Laura Dodds - Lead Employer Trust

Laura Dodds - Lead Employer Trust

General discussion about LET communications with trainees

User needs


Annual renewal of contact details - way to encourage trainees to keep their contact details (including postal address) up to date. Single entry to feed all services (ESR as well as Intrepid). Plus timely reminder at key points e.g. a week after they have started (trainees often move from their application address for their first placement)NE-LET
Better information on rotations from TPDs including correct post numbers, so that we can ensure that trainees' Work Schedule is accurate for communication with trainees and Host Training Trusts, and we can input correct pay elements to ESRNE-LET
Integrate GMC renewal checking service - currently manual process of checking spreadsheet (Intrepid download) of trainees against current registration/renewal due on GMC employer serviceNE-LET
Integrate Oriel (initial application system) with ESR (HR management) and Intrepid (or TIS) so that trainee info input once and maintained in all systemsNE-LET
System to integrate with Trust rota management system (most use 'Allocate')??NE-LET
Integration between Trust sickness absence management and HEE systemsNE-LET
Trainee portal to integrate with HR systems e.g. online payslips and expenses tool (also integrates with ESR) and any new systems e.g. annual leave requests/recordingNE-LET
Prompt/link to national DBS system to encourage trainees to use national self-service for annual DBS updates?NE-LET