Case Management

Case Management

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Record of any issues or concerns about the learner in their learning process N.B. not academic concerns as these are captured in the Assessments component.

Component: TIS-633


Out of scope for MVP since the number of local offices using the CPPS tool is limited to 2, this could change if the agreed scope for TIS is delivered in good time ahead of the march deadline.

There is an option to modify existing design for the Concerns Log, however this will not provide a "quick" route to success. While the design is known, the architecture will require significant change to make it fit for purpose, as well as actual UI build with the necessary amendments would take a toll on capacity.

Recommendation  fyi - Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)

  • possible to add a case “type” and restrict the types by role
  • MVP:
    • provide restricted access to Concerns Log +
    • entry of new case records, or manual entry of current cases
    • manual upload of historical cases against trainee record
  • Post MVP:
    • ETL to link historical / current cases
  • bulk upload concerns is not currently possible, current cases must be manually keyed in

Concerns Log for Cases

  • Referral - submit a case request
  • Search Referrals/Cases
  • View/Edit Referrals/Cases
  • Triage case
  • Comms (generic, covered within body of previous scenarios) 
    • Responses to Referrals/Cases
    • Notifications


Current Usage

LocationIntrepid UsedVolume of CasesNo UsersComments
London & South EastNo N/AN/A 
East MidlandsYes250/300 a year5

Admins, Case Manager (Clinical Supervisor)

Trainees do not have access

West MidlandsNoN/AN/A 
East of EnglandNoN/AN/AProcess has been detailed here for East England
North EastNoN/AN/A 
Yorkshire & humberNoN/AN/A 
North West NoN/AN/A 
WessexYes129 (2016/17)


Multiple Case Managers

  • Admins, Case Manager (Clinical Supervisor)
  • Trainees also have access to own cases (view only Forms)
Thames ValleyNoN/AN/A
South WestNoN/AN/A 


One Local Office utilises CPPS tool, of which the main benefit is that Trainees are able to see submitted infomration about their case; only the Admin  team and Case Managers are able to submit information regarding a case. It is deemed sufficient, but further investigation is needed to confirm what this meansfor users.

  1. Manual workaround for fixed period of time, ahead of TIS development of repurposed Concerns Log << chosen way of working
  2. Repurpose Concerns Log for all teams
  3. Allow teams continue as they are
  4. All teams use Hicom supported service

User Journey


JIRA Tickets


Discussion & Assumptions

1Does Trainee UI need access to "Form E"

Not for MVP.

Form E only relevant for EoE Exam failures

Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed) ,Steven Pettengell (Unlicensed)
2How many teams use CPPS?

3 I believe although still need more detail on how much of the functionality is used.

Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
3How are the form currently accessed / submitted?

Forms are currently submitted via an email with scanned attachment or as hard copy.

Preferably via email only as a digital copy as hand written not easy to read

Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
4What are the specific outcomes per level (at triage) and do these need to be recorded>

will follow up with Rebecca.

Yes specific outcomes will need to be recorded these are generally:

  • Who will be the case manager
  • What support is relevant i.e. OH, Exam Support, LTFT/OOP/Supernumerary, Occupational health etc.
  • Returned to be managed at school level
Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
5Concerns log - date of incident >> date case raised? do reporters need a date of incident, as a non-mandatory field where something specific ha occurred?Yes would be good Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
6Concerns log - does type follow through into something manageable for users? Any existing examples?Doesn’t currently but example would be “comms skills” issues (team working, leadership etc) – Coaching or group support – date referral madeAlistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
7Concerns log - Source >> stay the same or “raised by” and free text?Free text if possible as names more helpful than job roles. Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
8Concerns log - employer at the time >> local office / trust?Good for end of year reporting to identify trusts with support issues so a drop downs of all trusts in region helpful and practices usually classified as non-hospital posting but if room to add list of practices would be good?Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
9Concerns log - site >> remain as isYepAlistair Pringle (Unlicensed)

Concerns log - Grade at the time >> remain as is

YepAlistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
11Concerns log - detailed information >> limit free text to X number of charactersNo limit if possible as some cases very complex?Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
12Concerns log - contact person >> is this relevant and who should it be?We previously asked for HR contact but have taken this off. Unless referring to an HEE contact that would be case manager?Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
13EoE Form 1 - 
  • how much of this data is used directly? What’s the minimum field detail that’s needed to be completed by the reporter in order to identify the trainee they’re speaking about and assess the case?

Have now merged forms as suggested – is this helpful or does that ruin things for you

Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)

EoE all reporter forms - 

  • how far can we integrate email submission of a form with the TIS system? Otherwise, do we need to rely on manual keying, or grant access to a wider group of users via standard one-way web forms?
I wonder if Tony can just show us how to submit a mail form on our website rather than giving all access to TIS if unnecessary?Russell Steel (Unlicensed)Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)

EoE all forms - 

  • do you need the forms replicated, or something that will allow them to be catered to in the right circumstances? i.e. forms with appropriate general fields, non-mandatory?
    • it looks like there are 3 routes, one for funding, one for personal and one for professional concerns
    • if we can create two form submissions, that would be ideal?
    • if we could implement 2 pdf form submissions that would be a workable short term achievement?
See above merged forms and let me know your feedback – Ian is happy with them as is as the forms were part of Alys research for her masters and are evidence based Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)

EoE forms - 

if the follow up forms (used by case worker) can be manually inputted and also auto populated (if there is a web form) then could this lessen the workload of the case workers managing the case?

Yes, as aboveAlistair Pringle (Unlicensed)

Archiving of closed cases for former and newly created cases, how should these be managed?

I guess similar to intrepid an inactive function to hide them from the concerns log but still be visible for reporting?

(IO) wider question for archiving

Former user (Deleted)

Handling of spreadsheet data for those who don't use intrepid currently - how can their cases be brought? Post MVP?

(IO) discussion needed with Alex & Graham - regarding the inputting of spreadsheet forms to populate data Former user (Deleted)Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)Alex Dobre (Unlicensed)
19Is it possible to have public facing form submission?
Former user (Deleted)Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)Alex Dobre (Unlicensed)
20How can we validate that submittors are genuinely affiliated with HEE and a trainee? Or that they should have permission to submit a case review request?

Trust them – not currently validated and no way of checking each one at present without lots of extra admin

(IO) No validation required

21What should the form details be? (To be submit a review request)TBC - based on form to sharedAlistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
22Is it possible to flag submitted review requests as accepted or not accepted? Off the back of that, trigger some sort of communications?

Would be helpful

(IO) Statuses -

  • submitted, accepted, returned
  • trigger comms or suggest manual comms?

Alex Dobre (Unlicensed)
23Is it possible to notify case mgrs when there is a new case?Probably unlikely to check weekly – maybe just notify key admin team who will then proceed to weekly triage meeting?
24Are there any other functions required for a non-HEE user?

Can they submit an encrypted communication that will automatically be added to the relevant trainee? So like if they update the portfolio with a concern this could be copied over to us?

(IO) non-form communications regarding a case to be submitted, is this possible?

Alex Dobre (Unlicensed)
25Can updates be emailed out to the submittor / other, in an automated way? For example where their case has not been accepted, or where it has?

Would be helpful if a message was automatically generated to a referrer once we have populated certain fields to inform them of i.e. who the case manager will be, when they have been invited to a meeting and/or whether or not they have engaged

(IO) again, automated comms triggers to non-HEE and HEE users required, is this possible? MVP v non-MVP?

Alex Dobre (Unlicensed)

How do we archive closed cases, but make them accessible through TIS? Do we make them accessible?

As above re inactive mode?

How do we handle current cases at the point of cut over?

Graham O'Regan (Unlicensed)Reuben Noot (Deactivated)
28what is the learning area of CPPS used for?


(IO) If unused, not in scope unless we get feedback otherwise on SML review

Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
29how is Occupational Health in intrepid used?

Not used by EoE at all

(IO) If unused, not in scope unless we get feedback otherwise on SML review

Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)
30Flagged doctors - what does this refer to in Interpid?

No idea

(IO) If unused, not in scope unless we get feedback otherwise on SML review

Alistair Pringle (Unlicensed)


Agreed Next Steps

  • mock up submission journey for non-TIS users (IO)
  • mock up general submission form fields (IO)
  • mock up amends to concerns log based on east of england process on screen shots (IO)

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