Programmes - LTFT

Programmes - LTFT

This page captures the Reporting Requirements for reports to be developed for Less Than Full Time Training.

@Kavitha.Shankar @Stan Ewenike (Unlicensed) @James Harris



Report Name/Summary

Detailed Description

Priority (L/M/H)

Target Users/ Audience/ Nations

  • National

  • Specialty

  • Local Office

Aggregate/ Row-level data

Columns to be included

Filters/ Sortable by



Report Name/Summary

Detailed Description

Priority (L/M/H)

Target Users/ Audience/ Nations

  • National

  • Specialty

  • Local Office

Aggregate/ Row-level data

Columns to be included

Filters/ Sortable by



LTFT – KPI reporting (From currently available data 05/2023)

  • Proportion of all doctors in training who are training LTFT (definition = number of doctors in training < 1.0 WTE / total number of doctors in training – x 100 to produce percentage)


  • Number of doctors training LTFT (definition = number of doctors in training < 1.0 WTE)


  • Gender breakdown of doctors training LTFT (definition = of those doctors with a WTE < 1.0, what % are male, female and other. E.g. of all doctors who train LTFT, 53% are female, 46% are male, 1% are “other”)


  • Specialty breakdown of doctors training LTFT (definition = of those doctors with a WTE < 1.0, what percentage is from each specialty i.e. of all doctors who train LTFT, 15% of them are paediatric trainees, 10% are O&G etc etc)


  • Ethnicity breakdown of doctors training LTFT (definition = of those doctors with a WTE < 1.0, what percentage is from each ethnicity)


  • Geography of doctors training LTFT (definition = of those doctors with a WTE < 1.0, what percentage of these are training in each local office. E.g. of all doctors who train LTFT, 20% of them are training in London, 10% in North West etc)


  • Level/year of training of doctors training LTFT (definition = of those doctors with a WTE < 1.0, what percentage are training at each level of training. E.g. of all doctors who train LTFT, 17% are ST4, 15% are ST3 etc etc)


National/Exec/Wider WT&E




The same requirements and so Tableau report can be used for reports 1, 2 and 3. Due to different audiences this will likely need to sit in three different Tableau sites: TIS PID, an HEE External site the same as or similar to what was used for CCT Completers for users like Jon Hussain, and to PLN’s site which will be done by the PLN.


LTFT – KPI reporting (Future requirement of LTFT reporting dashboard (post discovery phase of TSS))

  • Breakdown of “reasons” for training LTFT (definition = of those doctors training LTFT, what percentage are training LTFT for each of the eligibility “reasons”  outlined in the LTFT SOP and below)


LTFT Eligibility reasons

  1. Trainees with a disability or ill health

  2. Trainees (men and women) with caring responsibilities

  3. Welfare and wellbeing

  4. Unique opportunities

  5. Religious commitment

  6. Non-medical development

  7. Flexibility for training and career development



National/Exec/Wider WT&E






Current LTFT Figures

  • Current Number per Specialty

  • Current Numbers with Gender Split


National/Wider WT&E




Assume can create same as LTFT – KPI reporting (From currently available data 05/2023) but with different audience/Tableau Location


LTFT Trend Analysis

  • LTFT rates over time

    • Overall

    • By Level (Core and Higher)

    • Specialty

    • Gender

    • PMQ


National/Wider WT&E




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