Trainer UI

Lead Service Manager: Alistair Pringle


The Trainer User Interface (UI) is the web application HEE Trainers use to interact with TIS. The initial assumption is that this UI will be responsive/adaptive across screen sizes but prioritise mobile use ('mobile first design').

This component includes stories covering generic elements, but doesn't include UI functions which are specific to a single component, e.g. Menus and Navigation stories can be found here, but information presented to the user through the UI on Trainer accreditation would be found in the Approvals component.

TIS-620 - Getting issue details... STATUS



  • Leave Manager (for approvers only)
  • Approvals - VIEW / EDIT 
    • view/edit own detail in full as an individual


  • Courses & Event - consulted - review, limited edit
  • Placement - VIEW & EDIT
    • view for trainees associated with them
  • People - VIEW & EDIT (non-sensitive only)
    • view/edit own detail in full as an individual
    • view for trainees associated with them
    • view non-sensitive Person details for trainees
  • Quality - VIEW
    • Scope TBC


Current Usage

LocationIntrepid UsedVolumes No UsersComments
London & South EastNoN/A N/A  No trainer access  
East MidlandsYesN/A TBC

Trainer access to Leave Manager only

Awaiting figures from Nina?

West MidlandsNoN/A N/A No trainer access  
East of EnglandNoN/A N/ANo trainer access  
North EastNoN/A N/ANo trainer access  

Yorkshire & Humber

NoN/A N/A No trainers access
North West NoN/A N/A No trainer access
WessexTBCN/A TBCAwaiting confirmation
Thames ValleyNoN/A N/A No trainer access 
South WestYes N/A TBC

Trainers have access for Accreditation Pathway and Leave Approval, however they do not access

Awaiting figures from Alice?

Recommendation: users are given the appropriate permissions to allow them access the relevant systems as indicated above.

  • All users within this role type will be given the same access pathways
  • Further information can be found here

Discussion & Assumptions

1Can Person Details have security around specific fields or groups of fields?Yes, this can be done at a field specific level