Gherkin template for User Story

Gherkin template for User Story

Please find the below template to write the user stories in Gherkin including the definition of ready and definition of done checks. Please refer to below text Gherkin Template for User Stories. 

Text template used for the above image

(/) *User Story*
In order to  test Post  creation functionality in Admin UI
As a Test automation engineer
I want to create post successfully 

(/) *Acceptance Criteria*

*Given* User navigates to create post UI
*When* User enters the required details and click on save
*Then*  Post should be created successfully
*And* NPN with a success message should be populated

- Some important points

*Definition of Ready*
(/) Acceptance Criteria detailed and agreed
(/) Any cross-team dependencies highlighted
(/) Sub Tasks created covering all activities required in order to meet the acceptance criteria and definition of done
(/) Business value clearly articulated and we have a clear understanding of the 'As-Is' state
(?) Any NFR considerations are detailed and confirmed  with test engineer and Product Owners
(x) Story size and priority has been assigned

*Definition of Done*

(/) Unit Tests implemented
(/) Peer review for code and Unit tests
(/) Unit tests executed with success
(/) Build complete
(/) Resolved All Sonar issues
(?) Components tests are written and executed with success (BE)
(?) Created and Resolved All ZAP issues If any
(/) Deployed on Test ENV
(/)  E2ETest passed
(?) PT test created and executed with no major performance degradation
(x) Marked as ready for release
(/) Confluence Document created