LTFT - North West processes

LTFT - North West processes

This page outlines the data that have been collected from North West Local Offices and validated at a workshop (31st of October 2023) to map their as-is business processes for Less Than Full Time Training.

Application Windows for North West

Rotations are February, July and August each year

LTFT will commence only at rotation points – unless an unexpected reason is identified during a placement for example health, carer, parental leave, this includes changes in any percentage in LTFT training.

Should a Postgraduate Doctor/ Learner in training submit an application for LTFT under the ‘Welfare & Wellbeing’ category this will be via two windows mid-March to mid April for August rotation start and mid- September to mid-October for February rotation start each year. This is a local process agreed with the trust not national process

LTFT Categories

From December 2022 Categories 1,2 and 3 are no longer in use.

The following are the eligibility categories in use: This is the National SOP (Standard Operation Procedure)

  1. Disability / Ill Health

  2. Caring Responsibilities

  3. Welfare and Wellbeing

  4. Unique Opportunities

  5. Religious Commitment

  6. Non-Medical Development

  7. Career Development

As-Is Processes

In trying to map the LTFT end-to-end process we came up with 4 main stages in the order in which they would occur namely:

  1. Pre-application Stage: Completion of ‘Post Reference Form from the specialty school for trainee to fill in 3 post they want to go into. Trainee then discuss with LTFT Training Advisor/Training Programme Director (TPD) for approval 'In Principle’. With at least 16 weeks notice given

  2. LTFT Application Stage: With at least 16 weeks notice given and application submitted to HEE

3.1 Post approval - Negotiation of Working pattern and agreeing start date : Work Pattern, payroll changes and Start date agreement negotiation with Trust stage, following approval of their application, typically around 8 weeks prior to commencing LTFT

3.2 Appeals: Appealing the decision stage, where their application was rejected, typically 8 weeks before commencing

  1. Trainee Commencing their training on LTFT basis

As-Is end-to-end LTFT process for North West


CCT date Calculation

  • Some schools, the Royal college does it

  • But for most schools, it is the Admin Team - The programme support Manager and the Coordinator.

  • There is a template in NW which they are going to send us.






Postgraduate Doctor in Training

The applicant for LTFT

Training Programme Director (TPD)

  1. First point of contact for trainee on LTFT and give Trainee the approval to complete Eligibility Form 3 months prior to commencement of LTFT

  2. Give Trainee ‘Agreement in Principle’

  3. Engage with Trust LTFT Training and Medical staffing on Trainee Rotation planning, capacity planning and Post Funding

  4. Sign a section of the E-Form

LTFT Training Advisor

  1. First point of contact for trainee on LTFT and give Trainee the approval to complete Eligibility Form 3 months prior to commencement of LTFT

  2. Give Trainee ‘Agreement in Principle’

Trust LTFT Training Champion

  1. Engage with trainee on Rotation/Placement, Funding etc

  2. Engage with TPD and Medical staffing on Trainee Rotation planning, capacity planning and Post Funding

  3. Sign a section of the E-Form

Associate Dean

  1. Review/Approves the Eligibility form

  2. Send eligibility decisions/comms. to trainee and trust/lead employer and LTFT Admin

Medical Staffing

Engage with Trust LTFT Training and TPD on Trainee Rotation planning, capacity planning and Post Funding and trainee start date

Rota Coordinator

Agree Rota pattern with Trainee

Lead Employer

Confirm post , CCT date and salary/pay

Education Supervisor

Confirm acceptance of Trainee LTFTT placement

Seek approval from Clinical Director, Medical staffing and finance departments


Manage training LTFT application and Appeal process and documents

Application Numbers Feb 2022 to Aug 2023

Pain Points in the process


Pain Point / Area to improve



Pain Point / Area to improve



There is no definite/defined process of Communication of HEE and Trust around Trainee Rotation planning, capacity planning and Post Funding.

Pre-application process


Some Trainees do not come to HEE LTFT Admin for guidance on LTFT process but go through the school or Lead employer who THEN contact HEE LO

Pre-application process


Some Trainees do not check website for information around LTFT but prefer to speak to colleagues, school or the LO

Pre-application process


Quite a number of forms to complete in this process

Application Process

  1. he Return to Full Time Training Form

  2. Post Reference Form

  3. Approval Form -

  4. E-Form

  5. Eligibility Form-


Only the eligibility form is submitted online but all other forms are paper form and submitted via email

Application Process


Storage is something they need to look at. They have subfolders and spreadsheet to manage. It also go to TIS document section. Retention guideline is 6 years

Application Process


About 5% of trainee do not respond to emails in a timely manner

Application Process

Delays in response to emails from trainees. LO uses TIS email


Difficult to say what has really worked well in their process

Application Process

Process of comms not good enough. Trainee don’t do things in the right order. This is where study leave can help


Challenges of requesting for documentation because of confidentiality. The element of trust comes in. No clear rule in SOP

Application Process


Application window exceeds 2 weeks

Application Process


CCT date not mention in application



Complex appeal process


LTFT Email templates

These are the email templates maintained on the London & KSS PGMDE Portal and sent to trainees in the relevant events.

Email Template

Body / Content

Email Template

Body / Content

Post Approval Confirmation - Reduced Full Time

Dear Dr

Re: Less Than Full Time Training

I am writing to confirm your completed E-Post Approval form has now been received to confirm your Less Than Full Time Training in a reduced full time XX% WTE post commencing XXXXXX and finishing XXXXXX.

Please note you are required to complete a new Post Approval form every time you move Trusts or change your working hours or slot share partner. This will ensure your training hours are recognised and you receive the correct pay. You can request a new form from the LTFT Team (ltft.nw@hee.nhs.uk).

If you have any queries regarding your Post Approval form please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely


LTFT Administrator

Post Approval Confirmation - Slot Share

Dear Dr

Re: Less Than Full Time Training I am writing to confirm your completed E-Post Approval form has been received at the Deanery to confirm your Less Than Full Time Training in a 60% slot share post with XXXXXXX commencing XXXXXXXXX and finishing XXXXXXX.

Please note you are required to complete a new Post Approval form every time you move Trusts or change your working hours or slot share partner. This will ensure your training hours are recognised and you receive the correct pay. You can request a new form from the LTFT Team (ltft.nw@hee.nhs.uk).

If you have any queries regarding your Post Approval form please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely


LTFT Administrator

Post Approval Confirmation - Supernumerary

Dear Dr

Re: Less Than Full Time Training

I am writing to confirm your completed E-Post Approval form has been received at the Deanery to confirm your Less Than Full Time Training in a 60% supernumerary post that commenced on XXXX and finishes XXXX.

Please note you are required to complete a new Post Approval form every time you move Trusts or change your working hours or slot share partner. This will ensure your training hours are recognised and you receive the correct pay. You can request a new form from the LTFT Team (ltft.nw@hee.nhs.uk).

If you have any queries regarding your Post Approval form please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely


LTFT Administrator

LTFT Confirmation -

Dear Dr Re:

Less Than Full Time Training Further to your recent application for Less than Full Time Training.

Please find attached the accompanying Post Approval form which must be completed in full and returned to ltft.nw@hee.nhs.uk before you start in post. Failure to do so may result in a delay in your start and you may be required to work full time until the necessary arrangements have been made. There may also be financial repercussions.

If you are a GP ST3 or in a GP Practice (this includes ITPs and GP+ posts), please go to the following website to obtain the correct forms http://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/policies-guidance

The LTFT placement will only start on rotation dates, and you will be expected to remain LTFT for the full duration of each rotation (unless there are exceptional circumstances). The arrangement process can take up to three months to complete so please ensure you allow sufficient time to complete the process.

In order to ensure adequate support is available to LTFT trainees we now have LTFT Training Champions based at each Trust. The list of LTFT training champions, and further information can be found on our website at http://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/content/less-full-time-training

HEE will share relevant data with ‘Trust Champions’ The sharing of this data is within HEE’s legitimate interests as a public authority. To discuss your rights under GDPR or DPA 2018, please contact information.governance@hee.nhs.uk

Yours sincerely


LTFT Administrator


List of Forms used by the trainees in the LTFT Process and documents

  1. The Return to Full Time Training Form: LTFT Postgraduate Doctors/Learners in training who wish to return to full-time training complete the form. It is sent to Lead Employer when completed so that salary can be adjusted accordingly. It is part of the pack sent to the trainee. See attached

  2. Post Reference Form- Each of the specialty School send Post reference form to all their training to complete. Trainee fill in 3 post they want to go into. This is supplied by the trust.

  3. Post Approval Form - See Attached

  4. E-Form - E-form is not signed. Form to assess Trainee eligibility for LTFT which is assessed and approved by the associate dean. This is online

  5. Eligibility Form- The form is an agreement form between the trainee and the LTFT Admin which can be sent to the TPD. See attached



Flowchart.pdf (nwpgmd.nhs.uk)

Updated LTFT Policy. Updated 10/03/2023 https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/LTFTT Policy updated 10032023 FINAL.pdf



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