TIS Admin in case of downtime

TIS Admin in case of downtime


Improvements to this page.

Please review.

Rob will to add a user group for the local support personnel who should be a default part of any email.

The email user groups are a bit unclear.


Purpose of these guidelines

These guidelines should help add a common process for dealing with issues and incidents that result in all, or parts of TIS, being “down”.

Where issues are prolonged, or TIS is universally impacted Rob Pink and the senior product manager. This is because problems with TIS may need to be managed with senior stakeholders.

Planned downtime

  • Give as much notice as possible.

  • Select a time and day that will cause least impact on users.

  • If this means you work out-of-hours, be sure to take the time back.


On Teams

By email


On Teams

By email

Before downtime

  • Place an alert on the relevant Teams channel, or channels.

    • Be brief, concise and use plain English and state :

      • When the downtime is expected (down and up);

      • The reason for the downtime;

      • The impact on the user;

      • Ask colleagues to propagate message to colleagues who may also be impacted.

  • Where there is a defined user group, send an email to that group if they are impacted e.g. for revalidation issues, send to revalidation leads.

    • Use the same text as used on Teams.

    • Use the list of users currently shown here User groups and Leads.xlsx

      • NOTE (1) to copy an email list for go to the relevant user group and copy the contents of the yellow coloured cell e.g. G30 on the Reval Leads tab.

      • NOTE (2) Currently (at data 19 Dec) we have user groups confirmed for Revalidation; Post; ESR; Data Leads. ++++ need to work on updating this list of users +++++

  • Do not send an email to “all users”.

After downtime

  • Provide confirmation that all things are up and running as usual.


Unplanned downtime

  • In the event of a problem that impacts users.

  • Follow the Incident processes.


On Teams

By email


On Teams

By email

Early stages / investigating

  • If necessary, place a message on the relevant Teams channel asking users if they are experiencing issues.


Live issue effecting users, still unknown

  • Acknowledge that there is an issue on Teams.


With an understanding of what is going on

  • Place an alert on the relevant Teams channel, or channels.

    • Be brief, concise and use plain English and state:

      • Who and wat is being impacted.

      • Is there a time-frame to fix?

      • Possible reason (if known).

      • Ask people to propagate message to colleagues who may also be impacted.

  • Where there is a defined user group, send an email to that group if they are impacted e.g. for revalidation issues, send to revalidation leads.

    • Use the same text as used on Teams.

    • Use the list of users currently shown here User groups and Leads.xlsx

      • NOTE (1) to copy an email list for go to the relevant user group and copy the contents of the yellow coloured cell e.g. G30 on the Reval Leads tab.

      • NOTE (2) Currently (at data 19 Dec) we have user groups confirmed for Revalidation; Post; ESR; Data Leads. ++++ need to work on updating this list of users +++++

  • Do not send email to “all users”


  • Place progress updates if issue is prolong.

  • Send email update

On resolution

  • Place an update that problem resolved and that more detail will be provided at Review after we have undertaken an investigation.

  • Send email update


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