Planning: Trainee team 2023
What is the purpose of planning?
Identify goal(s) and what needs to be done and ID specific stories against the goal(s)
Planning tickets to bring into Ready for Dev to work on (most of which to complete) in next iteration.
Review metrics dashboards for potential insights to work on in the coming Iteration
Ditto above, plus check the capacity of the team in the next two weeks (availability etc)
Resolve prioritisation / sequencing
Assessing work in progress on the board against refreshed goals
Planning is not a refinement session - this is what the Refinement session 2 days before is about
11 DEC 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
Complete the work in implementing status on the Kanban board.
Secondary Goal
Finalize the detailed feature map for notification, clearly outlining all the necessary components and functionalities. Subsequently, breaking down the notifications into manageable work slices, ensuring each segment is well-defined and actionable for efficient and coordinated progress.
Conduct an investigation to determine methods for modifying notification content according to LO and program specification.
Research work
Discovery on LTFT - 15 primary user interview conducted. Completed.
Interviews with TPD and educational supervisors are in progress now.
Present findings from research meetings to be scheduled for early Jan 2024 @Nazia AKHTAR
North-East is to be rescheduled
Other Work
Welcome comms has been approved. (Trainees reviewing)
Placement notification has been approved. (Trainees reviewing)
NTN notification is not started. (Ticket associated with this work to be reviewed in alignment with the Admin team)
Reporting needs in progress
On HOLD for now ---– Look into deferral form standardisation- Channel is created on Slack. Epic is also created on our Backlog. Plan to do a mini research on this work. The Admin team will be involved i terms of making the forms available. @catherine.odukale (Unlicensed) @Nazia AKHTAR
Data comparison from ORIEL to TIS. Awaiting OFFER program start date to be added to the ORIEL database. @Kavitha.Shankar
Understanding the process followed by local offices.
Team Absences
Reuben - Half day
Naz - 4 days
Doris - 2 days
Andy - 1 day
Support - Brunette, doing analysis on service desk. Will present feedback on one of the sessions. Weekly sessions planned. @Kavitha.Shankar / @Nazia AKHTAR
Finding an automated process to handle moving forms. - @Andy Dingley
DSP - New date for launch is 27th Nov. There are 4 NHS organisations involved. ---to be updated by Chris @Christopher.Inegbedion (Unlicensed)
@Nazia AKHTAR to speak with Rob about data sharing.
Study leave Accent Leave Manager - No update
Progress work on the dashboard - still waiting for an update from finance team - @Kavitha.Shankar
Waiting for standardisation of study leave process that inform dashboard @Kavitha.Shankar
Data comparison work TIS vs FormR - ticket to be refined @Kavitha.Shankar
Setup a meeting with the HORUS team. @Nazia AKHTAR
Dashboard review
Remove the survey questions from confirmation email - @Nazia AKHTAR
Review Chatbot data and the support desk data - @Nazia AKHTAR
Review of previous Retro tickets
Just enough, just in time
To be or not to be (excel) moment with required info available in different systems – Andy/Kav
27 NOV 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
Develop the notification tab, establish business rules for reminder ticket procedures, and initiate the creation of the action summary for the front-end.
Secondary Goal
Conduct an investigation to determine methods for modifying notification content according to LO and program specification.
Research work
Discovery on LTFT - 15 primary user interview conducted. Completed.
To continue with recruiting from SW and London. Then secondary user workshop.
North-East is to be rescheduled
Thames Valley and SW will be engaged this week.
TPD and other stakeholders details to be confirmed and interviews to be scheduled.
Other Work
Welcome comms has been approved.
Placement notification has been approved.
NTN notification is not started.
Reporting needs in progress
On HOLD for now ---– Look into deferral form standardisation- Channel is created on Slack. Epic is also created on our Backlog. Plan to do a mini research on this work. The Admin team will be involved i terms of making the forms available. @catherine.odukale (Unlicensed) @Nazia AKHTAR
Data comparison from ORIEL to TIS. Awaiting OFFER program start date to be added to the ORIEL database. @Kavitha.Shankar
Understanding the process followed by local offices.
Team Absences
Naz - Half day
Doris - 1 day
Andy - 2 days
Support - Brunette, doing analysis on service desk. Will present feedback on one of the sessions. Weekly sessions planned. @Kavitha.Shankar / @Nazia AKHTAR
Finding an automated process to handle moving forms. - @Andy Dingley
DSP - New date for launch is 27th Nov. There are 4 NHS organisations involved.
Pen testing is done - @Nazia AKHTAR ask for update and copy of report (associated to TSS)
Study leave Accent Leave Manager - No update
Progress work on the dashboard - still waiting for an update from finance team - @Kavitha.Shankar
Waiting for standardisation of study leave process that inform dashboard @Kavitha.Shankar
Data comparison work TIS vs FormR - ticket to be refined @Kavitha.Shankar
Dashboard review
Remove the survey questions from confirmation email - @Nazia AKHTAR
Review Chatbot data and the support desk data - @Nazia AKHTAR
Review of previous Retro tickets
Improved cross-team collaboration
DSP changes without being notified -- Andy D
Difficulty getting trainees -- Tosin O
Sub-task focus (need a filter to also include bugs/defects though) -- Chris I
To be or not to be (excel) moment with required info available in different systems – Andy/Kav
Roadmap Review
Nov 13, 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
Implement the notification tab and development tab reminder tickets
Secondary Goal
Understand how to handle trainee email changes on TIS.
Research work
Discovery on LTFT - 12 primary user interview conducted. 5 outstanding interviews to be completed.
To continue with recruiting from SW and London. Then secondary user workshop.
North-East is to be rescheduled
TPD and other stakeholders details to be confirmed and interviews to be scheduled.
Other Work
Welcome comms has been approved.
Placement notification still in progress.
NTN notification is not started.
On HOLD for now ---– Look into deferral form standardisation- Channel is created on Slack. Epic is also created on our Backlog. Plan to do a mini research on this work. The Admin team will be involved i terms of making the forms available. @catherine.odukale (Unlicensed) @Nazia AKHTAR
Data comparison from ORIEL to TIS. Awaiting the start date from the ORIEL team @Kavitha.Shankar
Understanding the process followed by local offices.
Team Absences
Naz - Half day
Doris - 1 day
Support - Brunette, doing analysis on service desk. Will present feedback on one of the sessions. Weekly sessions planned. @Kavitha.Shankar / @Nazia AKHTAR
DSP - New date for launch is 27th Nov. There are 4 NHS organisations involved.
Pen testing is done - @Nazia AKHTAR ask for update and copy of report (associated to TSS)
Study leave Accent Leave Manager
Progress work on the dashboard - still waiting for an update from finance team - @Kavitha.Shankar
Waiting for standardisation of study leave process that inform dashboard @Kavitha.Shankar
Data comparison work TIS vs FormR - ticket to be refined @Kavitha.Shankar
Dashboard review
Review of previous Retro tickets
DSP changes without being notified -- Andy D
Difficulty getting trainees -- Tosin O
Sub-task focus (need a filter to also include bugs/defects though) -- Chris I
To be or not to be (excel) moment with required info available in different systems – Andy/Kav
Roadmap Review
Oct 30, 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
Reminder notification to be sent.
Secondary Goal
Understand how to handle trainee email changes on TIS.
Research work
Discovery on LTFT - 11 primary user interview conducted. To continue with recruiting from SW and London. Then secondary user workshop.
North-West is Tuesday 31Oct
West Midlands/East Midlands is 2nd Nov
To have a meeting with the two teams using Story Mapping (FeatureMap) @Nazia AKHTAR
Other Work
Standardise comms for new starters
Look into deferral form standardisation- Channel is created on Slack. Epic is also created on our Backlog. Plan to do a mini research on this work. The Admin team will be involved i terms of making the forms available. @catherine.odukale (Unlicensed) @Nazia AKHTAR
Data comparison from ORIEL to TIS. Awaiting the start date from the ORIEL team @Kavitha.Shankar
Team Absences
Support - Brunette, doing analysis on service desk. Will present feedback on one of the sessions. Weekly sessions planned. @Kavitha.Shankar / @Nazia AKHTAR
DSP - New date for launch is 27th Nov. There are 4 NHS organisations involved.
Pen testing is done - @Nazia AKHTAR ask for update and copy of report (associated to TSS)
Study leave Accent Leave Manager
Progress work on the dashboard - still waiting for an update from finance team - @Kavitha.Shankar
Waiting for standardisation of study leave process that inform dashboard @Kavitha.Shankar
Data comparison work TIS vs FormR - ticket to be refined @Kavitha.Shankar
Dashboard review
Review of previous Retro tickets
Craft strategic Objectives and Key Results and align with Team - @Nazia AKHTAR
Mapping of the Old world for TIS - @Christopher.Inegbedion (Unlicensed)
Oct 16, 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
Enable the completion of notification tab investigation and develop the tab in admins UI
Secondary Goal
Enable sending the reminder emails to PGDiT
Research work
Discovery on LTFT - Interviews are still on-going. 6 completed so far. Further 6 planned for the month of October.
Secondary user workshop is planned for tomorrow in London.
North Secondary users workshop is planned for the 31st of October.
Other Work
Standardise comms for new starters
Look into deferral form standardisation
Data comparison from ORIEL to TIS
Team availability
Naz - 3 day
Doris - 5 day
John - TBD
Support - Brunette, doing analysis on service desk. Will present feedback on one of the sessions.
DSP - New date for launch is 27th Nov. There are 4 NHS organisations involved.
Pen testing is done - @Nazia AKHTAR ask for update and copy of report (associated to TSS)
Study leave Accent Leave Manager
Progress work on the dashboard - still waiting for finance team - @Kavitha.Shankar
Waiting for standardisation of study leave process that inform dashboard
Data comparison work TIS vs FormR - ticket to be refined
Oriel data will be available on NDW
Dashboard review
Review of previous Retro tickets
Craft strategic Objectives and Key Results and align with Team - @Nazia AKHTAR
Mapping of the Old world for TIS - @Christopher.Inegbedion (Unlicensed)
Sep 18, 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
CoJ confirmation notification
Secondary Goal
Go live chatbot
DSP notification improvement tickets
Research work
Discovery on LTFT - Cross team working Admin & Trainee - Continue with research @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed)
Review & modifying the plans - BA & UR meeting 18/09
Team availability
Johno - 2 days
Andy - 1 day
Naz - 1 day
Doris - 1 day
Support - Bruntte, Kav and Tosin to get together to review support data and stats on WordPress
DSP - Re-baselining the plan and before I give you the new go live date
Pen testing is done - @Nazia AKHTAR ask for update and copy of report (associated to TSS)
Study leave Accent Leave Manager
Progress work on the dashboard - still waiting for finance team - @Kavitha.Shankar
@Ade.Olaiya Demo on Accent Leave Manager, Course Manager, easy Money/Pay and update team on future for this product @Nazia AKHTAR
Data comparison work TIS vs FormR - ticket to be refined
Oriel data will be available on NDW
Discuss with Angela re. LO forms @Nazia AKHTAR
Dashboard review
CoJ - Speak to YH Andrea team (Rachel Noble) Reply to the thread
Review of previous Retro tickets
Aug 20, 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
Progress the Idea tickets
Secondary Goal
COJ Notification research
Sent Survey to LO & PGDiT - to determine the frequency and context of reminders Microsoft Forms - Free tool to create online surveys, forms, polls, and quizzes
Research work - update from Tosin
Discovery on LTFT - Cross team working Admin & Trainee - Continue with research @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed)
Team availability
Naz 10 days
Johno - 7 days
Edward - 1 day
Reuben - 1 day
Support - Kavitha to look at the trends - see if calls are decreasing as we have implemented solution i.e. FAQ
DSP - So far feedback is positive from UAT. @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed) to chase charlotte/catrina for user feedback - Next set of pilot testing to take place end of Sept.
Pen testing started 8/08 - team to be response to we don't hold anything up
Notification improvement to be developed before next step of Pilot testing (end of Sept)
Study leave Accent Leave Manager
Progress work on the dashboard - working with finance teams meeting to happen 14th August - @Kavitha.Shankar
Research completed - Research work reviewed by Rob & @Ade.Olaiya
@Ade.Olaiya Demo on Accent Leave Manager, Course Manager, easy Money/Pay and update team on future for this product
Dashboard review
Hot Jar - Look at the Hotjar url - it should appear after trainee has completed Hotjar survey
Review of previous Retro tickets
Aug 7, 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
Trail Chatbot - Continue to complete the Chatbot work
develop stats so we can see if trainees are interacting and benefiting with chatbot
investigation work on identifying data for unauthorised users
Secondary Goal
COJ Notification research
Speaking LO & PGDiT - how many reminder/comms sent and how often
Technical investigation on notifications
Research work
Discovery on LTFT - Cross team working Admin & Trainee - Continue with research @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed)
Training description field research @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed) @Ashley Ransoo @Adewale Adekoya Ade B
Team availability
Naz 3 day
Doris 4 days
Ed 1 days
Reuben 5 days
Kav 1 day
Support -
Kavitha to look at the trends - see if calls are decreasing as we have implemented solution i.e. FAQ @Nazia AKHTAR
DSP - So far feedback is positive from UAT. @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed) to chase charlotte/catrina for user feedback - Next set of pilot testing to take place end of Sept.
Pen testing started 8/08 - team to be response to we don't hold anything up
Notification improvement to be developed before next step of Pilot testing (end of Sept)
Study leave Accent Leave Manager
Progress work on the dashboard - working with finance teams meeting to happen 14th August - @Kavitha.Shankar
Research completed - Research work reviewed by Rob & @Ade.Olaiya
@Ade.Olaiya Demo on Accent Leave Manager, Course Manager, easy Money/Pay and update team on future for this product
Dashboard review
Hot Jar - Look at the Hotjar url - it should appear after trainee has completed Hotjar survey
Review of previous Retro tickets
Type | Key | Summary | Status | Category | Goal |
Verifying on Prod | Improve the Conditions of Joining Process |
| |||
Being code reviewed | Study Leave reporting |
| |||
Being code reviewed | Data Management |
| |||
Implementing | Improve the Conditions of Joining Process |
| |||
Review the support process, share outputs and recommendations | Implementing | Support |
| ||
Implementing | Develop a trainee user community |
| |||
Implementing | Sending TSS data to NDW |
| |||
Ready | Retro action |
| |||
FormR data - Analyse TSS support Incident tickets - share any themes/ reoccurring issues (problems) | Ready | Support |
| ||
Ready | Monitoring and Logging |
| |||
Jul 24, 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
Trail Chatbot - Continue to complete the Chatbot work - Configuration work remaining
Seek input from Rachel & Nick (DSP users) on chat bot
Look at Epic and see what other tickets to bring into this iteration
Secondary Goal
COJ User Satisfaction - Look at comments from trainees and put into mural and group into themes
COJ Reminder/Chaser emails research @Nazia AKHTAR @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed)
Discovery on LTFT - Cross team working Admin & Trainee - Continue with research @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed)
Training description field research @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed) @Ashley Ransoo
Ideas log clarification and validate - @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed)
Team availability
Catch up day in Manchester 24th July
Naz 3 day
Andy D 1 day (maybe)
Doris 2/3 days
Ed 8 days
Ashley 3 days
Reuben 5 days
Support -
Kavitha to look at the trends - see if calls are decreasing as we have implemented solution i.e. FAQ @Nazia AKHTAR
Support - offered position to incident analyst -update on start date . @Anita Cheng
DSP - So far feedback is positive from UAT. @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed) to chase charlotte/catrina for user feedback - Next set of pilot testing to take place end of Sept.
Identity binding - spec needs clarifying and work needs ticketing up @Nazia AKHTAR
Study leave Accent Leave Manager
working on the dashboard - working with finance teams meeting to happen 14th August - @Kavitha.Shankar
Research completed - Rob & @Ade.Olaiya review recommendation @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed)
Dashboard review
SMS - alarm set up at 1600 - will keep an eye
Hot Jar - Look at where else we can get target feedback @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed)
Review of previous Retro tickets
Type | Key | Summary | Status | Category | Goal |
Verifying on Prod | Improve the Conditions of Joining Process |
| |||
Being code reviewed | Study Leave reporting |
| |||
Being code reviewed | Data Management |
| |||
Implementing | Improve the Conditions of Joining Process |
| |||
Review the support process, share outputs and recommendations | Implementing | Support |
| ||
Implementing | Develop a trainee user community |
| |||
Implementing | Sending TSS data to NDW |
| |||
Ready | Retro action |
| |||
FormR data - Analyse TSS support Incident tickets - share any themes/ reoccurring issues (problems) | Ready | Support |
| ||
Ready | Monitoring and Logging |
| |||
Jul 10, 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
Trail Chatbot - Continue to complete the Chatbot work - Following testing by Naz & Saedhia we look at the remaining tickets - Configuration work remaining
Secondary Goal
COJ User Satisfaction - compare new to legacy process @Kavitha.Shankar @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed)
Discovery on LTFT - Cross team working Admin & Trainee
Team availability
Naz 1 day
Andy D 9 days
Doris 1 day
Johno 1 day
Ed 4 days
Support - Kavitha to look at the trends - see if calls are decreasing as we have implemented solution i.e. FAQ
Support - offered position to incident analyst - due to start in about 3 weeks.
DSP - So far feedback is positive from UAT. Next set of pilot testing to take place end of Sept.
Study leave Accent Leave Manager
working on the dashboard - working with finance teams - @Kavitha.Shankar
completed interviews - synthesis the data - present data to Rob & Ade. @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed)
Dashboard review
SMS - alarm set up at 1600 - will keep an eye
Hot Jar - Naz to create ticket to get more targeted feedback FormR & DSP
Review of previous Retro tickets
Type | Key | Summary | Status | Category | Goal |
Verifying on Prod | Improve the Conditions of Joining Process |
| |||
Being code reviewed | Study Leave reporting |
| |||
Being code reviewed | Data Management |
| |||
Implementing | Improve the Conditions of Joining Process |
| |||
Review the support process, share outputs and recommendations | Implementing | Support |
| ||
Implementing | Develop a trainee user community |
| |||
Implementing | Sending TSS data to NDW |
| |||
Ready | Retro action |
| |||
FormR data - Analyse TSS support Incident tickets - share any themes/ reoccurring issues (problems) | Ready | Support |
| ||
Ready | Monitoring and Logging |
| |||
Jun 26, 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
Trail Chatbot - Help guide trainees and also collect information to help us support trainees quickly.
Start with FAQ - and build conversation trees
Secondary Goal
COJ User Satisfaction - compare new to legacy process @Kavitha.Shankar @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed) @Nazia AKHTAR
Team availability
Naz 1/2 day
Kavita - 4 days
Strike days 5th & 7th July
Support - Update from Anita on Support analyst @Nazia AKHTAR
DSP - Need some info - Pen test is planned for August @Nazia AKHTAR
Arrange slots between Chris & other members of Trainee team @Nazia AKHTAR
Dashboard review
SMS - alarm set up at 1600 - will keep an eye
Hot Jar - Look at getting full package access @Nazia AKHTAR - Look at NHS best practice - standard way to get feedback from users. Look at baseline against other apps. Look at user journey via goggle analytics @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed) to look at heat maps, behaviour with hot jar for a further analysis. @Nazia AKHTAR to chase Anita
Review of previous Retro tickets
Type | Key | Summary | Status | Category | Goal |
Verifying on Prod | Improve the Conditions of Joining Process |
| |||
Being code reviewed | Study Leave reporting |
| |||
Being code reviewed | Data Management |
| |||
Implementing | Improve the Conditions of Joining Process |
| |||
Review the support process, share outputs and recommendations | Implementing | Support |
| ||
Implementing | Develop a trainee user community |
| |||
Implementing | Sending TSS data to NDW |
| |||
Ready | Retro action |
| |||
FormR data - Analyse TSS support Incident tickets - share any themes/ reoccurring issues (problems) | Ready | Support |
| ||
Ready | Monitoring and Logging |
| |||
May 30, 2023
Jun 12, 2023
Goal for the next two weeks
Primary Goal
Improving trainees journey to sign up/log in and submit FormR on TSS
Provide guidance and support trainees via WordPress support site
Link the Sign up/Login & Support tab page to the WordPress site Welcome to Trainee Information Systems Support - Trainee Information System Support
Investigate into chatbot solutions
Looking at support data trainees are experiencing issues when signing up and logging into TSS. (see below screenshot Top 3 issues reported reported incidents - Sign up, Authenticator and FormR unsubmission requests)
When looking at chatbot solutions, we need to ensure chatbot is available to trainees at the point they signup/log screen.
Based on the frustration/complaints we have received on support desk, its important we ensure trainees are able to sign up/login on TSS without any issue - For the first instant we may need to focus on setting up conversation trees related to signing up/logging in TSS and then build further based on questions we get asked.
Other tickets to progress to improve user experience
Removal of Private Beta message as its confusing users
Common question spreadsheet Common Question Asked by PGDIT when using TSS.xlsx
Secondary Goal
COJ User Satisfaction - compare new to legacy process @Kavitha.Shankar @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed) @Nazia AKHTAR
Team availability
Naz - 1/2 day
Support - Update from Anita on Support analyst @Nazia AKHTAR
DM - Offered position to Christopher - Update from Anita on Delivery Manager start date @Nazia AKHTAR
DSP - update on pen testing dates @Nazia AKHTAR
Dashboard review
SMS - alarm set up at 1600 - will keep an eye
Hot Jar - Look at getting full package access @Nazia AKHTAR - Look at NHS best practice - standard way to get feedback from users. Look at baseline against other apps. Look at user journey via goggle analytics @Tosin Oyekunle (Unlicensed) to look at heat maps, behaviour with hot jar for a further analysis. @Nazia AKHTAR to chase Anita
Review of previous Retro tickets
Type | Key | Summary | Status | Category | Goal |
Verifying on Prod | Improve the Conditions of Joining Process |
| |||
Being code reviewed | Study Leave reporting |
| |||
Being code reviewed | Data Management |
| |||
Implementing | Improve the Conditions of Joining Process |
| |||
Review the support process, share outputs and recommendations | Implementing | Support |
| ||
Implementing | Develop a trainee user community |
| |||
Implementing | Sending TSS data to NDW |
| |||
Ready | Retro action |
| |||
FormR data - Analyse TSS support Incident tickets - share any themes/ reoccurring issues (problems) | Ready | Support |
| ||
Ready | Monitoring and Logging |
| |||
May 30, 2023
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