Running log of ESR issues

Running log of ESR issues

This is a rolling wiki to log and resolve ESR issues raised by users.


When raised

by whom



Resolution and learning

When raised

by whom



Resolution and learning


20 June
(email to Rob)


cc. programmeinformation.mid@hee.nhs.uk

I work at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, and have several doctors who don’t seem to have pulled through from TIS to ESR as applicants, despite us having the deanery numbers in the positions.

Can you please advise how I can rectify this, so that we can get them onto ESR asap?

I’m currently mostly working at home, so if you would like to call to advise, my mobile is 07854357907.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

Helen Cleaver

ESR Officer

20 June Lauren.Squires@hee.nhs.uk asked for examples

22 June Acknowledged with Helen


Need exampole.

LO should clarify whether placement is added and post has position number against it.

Possible guidance around what LO should do to check.

See Tableau report.

Can check multiple sources.


20 June
(email to Rob)


Sorry to bother you. We’ve been having some issues with the TIS-ESR link with some of our trusts, particularly Humber NHS Foundation Trust. It seems like the position numbers that are being displayed on TIS aren’t the position numbers that the trust have them set up under. John Wilson (HNFT) is going to set up a meeting between their ESR staff, Kay Appleyard (in our team) and me. We were wondering whether it would be a good idea to have a representative from the national team in case there seemed to be any technical support questions. I have a sneaky suspicion that it’s an issue with the trust inputting the data but, just in case, could you recommend someone who would be able to be included in the meeting please (meeting not arranged yet).

Many thanks


Jon Bane 

Data Officer, WT&E

22 June acknowledged and asked to be invited to a meeting if arranged.

This seems to be an issue with posts and ESR positions.



20 June

(on ESR Support Teams)

Stuart Morris
(London & KSS)

[Tuesday 09:54] Stuart Morris Hi Team, We've had a trust refer the below error to us from ESR:

The applicant records where included in a file from the deanery - DE_KSS_APP_20230504_00012077.DAT

However this file could not be loaded into ESR and went into quarantine for the following reason  - Warning: Duplicate limit of 40 vpd/tpns has been exceeded.

The deanery must fix this error and submit a replacement file.  I would advise speaking with the deanery regarding this issue.

Are you able to advise how we can resolve?


20 June Stuart added comment that Royal Surrey may also have an issue

Discussion on Teams around advice to Trusts to manually hire.

Advice = manually hire.

Duplicates can be generated e.g. slot shares.



ESR question duplicate limit - was this changed.


Poss NE have experienced this?


23 June

(on Teams)

Mike Richardson

[11:44] Mike Richardson Post WES/RBD01/017/F1/001 doesn't show as being Reconciled, but ESR say is was sent (details below).


POR,11698351,,C,44688578,F1 Endocrine & Diabetes Deanery Post,WES/RBD01/017/F1/001,WES,Lead Employer,RBD,405,405 General Medicine Medical Staff,Dorset County Hospital


Data sent but on TIS not picked up in TIS.










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