave & Events):

Training courses and DEQ away day across the team - this will impact.

  • Yafang - 4 days training, annual leaves for the week commencing 19/12

  • AndyN - 2 days

  • Jay - 1 day

Non-Kanban work (this iteration):

  1. Recruitment (Tracker) and update from Anita… https://hee-nhs-tis.slack.com/archives/C02EWCJR1MX/p1669895586096139

    1. Senior Product Manager - shortlisting

    2. Interim user researcher x2 successful.

    3. Interim delivery manager x1 successful.

    4. Interim problem manager x1 successful.

    5. Priorities for this iteration: Approval for DevOps role(s) & Principal Developer

  2. Post funding get a call in with the Post User Group and start a process to understand the user need and what we will do about it, including change support.

  3. Collate ESR work, specifically list of issues. Will keep a watching brief on the ESR User Group as they populate the list of current issues.

  4. NI investigation. Should have a call with Andy D in the next week, or so.

  5. Touch base with Pete from the GMC. Look to have a second meeting in December? What does everyone think? (Carried over, as need to cover questions over the change to designated bodies).

  6. Send out survey to Review attendees. Circulate a draft.

  7. Complete adding the “ideas” to the Ideas log, republish and with Naz get some dialogue going on moving forwards an approach for managing ideas. (Carried over as the ideas from the Data Workshop being validated).

  8. Plus want to resurrect user satisfaction survey. Circulate.

  9. Prep for user researcher to start.

Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration



https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3416 (V=H.; E=M)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3530 (V=M.; E=M)

(New) Live Defect write-up:


Possible? https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3769 From review - what is the data to be migrated? (un-estimated)

Top of backlog https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3772 Is this reporting? (un-estimated)

Top of backlog https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3873 tech (M/S)

Top of backlog https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3874 tech (M/M)

Possible? https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3734 Disconnecting a doctor (H/M)


Connections - complete the assessment of the epics

Epics - come up with a strawman sequence of the work in the epics. (Carried over, but there’s not much there)

Complete review of outstanding epics. High-level estimation session? << resolve the one remaining epics>>

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3592 2 done, 1 backlog (*3734 disconnecting a doctor)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3593 COMPLETED

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3594 1 done, 2 backlog (*3769 migration tool and *3772 business needs and data mapping)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3595 1 done COMPLETED**

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3596 not assessed <<high-level estimation>>>

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3735 3 in backlog (*3873 API; *3874 Maven; *3875 database). Has this Epic been assessed. <<high-level estimation>>>


Programme Refactoring

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-2388 (V=M; E=S)


Technical improvement

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-2247 (V=M; E=S)

Improvements to Admin UI? Advance conversations if possible. Part of tech improvement.


Downtime and other

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3880 (V=M; E=S)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3916 (V=H; E=M)


Bulk upload issue? Raised on Teams?


Retro actions

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3838 not “scored”

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3944 (V=H; E=M)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3945 (V=H; E=M)


Roadmap review

Can we just sense check? TIS Admin product roadmap.pptx

Look at key, or similar to improve visibility of the status of.

Nov 23, 2022

Goal(s) for the next Iteration:

Team availability (e.g. Leave & Events):

Pepe - morning 24th and one day next week.

Cai - poss Mon 5th Dec


Non-Kanban work (longer term):

  1. Recruitment (Tracker):
    [AN: can we create a list of currently advertised perm roles / agencies being approached for non-perm roles so the team can share with their networks?]

    1. Interim Delivery Manager (not perm) - reviewing and awaiting CVs from agencies, interviewing suitable candidates.

    2. Sen Product Manager (not perm) - This has been advertised. Closing date this week. Let’s see what is there. Investigating converting to perm.

    3. User researchers (not perm) - Possibly appoint from the CVs as some good choices.

    4. Problem manager (not perm) - reviewing and awaiting CVs from agencies, interviewing suitable candidates.

    5. DevOps (not perm) - Looking at the use of the Digital Assurance route to procure contractor services. This may be overtaken by per recruitment.
      [AN: I’m very nervous about appointing contractor / fixed term DevOps people. Of all the roles we need to fill, this is one that we really ought to try to hire as a permanent]

    6. Looks like blockers have been lifted. Resurrecting those roles already in the system… Senior Product Manager x2; Delivery Managers x2; User Researchers x2; Product Managers x1; DevOps x1

  2. Post Funding - Finalise review of material, detail questions and clarifications. Arrange meeting with Post Leads in next two weeks. (Rob, James and Ade)

  3. Collate ESR work, specifically list of issues. Start re-engagement with the ESR Leads. Would like to understand how data from ESR be reused. <<Data for ESR and NDW>>

  4. NI investigation, but there’s not much on Confluence. Rob to catch up with Andy D, if time. Looking towards a NI meeting in the next few weeks

  5. Touch base with Pete from the GMC. Look to have a second meeting in December? What does everyone think?

  6. User management - Work out an approach with Anita - who should lead this. It would be good to understand how teams currently manage users as this appears to have become fragmented. (Ade?) Work out the problem statement to drive onwards investigation work. Reengage with the group who used to participate in user management.

  7. Send out survey to Review attendees. Circulate a draft.

  8. Complete adding the “ideas” to the Ideas log, republish and with Naz get some dialogue going on moving forwards an approach for managing ideas.

  9. Christmas - Consensus what to do… Look at 17th January restart Review. Plus combined Hack and e.g. Quiz.

Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration



https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3733 (V=H.; E=M)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3416 (V=H.; E=M)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3530 (V=M.; E=M)


https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3773 (V=M.; E=S)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3770 (V=H., E=S)


Connections - complete the assessment of the epics

Epics - come up with a strawman sequence of the work in the epics.

Complete review of outstanding epics. High-level estimation session? << resolve the two remaining epics>>

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3592 1 done, 1 implementing + 1 bring in 3734/3 in for development 3732 and 3733

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3593 1/1 story done

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3594 3 stories 1 story bring in 3770

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3595 1 story bring in 3773

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3596 not assessed

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3735 not assessed


Programme Refactoring

Confirm what to bring in.
Look at monitoring.
Learning for Stan.


Technical improvement

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-2247 M value and S effort



Retro actions





Roadmap review

Can we just sense check? TIS Admin product roadmap.pptx

Look at key, or similar to improve visibility of the status of.


Nov 9, 2022

Goal(s) for the next Iteration:

Team availability (e.g. Leave & Events):

Rob - Friday 11th
Yafang - Leave week commencing 14th
Cai - may take a day
MongoDB conference (London Tobacco Dock?) 1 day - Pepe + anyone else who wants to go ask Pepe - see link etc…

Non-Kanban work (longer term):

  1. Recruitment:

    1. Interim Delivery Manager (not perm) - reviewing and awaiting CVs from agencies, interviewing suitable candidates

    2. Sen Product Manager (not perm) - request sent to HR to advertise as secondment/fixed term contract

    3. User researchers (not perm) - Awaiting CVs from agencies

    4. Problem manager (not perm) - reviewing and awaiting CVs from agencies, interviewing suitable candidates

    5. DevOps (not perm) - Looking at the use of the Digital Assurance route to procure contractor services

    6. ? Permanent Roles TBC this Friday for decision, I believe. Maybe a false dawn.

  2. Got to start the post funding work (Ade, James and Rob) + contact with the various leads > Review work done.

  3. Got to start the ESR transfer work (Naz, Pepe and Rob) + contact with the various leads >

  4. Must move on the NI investigation, but there’s not much on Confluence. I am told Andy D is knowledgeable. (Rob)

  5. Small things - Jay to teach Saedhia how to edit in Confluence so she can update the GMC stuff.

  6. User management - feel there is a need to continue some of this post the hack day and have discussed with Naz and will discuss with Anita. May not happen in next two weeks.

  7. Review attendance investigation

  8. Any focus for Stan?

  9. Complete adding the “ideas” to the Ideas log, republish and with Naz get some dialogue going on moving forwards an approach for managing ideas.

  10. Google analytics associated with Recommendations Filtering function, meeting Steve and Stan to look at GA, etc..

Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration


Recommendations - Filtering

Is there any further work on this? The issue around searching for Admin name at Review - is that up for a quick improvement? (as per Retro “you said”)

Yes, filtering work is currently completed. Come back in a month to review use via Google Analytics. ++ Opportunity for team learning - what do we want to know with regards to filtering usage?


Recommendations - bug

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3229 alert users of downtime on Friday from 1200.


Connections already in for development

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3736 (V=H. E=S)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3732 (V=H. E=M)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3733 (V=H. E=M)

In the backlog is 3734 (V=H. E=M)


Connections - complete the assessment of the epics

Epics… Would like to be able to progress these and work out a rough logical sequencing. Conscious that there has been (inconclusive) discussion of a transition plan. We may need to get an understanding and ask for views from Lead, for example.

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3592 2/3 in for development 3732 and 3733

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3593 1/1 story in for development 3736

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3594 not assessed

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3595 not assessed

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3596 not assessed

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3735 not assessed

Friday’s High-level Estimation to continue work.



https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3518 - push to production and pass on if not complete

No obvious follow-on for programme membership - James to look at with Ade…


Deferral Recommendation Information

- move this in to development



Change standup tomorrow to 0945 so we can attend the Trainee Review - OK


Technical debt - MongoDB continuation

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3007 -

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3006 -

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3416 in preference to Mongo?


Retro actions



https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3752 - get some time next week to talk through the revised retro action and come up with a plan. James to facilitate.


Roadmap review

Can we just sense check? TIS Admin product roadmap.pptx

Oct 26, 2022

Goals for the next Iteration:

Team availability:

Annual leave:

  • Hack day on 1 November

  • Pepe - 3 days

  • Ade - 3 days

  • Steve - 3 days

  • Jay - 5 days

  • James - 1 day

Sick leave:


Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration


Revalidation > Recommendations filtering



Revalidation > Query this one

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3583 - to be investigated.


Revalidation > Connections - MVP

Definitive list of doctors currently connected to a Designated Body, as mirrored on GMC connect, and the ability to manage discrepancies / connected/disconnected.

Do the breakdown of these Epics into User stories in the HLE session on Friday.







Ade O has work around ESR which needs to be understood

Unclear need at this point. Without that, it’s unclear whether TIS should be involved in the ESR-->TIS-->NDW-->Accent Leave Manager-->EASYpayment system +++ still investigating +++


ESR Handover (Naz to Rob)

Moving this forward.


Post funding

Confluence page for this: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NTCS/pages/3531898882 - advance this work.


GMC meeting

for 3rd November - get good outcome. Confluence page.


Retro actions (designed to be done in next Iteration)

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3717 -

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3718 - for James



Technical debt - MongoDB continuation

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3007 -

https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3006 -


Bugs etc



Couple of other bugs in for refinement




Programme membership continuation - to be ticketed and refined for next Iteration

Oct 12, 2022

Goals for the next Iteration:

Team availability:

Annual leave:

  • Cai - 2 days (start)

  • Ade - 2 days (end)

  • Steve - 2 days (end)

Sick leave:

  • Rob - ???

Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration


Revalidation > Recommendations filtering

3609 - tweak to current filtering
3553, 3560, 3603 to follow (show me more straightforward given the groundwork in place from the previous filtering ticket). Hopeful we’ll get all these done


Revalidation > Connections - MVP

Definitive list of doctors currently connected to a Designated Body, as mirrored on GMC connect, and the ability to manage discrepancies / connected/disconnected.

3399 - use Friday’s session to finish this off (estimating, and sequencing, hopefully. Maybe even splitting the Epics into Stories???)


Ade O has work around ESR which needs to be understood

Unclear need at this point. Without that, it’s unclear whether TIS should be involved in the ESR-->TIS-->NDW-->Accent Leave Manager-->EASYpayment system


ESR Handover (Naz to Rob)



Post funding

Confluence page for this: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NTCS/pages/3531898882


Retro actions (designed to be done in next Iteration)

3610 - NEED to get a PM and a DM in urgently - not enough confidence / desire in the team to fill these gaps long term (AndyN to follow up)

3614 - Are Jon / James sufficiently aware of our roadmaps to appropriately represent us in discussions with NHSE/D (AndyN to follow up)


Technical debt - MongoDB continuation

3007 - Nearly completed PoC that should be Productionisable.

3006 - may need revisiting based on 3007. Review once 3007 is done.


Review bugs / support requests

3229 - Different Programme name to that expected being displayed. In progress, so keep going (unclear whether it’s Medium / Large)

3528 - GMC on hold should no be showing up on our Under Notice list

3527 - Investigating and fixing the discrepancy in Reval of data appearing in details section and data appearing in summary sections (date for one is not synchronised / pulling from the same place - MongoDB or ES)

3518 - BU bug fix

3607 - BU tech debt resolution



Ade kindly volunteered to reach out to GMC to find out what’s happening with their Test environment availability - it’s gone off-line / can they confirm when is it coming back online?
Cai has temporarily disabled the sync, so we’re largely unaffected.

Relative Value of similarly prioritised items is difficult to assess at this point.

Sep 28, 2022

Goals for the next two weeks

Goals for the next two weeks - Revalidation should be the primary product focus for the team.

We are focusing on Revalidation Recommendations filtering improvements and the process to estimate and plan the work required for Revalidation Connections.

Also focus on continuing the programme membership as part of these improvements to see if MongoDB work can continue.

Team availability

Annual leave - Yafang, Cai and Jay

Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration


Revalidation > Recommendations


Continue to deliver the filtering


3229 - resync to continue and just started

3416 - medium need to be refined poss bring in next time?

Do you want to showcase the filtering with users again?

Filtering ticket likely requires added filtering as per original mandate. Have delivered programme. Outstanding TIS status, GMC status, TIS admin, Designated body (only impacts London). These are to be refined, but should be simpler than the initial programme filter. Look at TIS Status and GMC Status potentially first.


Revalidation > Connections - MVP

Definitive list of doctors currently connected to a Designated Body, as mirrored on GMC connect, and the ability to manage discrepancies / connected/disconnected.

Can we get something ticketed up on this as we did not cover last Thursday.

To be High Level Estimation on Friday 30/09 then look at the elements to be delivered.



Review bugs

3527 - prob urgent too and unclear of the impact and risk
3528 - urgent
Transient defect? Check to see if a ticket is needed. (Pepe)


Ade O has work around ESR which needs to be understood

Initial call to decide approach. This was missed but has some urgency. (James, Ade O, Pepe +, Rob)

Have understood and worked out how to resolve.


ESR Handover

Start a process of handover from Naz to me.

  • Collate/understand a list of current issues (Rob, Naz, Pepe)

  • Understand where we are with ESR Support

  • Understand where we are with ESR process change

  • Understand where we are with the Trust liaison and engagement process

  • Contact ESR Leads and look to form a user group

  • Review work for roll-out (laggard Trusts and data prerequisites)


Post funding - To meet up to discuss our approach to this work and prepare for user-meetings.

Start this work off - Saedhia should be getting a call in to help decide how we tackle (James, Pepe, Rob and Ade A)

Confirm reference user group


Programme Membership -


There is a bug 3463 (which may need to be refined) - ghost programme membership in for development


Retro actions (designed to be done in next two weeks)

3550 - defining agile event purposes (Andy)
3551 - Jira queries to filter into events (Pepe)
3552 - checklist for review (Rob)
3484 - Review frequency
3483 - Angelica UX
3486 - MVP


Technical debt - MongoDB continuation 3006 and 3007 - keep this work going

Keep going

3007 shall we try to get this one put in this iteration? This is a “large” ticket and medium value.



NI Sync is for me

GMC support - in contact with GMC

We MUST get some Backlog refinement sessions in ---- start with revalidation perhaps and then look at oldest first, plus Pepe to look at the tech debt.

Sep 14, 2022

Goals for the next two weeks - Revalidation should be the primary product focus for the team.

Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration


Revalidation > Recommendations - Improved Filtering


  • 2722 +added subtask 3490 - 2722 is well advanced - what’s left → Small

  • Investigate options for a shortened re-sync (3416, 3414 taken out) and the impact on 3229. If it can be shortened then review whether 3229 can be delivered in the next two. Effort = Medium


Note 3416 is the re-sync ticket

Wrong programme name ticket 3229 (Large) - resync time is an issue which could be split out. Need to confer with the reval leads as to whether the ticket could be part developed prior to sync so that data would be uncertain Poss using another index for ES. This ticket is best developed and released rather than held at Stage. Poss “hack” the resync, which is not desirable, but do something else to shorten the time.

Update admin issue poss elasticsearch need to investigate and ascertain whether ticket or sub-task. Filtering by programme name depends on admin. Probably needs addressing. (3490)

To deliver 2722 need to address 3229 and the admin issue.


Revalidation > Connections - MVP

We have a MVP statement and we need to clarify what we should be doing to deliver.

Definitive list of doctors currently connected to a Designated Body, as mirrored on GMC connect, and the ability to manage discrepancies / connected/disconnected.

Cycle back to the Revalidation Leads our proposal of what needs to be done, at a minimum, to achieve.

  1. Complete the work on the MVP proposal

  2. Feed to Leads 15/09

  3. Process to add tickets and build-out the understanding


– High level estimation and supported user journeys and related tickets

– Here’s what users will be able to do - relate to MVP

– Front-end aspects?

– Get a good position to negotiate

– Limit the use of GMC Connect


Post funding - To meet up to discuss our approach to this work and prepare for user-meetings.

  • Go thorough and decide approach.

  • Start to set up the user-group.

  • Generate stories out of the early work.

Start this work off


Programme Membership -


– 3463 bug needs refinement ASAP.

– Prog membership bulk upload needs to be turned into tickets @James Harris and co


Retro actions (designed to be done in next two weeks)

– retro tickets need to be reviewed and should be assigned to the volunteer.


Technical debt - MongoDB continuation 3006 and 3007 - keep this work going

Keep going

– Actively try to move forward 3007



  • NI sync - this is a goal for Rob to continue to read through Confluence

  • GMC improvements - get a call set up

  • Run a backlog refinement session each week.


Aug 31, 2022

Goals for the next two weeks - Revalidation should be the primary product focus for the team.

Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration


Revalidation > Recommendations - Improved Filtering

Deliver something of value? 3290 (tick)

2722 - use as opportunity to spread knowledge of Elasticsearch e.g. pair programming (medium) (best endeavours)

We have https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3290

Next in line is … https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-2722


Revalidation > Connections - MVP

We have a MVP statement and we need to clarify what we should be doing to deliver.

Definitive list of doctors currently connected to a Designated Body, as mirrored on GMC connect, and the ability to manage discrepancies / connected/disconnected.

Cycle back to the Revalidation Leads our proposal of what needs to be done, at a minimum, to achieve.

Develop a narrative as to what is contained in the statement for review and comment.

e.g. what each list comprises and function for connecting/disconnecting.

Get all team focus. Tues 6th Sept.



Revalidation - Connections Data flows > To advance and/or conclude

Session to share.

Could this be simplified for feedback to users? Possible for Review to show the output of this work.

Please involve @James Harris


include in the 6th Sept meeting + James


Post funding - To meet up to discuss our approach to this work and prepare for user-meetings.

  • Go thorough and decide approach.

  • Start to set up the user-group.

  • Generate stories out of the early work.


+ team sharing PAG and funding.

+ set up an investigation ticket


Programme Membership -

Check on next steps @Yafang Deng and @James Harris

221 = small effort




Retro actions (designed to be done in next two weeks)

  • 3215 - Develop some material to help promote our approach going forwards.

  • 3286 - is DONE

  • 3359 - DOD to be taken as a wider conversation and icebox

  • 3360 - meet up - leave on the Board for Andy to resolve. “Ways of working” as a wider thing.

  • 3399 - 6th Sep

  • 3400

  • 3401 - refers to 3229 which will need to be re-refined and estimated.







Technical debt - MongoDB continuation 3006 and 3007 - keep this work going

Keep going

These have not been sized and have no acceptance criteria?





  • NI sync - this is a goal for Rob to continue to read through Confluence

  • GMC improvements - get a call set up

  • Run a backlog refinement session each week.


Aug 17, 2022

Goals for the next two weeks - Revalidation should be the primary product focus for the team.

Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration


Revalidation > Recommendations - Deliver something of value to users, either continuation of the, or determined by Steve



Revalidation > Connections - To advance the Connections assessment so that we are in a better position to resolve the MVP.
- Be in a position to feedback to users at the rearranged Wednesday meeting TBA.
- Team come together to discuss Ade’s work, with task for everyone to read this if possible.



Revalidation -Connections Data flows > To advance and/or conclude the “as is” position as this will help inform future work and improvement. Please involve @James Harris



Post funding - To meet up to discuss our approach to this work and prepare for user-meetings.

  • Start to set up the user-group.



Programme Membership - Check on next steps @Yafang Deng and @James Harris



Retro actions

  • 3286 - session to start process to cull backlog

  • 3287 - ideas and innovation approach meeting TBA but needs to be aligned with backlog refinement and a pan-TIS approach.

3286 Culling backlog - how to start this off! Session run 25/08 looking at long-standing tickets.


Technical debt - MongoDB continuation 3006 and 3007)

3298 - Jay to work with Reuben




  • NI sync - this is a goal for Rob to continue to read through Confluence

  • GMC improvements - when there is traction from GMC about discussing improvements.

Plan B? It looks like data is flowing now 0820 today 4 Aug. Do we need to do a postmortem to see how we dealt with this for improvement, as well as later linking with GMC around support more widely?


Technical debt - Continue with the MongoDB improvements.


Aug 3, 2022

Goals for the next two weeks - Revalidation should be the primary product focus for the team.

Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration


Revalidation > Recommendations - Deliver something of value to users, which we agreed should be the programme name filter improvements, which will feed later improvements.

Can we refine if this has not been done?


Revalidation > Connections - Understand more around Connections, so as to inform MVP build so this can be “played back” to the Revalidation community. Should aim to advance this work. To meet with core users to address a range of questions and assumptions; including key understanding of “why” we need Connections and what are the goals / user journeys etc…. Create, refine and start a ticket for this work.

I think this may be an amendment of 3272, or is it a new investigation ticket entirely? https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3272


Revalidation -Connections Data flows > To advance or conclude the “as is” position as this will help inform future work and improvement.

Is this ticketed? (Created on 4 th August)



Post funding - To start to investigate the recommendations from the process alignment group. May be able to start some of this off with @James Harris.



Programme Membership - Review existing and start to document. Continue progression.



Retro actions - advance these. We talked around three. (1) starting some backlog refinement (start small); (2) Ideas and innovation log and (3) Reval service visions etc…

(2) and (3) have wider pan-TIS implications.


GMC issue with Stage - This is constraining progress in reval. Need to get a resolved. Post-mortem discussion with GMC to improve support

Plan B? It looks like data is flowing now 0820 today 4 Aug. Do we need to do a postmortem to see how we dealt with this for improvement, as well as later linking with GMC around support more widely?


Technical debt - Continue with the MongoDB improvements.


Jul 20, 2022

The following goals/objectives/outcomes/outputs were agreed. There is a lot to do, so some of this work will be “best endeavours”.

Agreed that where possible clustering similar work together is beneficial for product development.

Goals: Recommendations, Connections, Concerns, Tech debt

Work lined up for the iteration

Work lined up for the iteration



  • Recommendation - To ascertain why teams use Excel for sorting and filtering (and other things) so we can understand and the route to getting Recommendations in use.

  • Connections - What is the minimal required to enable users to adopt Connections. Look at the value to users.

  • Concerns - To review and start to re-familiarise users with work done so that we can obtain feedback on work outstanding.



Continue with

  • Tech debt - MongoDB Atlas cluster - Tech sharing required and “what’s the outcome” of this work?
    Programme membership - keep going



Technical debt work for future






Post funding

  • Recommendations from Process Alignment - To start the work around this and start to resolve a user group.




  • Northern Ireland sync work - investigate where we are with this

tis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NTCS/pages/1375469579/Northern+Ireland+Onboarding+to+TIS inc. a reference to the epic for aligning & syncing data: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-1972 .  Ah, nostalgia.


Retro actions



Team availability

Please detail when not around



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