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The management of placing learners into posts which can deliver the competencies they need at that stage in their training.



As-Is User Journey

A placement doesn’t exist until a person is put into a post and a start / end date is attached.  There are currently 3 methods for placement management across HEE:

  1. Manual input MVP
  2. Spreadsheet upload MVP
  3. Placement Manager

  1. Manual
  • Go to trainee person record
  • into placement section
  • select new placement
  • complete form fields -
    • post number,
    • ITP (innovative training post, used for GP’s to work in multiple sites doing multiple specialties; if ticked can add new site and specialty), 
    • auto populates detail of posts into form,
    • select a specific grade,
    • select particular specialty (multiple),
    • date to/from,
    • placement type (in post, OOP, parental leave etc useful for programme directors planning time/funding allocation),
    • Honorary (non-mandatory, check if used),
    • WTE (0-1, indicates percentage of time spent on programme, less than <0.5 doesn’t count towards training),
    • clinical supervisor (can be auto populated from Post),
    • educational supervisor (comes from Programme detail, can be more than one),
    • training description (free text, pulled from Posts and read only),
    • local post no (same as description),
    • LTFT (date indicator),
    • slot share (check box indicator, impacts WTE, need 10% overlap; maybe unnecessary),
    • MIP (count of how many months in post),
    • SLA received date (date; an agreement signed between the trust and HEE agreeing responsibilities; maybe remove)

2. Spreadsheet Upload

  • home
  • main menu > placement import
  • displays upload screen
  • download template in excel format
  • enter details for mandatory fields for multiple trainees (forename*, surname*, GMC/GDC, NPN*, date from*, date to*, placement type*, placement status*, placement plan, site*, WTE*, left confirmation letter sent date, slot share (Y/N), grade*, specialty,* public health number
  • upload via link

3. Placement Manager

  • landing manager
  • go to placement manager
  • posts and people must have been created
  • enter programme director, title (free text), placement length, grant access to admins, start/end date, add programme
  • pulls all posts and all trainees, select and add them to plan
  • add comments free text box (if applicable) not v useful as they do not disappear
  • add to plan
  • presents calendar - list of people, one line per post, columns for dates
  • add person into a post, click into bar, edit detail (as with spreadsheet upload)
  • save: only saves to DB
  • once admin hits publish, then placement is sent to trust via ESR notification

Active Working

Related JIRA ticket links


For Discussion & Assumptions

#Questions / AssumptionsComments
Do we need view list of placements story? Consolidate the following into it TIS-117, TIS-120 Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
Yes we will need a view of all placements undertaken and any future placements. It'll be the same as what the trainee UI shows.
Ok to place the following as rules within create (TIS-649)? TIS-652, TIS-27, TIS-421 Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
Yes the rules are all correct
TIS-117: re-write to view placement detail by trainee? Is this a People story? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)Joanne Watson (Unlicensed)

No this is placement. The way you monitor OOP is via the placement currently by setting the 'Placement type' as OOP.

TIS-399 Placement mgmt tool - is this MVP? Is the output similar to TIS-392, but for different user? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)

Although the placement management tool does exist it is not widely used at the moment and doesn't work well. I'm not sure we want to take it on as MVP as as long as we provide spreadsheet upload functionality then placements can still be added to the system.

TIS-392 does not add much value apart from ensuring we can add future placements.

TIS-470: is this mvp? Should this not sit within reporting component? no reporting is being built as part of placements, so unclear how to move forward, or why it would sit here Reuben Noot (Deactivated)
Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) or Joanne Watson (Unlicensed) to comment on whether its MVP - I would bet its current so yes. It sits within Placements so the Placement SMLs own it as a report they want. We're taking this approach to all reports, primary categorisation is the TIS Component they relate to. Using a 'Reporting' label to cross link it into the JIRA view of the Reporting component.
TIS-26: what is WTE? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
Whole time equivalent - this is represented by a decimal between 0 and 1 so 0.5 is a trainee working at 50%.
TIS-125: Is this actually a filter requirement of view? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
Yes it's just a filtered list or view to aid planning.
TIS-370: Is this actually a filter requirement of view? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
This is essentially the same as TIS-125
TIS-653: Is rotation just another word for placement? Can we remove this requirement? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
In this instance no. Easier if I explain rotations in person otherwise it'll be confusing. Rotations basically sit in Programmes and Curricular here.
10Do we need to be able to delete / unlink a placement? Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)Yes, see scenario PL-7
11Is the following possible? "Confirmation of placement is sent to relevant Trust (i.e. where the placement will be completed)" Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)Placements are sent to ESR as assignments which the Trusts would have visibility of.

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