Trainee UI - Field Validation
Page content:
Order | Field name (V10) | DR field | Reference table | Example value | Other fields available in DR | Type (free text, drop down, check box) & Interaction | Mandatory (Y/N) | Validation / Error Messaging | Filter (Y/N) | Search (Y/N) | Sort (Y/N) | List (S) / Detail (D) | Notes | Delete field |
3. PLACEMENT | ||||||||||||||
1 | Start Date | Placement Start Date | 24/07/2017 | read only | N/A | SD | ||||||||
2 | End Date | Placement End Date | 24/07/2017 | read only | N/A | SD | ||||||||
3 | Site | Placement Site | Site | Addenbrookes Hospital | read only | N/A | SD | |||||||
4 | Grade | Placement grade | Grade | ST1 | read only | N/A | D | |||||||
5 | Specialty | Placement Specialty | Specialty | Dermatology | read only | N/A | D | |||||||
6 | Placem ent type | Placement type | Placement type | In Post | read only | N/A | D | |||||||
7 | Status | P | read only | N/A | Options are: "Past", "Current", "Future" | D | ||||||||
1.PERSONAL DETAILSNB Fields marked as "editable" are probably not any more as the master version of this data will be held in ESR. For MVP all fields are read-only. | ||||||||||||||
1 | Forenames | Free text Editable | Y | character validation (no numbers, only dashes, apostrophe and spaces) multiple names allowable | D | |||||||||
2 | Surname | Free text Editable | Y | character validation (no numbers, only dashes, apostrophe) multiple names allowable | N/A | N/A | N/A | D | ||||||
3 | Known As | Free text Editable | N | character validation (no numbers, only dashes, apostrophe) multiple names allowable | D | |||||||||
4 | Maiden Name | Free text Editable | N | character validation (no numbers, only dashes, apostrophe) multiple names allowable | D | |||||||||
5 | Title | Dr/Mr | Drop Down Editable | Y | N/A | D | Dr Ms Miss Mrs Mr | |||||||
6 | Telephone |
Free text Editable | Y | Can be mobile or landline | D | "Contact Phone No. 1" | ||||||||
7 | Mobile | Free text Editable | N | Can be mobile | D | "Contact Phone No. 2" | ||||||||
8 | Email Address | Free text Editable | Y | Valid email address << format or actual email address [IO] This will be most likely the email their account get created with to access Trainee UI. | D | |||||||||
9 | Address 1 | Free text Editable | Y | As long as at least Address 1 has an entry the other fields don't need to be mandatory? | D | |||||||||
10 | Address 2 | Free text Editable | N | D | ||||||||||
11 | Address 3 | Free text Editable | N | D | ||||||||||
12 | Address 4 | Free text Editable | N | D | ||||||||||
13 | Post Code | Free text Editable/Auto completer? | Y | Valid format | D | |||||||||
14 | GMC Number | Read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | |||||||||
15 | GMC Status | Registered | Read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
16 | GDC Number | Read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | |||||||||
17 | GDC Status | Read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | |||||||||
18 | Public Health Number | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | |||||||||
19 | EEA Resident | Yes/No | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
20 | Permit to Work | Tier 2 | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
21 | Settled | Yes/No | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
22 | Visa Issued | 23/07/2017 | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
23 | Details/Number | 0984637291 | read only | N/A | Only display if entered | D | ||||||||
2. PROGRAMMES & CURRICULA | ||||||||||||||
1 | Programme Name | Cardiology | read only | N/A | D | |||||||||
2 | Programme Number | EOE8945 | read only | N/A | D | |||||||||
3 | Curriculum | read only | N/A | Could be multiple, up to 3 | D | |||||||||
4 | Start Date | read only | N/A | D | ||||||||||
5 | End Date | read only | N/A | D | ||||||||||
6 | Managing Deanery | East of England | read only | N/A | D | Should display as "Local Office" | ||||||||
4. ASSESSMENT REVIEWS | ||||||||||||||
1 | Review | 20/09/2017 | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
2 | Curriculum Assessed | Cardiology | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
3 | Outcome | 6 | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
4 | Grade at Time | ST1 | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
5 | Period From | DD/MM/YYYY | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
6 | Period To | DD/MM/YYYY | read only | Y - if first assessment has been undertaken | D | |||||||||
5. FORM R (A / B) see relevant page
Field Validation (Part A) - Trainee UI - Field Validation | Form R (Part A)
Field Validation (Part B) - Trainee UI - Field Validation | Form R (Part B)
Display additional fields to trainees - 14/07
To be able to give trainees more context of what they are doing in terms of programmes and specialty at their placements.
To be able to see the level of detail that is provided in the mail merge currently. It’s currently a manual task in order to select which programmes the specific info can be shared with the trainees.
Placement > Other specialty/ies → Check if already in the TSS sync
Displaying this to the trainee helps with additional info to give trainee more context
Placement > Other site/s → Check if already in the TSS sync
Used to Overwrite the placement site
Used as an additional site to the placement
Displaying this might cause confusion to the trainees. (Hospital based specialties OK).
Check Placement> Other sites v.s. Post>Other Sites and which one to display to the trainees.
Placement > Sub Spec/s→ Check if already in the TSS sync
Displaying this would fit the neonates additional info currently being added to the Training Description
However, list needs to extend to cover those non-occupational codes ones and a process that needs to be followed by all, if is to be used to info that are currently being managed in TD.
Impact to display this for all LOs is minimal
Training Description - At Post level - Freetext → Need to be rationalised/discussion → Not to share with trainees
Placement comments - At Placement level - Freetext → Need to be rationalised/discussion → Not to share with trainees
Trainee Notes / Placement Notes for Trainees → New text Field as a suggestion to capture specific notes to trainees where the information is not already captured on existing TIS fields.
Question | Comments |
What is Training Description capturing at the moment and what should it be used for? |
Is there a need to create a new field to capture the ‘Unofficial Sub-specialty’ e.g. neonatal, if so, what should it be called/recorded as on TIS? |
Is this field specific to a trainee, or every trainees against the post should have the same ‘Unofficial Sub-specialty’ |
Should the ‘Unofficial sub-specialties’ be part of the actual list of Sub-specialties? (should they be included in the NHS occupation codes/GMC list?) |
Should this field be captured at post or placement level? |
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