

Working Group


TIS:  @Ashley Ransoo @Adewale Adekoya @James Harris @Kavitha.Shankar @Stan Ewenike (Unlicensed)

North East, North West and YH@David Short (Unlicensed)@Liam.Lofthouse (Unlicensed) 

South (WES/TV/SEV/PEN): @Mike.Richardson (Unlicensed) @Andy Horton (Unlicensed)

London/KSS/SE:  @Stuart.Morris (Unlicensed)

East of England: Ping Yu

Midlands: @Lauren Squires (Unlicensed) Hilary Williams; Damilola Popoola

NIMDTA: @Mark.Oliver (Unlicensed)


Link to Metabase dashboard for data quality issues to resolve - https://build.tis.nhs.uk/metabase/dashboard/18












Resolve Duplicates - TISDEV-4841: Resolve the duplicate invalid GMC numbers, such as 'Retired,' and make them 'UNKNOWN'

Data leads

First discussed on DQ on 04/06: 

08/01: TISNEW-2364-Merging, then removal of Duplicate Person Records - Round 1DONE - Work completed for Round 1 on Stage and testing began. Since this was a flyway script, the importance was stressed on completion of the testing on stage as this would block anything else from being released to Production in out release pipeline

DS: Has done some testing. SB: leave manager tests carried out. JH/DS/AH: re-use some of the scripts that were used during consolidation for testing on metabase for next week.

DS: Prog membership, placements and assessments - Looks good so far. 

How long more this would need? - conclude by Wed 16/01.( and  are going to test this on Wednesday afternoon)

21/09: The scripts have been run on Prod over the weekend.

has taken extracts of the data on Friday afternoon ahead of the scripts being run. 

4/02: Round two will be needed. LaSE still to advise DS on what to do with the records that weren't an easy match. Chris picking this up - London may be ok but KSS need more attention

4/02: Leave manager - need to do checks for the circa 500 records to make sure that the round 2 de-duping would not leave orphaned records (as per the procedure for Round 1


to provide the list of Id's/template for the second round of duplication (second strongest match rule). To send the list out to all regions be checked. Jen would have done for the South - to be checked?

15/04: Still awaiting for EMD, South and London.

24/06: Jen to speak to David tomorrow (25th) re queries she has found in the South. 

James to ask Gwil where has gotten to with this - returns from leave on the 1st July

08/07: David to resend file to Gwil and Jen is no longer confused   as she now understands that this part of the exercise will not remove ALL erroneous records. Work is continuing........

22/07: Ongoing, waiting for South and EMD data

02/09 EM have submitted, awaiting the South (ongoing)

14/10: Back with DS - to compare and rebuild the new list of what's been merged

  • Might be useful for bringing in the Northern Ireland data into TIS (@Adewale Adekoya

11/11: Completed by South. With David at the moment.

09/12: There will be some duplicates because of Study Leave. The merging would have to be done at some point on TIS. Almost ready to go. 

06/01: DS post on slack for additional feedback.

03/02: DS posted on slack for everyone else to confirm this is OK. (De-dupe Round 2 spreadsheet)

20/04: Recommendation: to be done ahead of Northern Ireland and HCS onboarding onto TIS.

  • Aim for May 2020


  • Mids & East

  • North

  • South (requested a report from Hicom re People Id’s that relates to TIS Person ID’s) - To then check against David’s SS

  • London

20/05: Round 2 de-duplication file -

We can go ahead and de-duplicate the records identified (~20) @David Short (Unlicensed) to share those records, @Ashley Ransoo @James Harris @Sebastian Kwok (Unlicensed) create ticket for Round 2.

Some coordination with Hicom after the bulk has been done.

03/06: Dig out the template/ticket and the script for refinement. (@David Short (Unlicensed) @Ashley Ransoo)

15/06: Template in TIS format expected by end today.

29/06: Sue: Hicom sent over a national list (personTISIds) of ~18 approvers to exclude in the merge. (Based on anyone that has ever approved a study leave application). Some coordination with Hicom for these records. The list on Slack to go first iteration excluding these 18 records. Second iteration look at the Hicom coord. ones. Sue to check against the master file.

29/06: Received and ticket updated.


South - sent findings on merged records of duplicate Trainees where duplicate trainee record has leave application records


Iteration 1: Exclude Hicom Records


Iteration 2: Hicom records only


Include the 38 records to Round 2 - Iteration 2 (Hicom coordinated)

21/09: There are still some duplicates being encountered. Re-run DS script to identify?

Ticket to retrospectively set the training status - ?

06/10: Deduplication Round 3 -

Rules for Round 3 (TBD): (Regional Leads to take it away and look at the above before coming up with a set of Rules as a group)

  • Leave manager might take longer

  • @David Short (Unlicensed) to amend scenario 4 to remove SFB default merge and rerun count

  • 16/11:

Do the Round 3 split into 1000, followed by the hicom records.

14/12: Sue has reviewed this but will be picked up in the new year.


https://healtheducationengland-my.sharepoint.com/personal/sue_barrand_hee_nhs_uk/_layouts/15/AccessDenied.aspx?Source=https%3A%2F%2Fhealtheducationengland-my.sharepoint.com%2Fpersonal%2Fsue_barrand_hee_nhs_uk%2FDocuments%2FWork in Progress%2FWork in Progress - Sue%2FData Leads%2FDuplicate Person records on TIS%2F27.11.2020%2FDeDup3.xlsx%3Fweb%3D1%26CT%3D1610365865477%26OR%3DOutlook-Attachments%26CID%3D3DAF47FC-C53D-4693-BC23-1BA7DF1CB05B%26wdLOR%3Dc10F86DBC-38A1-497A-8AFA-F036C59C7557&correlation=5e37a09f-206b-2000-59b2-7e5623befefc&Type=item&name=97d9aad2-370a-4a31-b760-c936ebc525be&listItemId=221480


  • Suggestion is to wait until Accent Leave Manager migration, although that would mean re-running the script then. 08/02: Delayed beyond March 2021

  • Archiving work to follow.

08/03: Expecting LM to go live in June 2021.


Intrepid Leave Manager ETL

Aim for end of August

Note: 4.30 UTC - NDW pulls data from Hicom

24/05: Testing of the ETL in progress. On target for end of August.

14/09: Accent Leave Manager expected go live 23/09. Go-NoGo on 16/09.

27/09: @David Short (Unlicensed) to rerun above when back from leave.

11/10: DS to share at next meeting.

25/10: DS to share the results on #dataleads.

08/11: Old query was intrepid based, needed to be refactored and apply a weighting as follows. Need to group the distinct records next for the final output and share sql and output on #dataleads.

11/04: David to share spreadsheet. Each Local Office to review cut off.

  • How to prevent Foundation duplicates? UK Graduates will have a GMC Number, non-UK won’t, hence the UNKNOWN. Reports run on UNKNOWN trainees.

  • Oriel Pins used to be recycled. Need to check if this is the case in Oriel 2.

  • Possibly look at Horus for a solution. Horus doesn’t allow trainee to access it without a valid GMC Number and checks LRMP. Trainees also update email address on Horus. Emilia Isaac and Kata Varnai contacts.


  • Template created by the IS and distributed to LOs.

  • Deadline on records to be merged submitted by LOs?

    • Not until after NTS

  • Possibly look at adding validation on the NINo.


  • From a recent demo at TIS Review was shown that with TSS and Form Rs it is becoming increasingly difficult to merge person records. This will increase in difficulty with the release of DSP

  • If offices have records that need merging please provide as soon as possible.

    • Will provide any known records. Others potential records can only be confirmed from a case-by-case basis and so will be dealt with when an issue becomes apparent.

  • Suggestion at review: a report that flags any trainee with an UNKNOWN GMC number after being in programme for 3 months??? Would stop current trainees from being duplicated in the future but not trainees currently not in programme???

    • Anyone on a training programme with UNKNOWN GMC Number

    • Midlands has process. Will share.


Identification and removal of Consultant data on TIS


Removal of consultant data has a dependency on De-duplication work.

22/10: Dependency on the De-dupe work. Follow up with Chris after the de-dupe work has taken place. This is to identify which Consultant data belongs to which Trust so that they can have this if the trust wants.

29/10: Linked to the removal of the consultant information from TIS we also need to address the issue of the non-trainee posts. So a further piece of work needs to take place to identify and hard delete these posts. Will need to take a copy of this so that (like with the non-trainee records) we can pass this to the trusts if needed. JW to create ticket related to the deletion of posts.

19/11 - Once de-dupe is done, check the full list of People from Chris. Please review against the surviving records (IDs) onTISNEW-2057.

14/01: Wait until the testing of the de-dupe has been done on stage then carry on.- 

04/02: Awaiting on DS on testing outcome for TISNEW-2057 to prioritise TISNEW-2083. Does the script attached to 2083 has everything? 

Check with Rob about urgency of this re IG - JW to do this

01/04: to check with Rob/Ben.

15/04: response from Rob 'From an IG perspective - of we don't need it then we should not keep it.'

Supervisors and Leave approvers taken into account on Chris's script.

24/06: The South has undertaken a post audit and set to Inactive Consultant/non current posts which has resulted in a reduction of approx. 2000 posts

Suggestion that this is something that the other three regions can do while the Person de-dup is in the process of being completed.

Suspect most of the Consultant posts in the North and Mids and East are now inactive meaning that the majority of outstanding posts belong to KSS (possibly)

Once this has been completed for Posts they can remain as Inactive rather than undertake another unnecessary step.

22/07: Still waiting on the de-duplication work. To discuss about Supervisors after this piece of work.

17/02: Intrepid/Leave Manager roles to be sorted out ahead of de-dupe of consultants on TIS


  • Aim for May 2020.

  • Action: Investigating Chris’s script, check for any leave manager records.

04/05: Report has been amended - Query saved on Data warehouse. Exclude list of Approvers before removing.

21/05: Update from the south and EM.

03/06: Waiting on Hicom.

29/06: Sue: Hicom sent over a national list (personTISIds) of ~38 approvers to exclude in the merge. (Based on anyone that has ever approved a study leave application). Some coordination with Hicom for these records. The list on Slack to go first iteration excluding these 18 records. Second iteration look at the Hicom coord. ones. Sue to check against the master file.


Script for consultant data updated:

https://healtheducationengland.sharepoint.com/TIS/Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2FTIS%2FShared Documents%2FJ. Data and Information%2FData Quality%2FNon Training Placements and Programmes.sql&parent=%2FTIS%2FShared Documents%2FJ. Data and Information%2FData Quality&p=true&originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly9oZWFsdGhlZHVjYXRpb25lbmdsYW5kLnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29tLzp1Oi9nL1RJUy9FZTNBa3BqQXFvdEhoRmpBdkZnX04wOEI2WE1HazFrdWhFNXBuMDFMU212VWpnP3J0aW1lPWUxZEdUQ04wMkVn

19/10: Spreadsheet of grades ← James:

https://healtheducationengland.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/TIS/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc={E10875EF-5AE0-4B22-B77D-4CE1A2484575}&file=IsTrainingGrades for Review RUN 15-10-2020.xlsx&action=default&mobileredirect=true

14/12: Sue has reviewed this but will be picked up in the new year.


  • Suggestion is to wait until Accent Leave Manager migration, although that would mean re-running the script then. 08/02: Delayed beyond March 2021

  • Archiving work to follow.

  • 08/03: Expecting LM to go live in June 2021 with testing starting in April through to May

24/05: Testing of the ETL in progress. On target for end of August.

14/09: Accent Leave Manager expected go live 23/09. Go-NoGo on 16/09.

27/09: After running the above:

  • check how many remaining non training grade placements remain

  • unused posts that can be removed from TIS?


  • Once the final collection of deduplication actioned will remove the consultant data

On hold until Point 1 has been completed to the group's satisfaction for People area


Post Funding with no end dates but are INACTIVE


Use the Bulk Post Funding Update tool to update them. (Note: by TIS_PostFunding_ID* not PostID)

Impact on leave manager? - @Mike.Richardson (Unlicensed) to check.

Check impact with ESR on Inactive Posts - @Ashley Ransoo / @James Harris

11/01: Post Status of CURRENT only are reconciled and placements exported against.

  • If Post Funding does not become active until at a point in Future, the status of the post has to be CURRENT 13 weeks ahead of the placement start date for them to be exported. May need to change the rule on the interface to still export the placement regardless of the post status in this case. @Ashley Ransoo / @James Harris to discuss with @Joseph (Pepe) Kelly . (confirmed)

  • OR, when a CURRENT/FUTURE placement is added to an Inactive Post, perhaps the post needs to be made CURRENT before being able to do so. (Query to check)

  • @Ashley Ransoo @Sebastian Kwok (Unlicensed) Ticket - consider to automate the Post Status changing.

    • Rules to automate TBD.

    • Consideration for a separate Funding Status? No.

    • Research into…Seb

  • 07/06:

    • Soft warning on the Funding dates being used for placement creation/edits being outside of the placement dates (UI) - ticket

    • PPT - Warning when adding placements against inactive post?

    • Bulk - Warning/info type message when adding placements against inactive post or prevent by validation?

    • What is Post status?

    • 21/06: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-1737

  • 11/04: Cannot add soft warning in ticket below. Can only add hard validation.

    • If no funding at all will need to flag as an error

    • OOP bucket posts will need to be addressed but these can be bulk uploaded

    • The benefit of validation justifies the hard validation

    • Clean up exercise to begin in July with the aim to add validation after.


  • This issue and validation will be looked at as part of Post Funding work.



Oriel Integration


Oriel Workforce Extract - Programme name and number to be included (work starting Mid March and will take about 2-3 weeks), aiming to be ready for April 2021 when most of the trainees will be added.

  • Extension of the Leave Manager ETL with additional views into the NDW

  • These could be used as a basis to then convert into the TIS bulk People upload format (Volunteers to help James create the scripts: @Mike.Richardson (Unlicensed) , @Caroline Grisdale, @Mark.Oliver (Unlicensed) )

    • There will be a suite of reports including ability to compare on what’s on TIS and what yet to be uploaded on TIS.

    • CoP: by Early May the trainees to be on TIS

    • Note: currently recruitment team run report from Oriel and upload to TIS

    • Requires a change in process in Local Offices therefore probably defer to Round 2?

Oriel-TIS Integration (Current) | Assumptions & Discussions for Implementation

08/03: Awaiting on the first part of the development in LM

Oriel-TIS Pre-Discovery

12/04: Access to Hicom DR (Same location as Leave Manager V3)

24/05: Waiting on Hicom on DR3

14/09: Work blocked by corporate and Hicom finance issues. This has now been unblocked. Timescales still unknown.

27/09: This may still be blocked by finance.

08/11: In progress with Hicom.

15/02: Get an update from Hicom this afternoon.


  • Hicom have produced the UAT of the Oriel extract from Oriel UAT. Currently waiting on proposals from Hicom of how this will be moved Live


  • Further conversations with Hicom ongoing for this data.

  • Additional complication in the future as it has been identified Oriel application forms and other relevant documents will need to be transferred to TIS



Site and Trust Tables


  • There are 18000 current posts that have an 'invalid' site attached to them

  • https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-134

  • 07/06:

    • Segment known Site and Trusts issues and map them to regions to facilitate clean up

    • Map Site and Trusts or Organisation Types

    • Start to define what a regular DQ report will look like

      • Comparing placement end dates and site/trust closure

      • How to slice and filter

      • Dealing with time delay of mergers aka 'grace period'.

      • Identifying successor organisations when have full ODS tables

    • GMC Approvals Data

      • ODG topic of OOPT and Site Approvals

      • Speak to GMC at ODG about more automated pull of full approvals

      • Speak to JT about which db to add Approvals data to and if possible for data service team to start regularly uploading this data via SSIS

      • Upload one off static full approvals list to start querying the data

    • 22/06: 6th July another session.

  • 06/07 Barbados:

    • GMC Approvals Data - James has uploaded a copy in HEE TIS Programme - dbo.GMC_Approved_Programmes_and_Locations

      • James will drop and reupload table on demand (monthly)

    • Segment known Site and Trusts issues and map them to regions to facilitate clean up

      • Check sites (both main and other) associated with current posts are approved for their programme - @James Harris #1

      • Look at sites (and trusts) that are closed on the ODS list but still on GMC approval list - @David Short (Unlicensed) #2

      • Check site table site trust combination matches ODS list (may not match with GMC) - @James Harris

      • Check the GMC approvals to ODS combos - @James Harris

      • Check current sites on TIS, flag ones that should be inactive from ODS and identify whether there are posts connected. - @James Harris

      • Check current trusts on TIS, flag ones that should be inactive from ODS and identify whether there are posts connected. - @James Harris

      • Check if sites on GMC approval list have no current posts for that programme (warning) - @David Short (Unlicensed)

      • NB. the above is dependent on teams removing sites that should not be approved from the GMC approval list

    • FIXED - Trust linked to a Site not updating the trustId linked to it

      • Raise ticket to recalculate trust ID associated with site

    • Map Site and Trusts or Organisation Types

      • David to find and circulate list of organisation types - done 06/07

      • Possibly missing County Councils, HEIs (universities), Local Authorities

      • Map different organisation types

      • Decide on naming convention


25/10: Review what NDW is doing with the above with Reuben.

08/11: Next to look at its implementation in NDW then consider TIS.


  • @James Harris started looking to compare ODS and TIS but it opened a lot of data questions. Will review with @Kavitha.Shankar and @Stan Ewenike (Unlicensed) to move forward.



Removal of Person Records Solely existing for Leave Manager


  • 14/09: In the past to create bulk ‘non-administrators’ in Intrepid Leave Manager involved creating them in bulk on TIS and allowing them to be sent across on the ETL

  • With Accent Leave Manager, only trainee records will be sent from TIS to LM as other accounts will be managed in LM

  • Need to identify and remove these person records from TIS

  • 27/09: @Mike.Richardson (Unlicensed) and @Kyle Embley (Unlicensed) start developing script to identify them.



Programme Membership refactoring on TIS




  • Work is almost complete with just clean up of deprecated fields left.

  • Bulk Updates are ticketed up and approved by Data Leads. Currently waiting those to be refined.


  • Work to be done following the completion of Reval Connection work



Expansion Posts


‘Long Term Plan’ Funding type currently on TIS which is Tariff Funded.

Potential new funding type for ‘NHS E/I Expansion Posts’ which are also Tariff Funded.

Need a way to differentiate between established posts Funding type and type of Tariff funded types. Perhaps a new field e.g. 'Funding instance' or relabelling of the funding types to avoid confusion.

Implication of adding new field.

15/02: Add as new Funding type.

11/04: Paper with deans. Will be confirmed in the next week.


  • Paper proposed around post funding which suggests the addition of a field for a Funding SubType mainly to differentiate between HEE Funded - Non-Tariff.

  • Could this field be used to record Funding Reason, e.g. Redistribution, Long Term Plan, NHSE/I Expansion, or would these overlap with above?

  • Eventually there will be a meeting with stakeholders to discuss these questions


  • ON HOLD - Is currently being investigated by the TIS User Researcher



National Data Quality Definitions and Dashboards



As part of the Data Workshop and the Data Leads TOR it was agreed the Data Leads investigate the creation of a set of National Data Quality Definitions and Dashboards. Steps include:

  • List of data quality indicators currently being used by local offices

    • Agreed as first step

  • Comparing that list and agreeing which should be included nationally

  • Of those agreed defining how these should measured

  • Once that’s done determine if a National Dashboard is better or if decentralised approach is best.



Curriculum Changes and Other Reference Table Changes



  • Currently no process to raise and approve these.

  • Suggested that those should be the remit of this group?

    • Will look into curriculum length changes

    • Feeling of not always having the knowledge to know when something has been signed off yet


  • Being discussed at SMG around a process

Lauren analysing TIS Curriculum table to GMC. Will share when complete. Suggestion that Curriculum table be restricted to fewer users



Cross Boundary Posts



  • Local Offices record these in different ways which causes a lot of reporting issues

  • Paper produced by London and KSS which should hopefully be agreed although not yet confirmed

  • Will require some post changes but hopefully quite small? Are any aware of this?


  • Paper was shared by Angela of the signed off proposal with Data Leads included to facilitate change.

  • Actions from email are:

    • Regions captured on this spreadsheet to ensure they have implemented the methodology outlined

    • Regions not captured on this spreadsheet to double check they do have any out of area posts and if so let James know and enact the agreed process

  • The above feeds into METIP for 2024 and Redistribution

Document understood and any necessary changes being investigated



Local Office Post Merger Name Changes



  • The GMC announced they would be creating new Designated Bodies in GMC Connect for the 1st of April Merge

  • Given the number of downstream dependencies on Local Office names, on TIS have worked out a process where only the Designated Body Codes will change, not the Designated Body Names and not the Local Office Names. The DBCs are the ‘API Codes’ used to connect the Revalidation Module and GMC Connect and so these must change for Reval to continue functioning.

  • Local Office names will need to be changed in the near to medium future. The believed, although not confirmed format is 'NHSE Education x' (e.g. NHSE Education East Midlands)

  • Once Revalidation is confirmed to be working will be working with NDW to come over with a change control process and timeline. Each Local Office/Region need to start analysing where a change of LO will affect their systems and processes, e.g. NDW SQL Scripts, Tableau Dashboards, etc

  • Have spoke to Daniel Woolf and team in London who are starting to do the above analysis

Does not expect it to be too onerous. Awaiting confirmed names



Dual Training Trainee Grades



Question from Stu:

  • We are having an issue in London/KSS where we can’t clearly show on TIS the grades for our dual trainees namely in Anaes and ICM. This is linked to when their training grade and NHS spinal point may be different.

     We have considered using the placement comments field to address this but as there isn’t a unified approach to this field I wanted to see how everyone utilises this?

    • Going to be brought up by BMs for a consistent message on the above.



Site Name and Address Changes



Question from Mike:

  • A question for our next meeting please. Is there an agreed process for updating site names and addresses to match the ODS? Should we simply update the current record  (as long as the Site Code has remained the same) or should we create a new site record so that historic placements can reflect the names & addresses as they were at the time?

Response from Lauren:

  • We generally follow the rule that if the code has remained the same we just update the record with the new name - generally if the address has changed the code also changes and then we'd inactivate the old one and create a new record. We went with this approach as the ODS doesn't seem to keep a record of the old names so we wouldn't be able to track that anyway...

PAG Document on Trust Merges

Agreed the following: ODS Code is the organisation no matter what the name is, etc



Jira Tickets (Reference Tables)

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Jira Tickets - Data Leads to Prioritise

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution


HEE Events Timeline - Indicative Dates

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