Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Next steps:


  • Request leave (Trainee)
  • Cancel or make changes to existing prospective leave applications (Trainee)
  • Track entitlements for expenses and leaves (Trainee)
  • Approve leave - non-study leave (Approver/Admin)
  • Approve leave - study leave (Approver/Admin)
  • Manage leave approvers (Admin)
  • Manage Pre-approved Courses list (Admin)
  • Track progress of study/non-study leaves applications (Trainee)
  • Manage entitlements for expenses and leaves (Admin)
  • Manage leave applications  (Admin)


Process Name
AM-1 Request leave (trainee)
DescriptionUser has the ability to submit leave application/s for approval.

Logged in Authorised User

User is currently in training and not a FY1.

User navigated to Study Leave page. (Can be for other leave as well tbc)

Note: The term absence management can cause confusion to a trainee, given that OOP and other types of leaves can have similar semantics. Can we agree on the terminology for a) Study Leave management, b) Other leaves management and c) OOP for navigation purposes.

View all or search leave applications (requested/approved/declined) in a summary screen

Notification sent to Approvers

Process Steps
  1. Select Study Leave/Absence from UI menu
  2. Select Create a new Leave request
  3. Select the type of Leave, whether Curriculum Study Leave or Other leaves
  4. Enter relevant field data for new leave request
  5. System auto-saves details as they progress
  6. User saves and submit leave request
  7. New leave request added to summary list page
Clarification required on retrospective and prospective requests and the types of leaves that can be submitted for approval.
Alternative Process



-        Rule: Only specified fields can be entered

-        Error: where mandatory fields not completed

JIRA Links

Audit Log

Who submitted the Leave request and when

Log changes to any of the field values and when and who made the changes

Present audit log to all with view permissions


Process Name
AM-3 Track entitlements for expenses and leaves (Trainee)
DescriptionUser has the ability to monitor allowance for expenses and leaves in order see the remaining amount and claimed amounts for both.

Logged in Authorised User

User is currently in training and not a FY1.

User navigated to Study Leave page. (Can be for other leave as well tbc)


Process Steps
  1. Select Entitlements/Allowance from UI menu
  2. Search for Leave entitlements or Expenses entitlements
  3. View entitlement details
  4. Exit record
  5. Go back to Entitlements summary list page

Alternative Process



-        Rule: Only specified fields can be entered

-        Rule: User cannot make changes to entitlements

-        Rule: User can view total study leave allowance

-        Rule: User can view study leave remaining 

-        Rule: When study leave request approved, study leave remaining is updated 

-        Rule: Study leave allowance and remaining is not editable by a Trainee user role 

JIRA Links

Audit Log

Process Name
AM-4 Approve leave - non-study leave (Approver)
DescriptionUser has the ability to approve or decline prospective/retrospective exceptional or other leave applications that are not part of pre-approved list of courses/exams.

Logged in Authorised User


View all or search leave applications (requested/approved/declined) in a summary screen

Notification sent to Approver upon new leave request submitted by trainee.

Approver is navigated to leave reuquest pending approval.

Process Steps
  1. Select Study Leave/Absence from UI menu
  2. Search for non-study leave requests pending approval
  3. Select and View a leave request details
  4. Review and Approve/Decline leave request application
  5. System notification sent to trainee
  6. Updated leave request appears on summary list page

Alternative Process



-        Rule: Only specified fields can be entered

-        Rule: When approving/declining a request, user is presented with a warning to either proceed or abort.

JIRA Links

Audit Log

Who approved/cancelled the Leave request and when

Log changes to any of the field values and when and who made the changes

Present audit log to all with view permissions


Process Name
AM-6 Manage leave approvers (Admin) (add/remove/edit)
DescriptionUser has the ability to add/remove/edit leave approvers to post and/or people.Clarification required as to at which level do approvers need to be linked to.
ActorsLocal Admin

Logged in Authorised User

User navigated to Study Leave page. (Can be for other leave as well tbc)


Process Steps
  1. Select Study Leave/Absence from UI menu
  2. Select Bulk Add Approver/s
  3. Search for posts
  4. Select the posts 
  5. Add approver/s to selected posts
  6. Enter details 
  7. User saves
  8. Updated posts appears on summary list page

Note: user should be able to add multipe approvers to the selected posts.

Details entered on Intrepid are: Contact type, Leave type, Start date, End date, Sequence, Key seq approver, Retrospective, Receive confirmation email, variable approver, documents.

UX consideration as to whether accessing the Post from the post menu or via separate meganav menu item for managing approvers would be appropriate. 

Alternative Process



-        Rule: Only specified fields can be entered

-        Error: where mandatory fields not completed

JIRA Links

Audit Log

Who added the approvers and when

Which approvers were added and when

Log changes to any of the field values and when and who made the changes

Present audit log to all with view permissions

Process Name
AM-7 Manage Pre-approved Courses list (Admin) (View/Edit/Add)
DescriptionUser has the ability to manage a pre-approved list of courses as reference data. 
ActorsLocal admin

Logged in Authorised User

User navigated to Reference Data page.


Process Steps
  1. Select Reference from UI menu
  2. Select
Bulk Add Approver/s
  • Search for posts
  • Select the posts 
  • Add approver/s to selected posts
  • Enter details 
    1. courses
      1. View/Edit course details, Or
      2. Add new course,enter details and save
    2. User saves
    3. Updated posts appears on summary list page

    Alternative Process



    -        Rule: Only specified fields can be entered

    -        Error: where mandatory fields not completed

    JIRA Links

    Audit Log

    Who added/edited the course and when

    Log changes to any of the field values and when and who made the changes

    Present audit log to all with view permissions

    Process Name
    AM-8 Track progress of study/non-study leaves applications (Trainee)
    DescriptionUser has the ability to cancel or make changes to existing prospective leave applications.track progress of  and monitor their leaves allowance by leave type.This can be a duplicate of AM-2 (above)

    Logged in Authorised User

    User navigated to Study Leave requests page. (Can be for other leave as well tbc)


    View all or search leave applications (requested/approved/declined) in a summary screen

    Process Steps
    1. Select Study Leave/Absence from UI menu
    2. See leaves history by post/programme in a summary list (filtered column for Authorised)
    3. Search for leave requests
    4. View leave details and see progress
    5. Exit record

    Alternative Process


    Rules-        Rule: Only specified fields can be entered

    -        Error: where mandatory fields not completed

    JIRA Links

    Audit Log

    Process Name
    AM-9 Manage entitlements for expenses and leaves Bulk add leaves entitlements (Admin)
    DescriptionUser has the ability to cancel or make changes to existing prospective leave applications.add leaves entitlements in bulk to trainees
    ActorsTraineeLocal Admin

    Logged in Authorised User

    User navigated to Study Leave page. (Can be for other leave as well tbc)Leaves entitlements page

    Post-ConditionsView all or search trainees with leaves entitlements (filered by your local office by default)
    Process Steps
    1. Select Study Leave/Absence from UI menu
    2. Select Leave entitlements
    3. Search for trainees (use filters to find trainees)
    4. Select trainees
    5. Click Add leaves entitlements
    6. Enter details 
    7. User saves
    8. Updated trainees appears on summary list page
    Consideration for an Excel import as an alternative.
    Alternative Process



    -        Rule: Only specified fields can be entered

    -        Error: where mandatory fields not completed

    JIRA Links

    Audit Log

    Process Name
    AM-10 Manage leave applications  Bulk add expenses entitlements (Admin)
    DescriptionUser has the ability to cancel or make changes to existing prospective leave applications.Actorsadd expenses entitlements in bulk to trainees
    ActorsLocal Admin

    Logged in Authorised User

    User navigated to Study Leave page. (Can be for other leave as well tbc)Expenses entitlements page

    Post-ConditionsView all or search leave applications (requested/approved/declined) in a summary screen

    Notification sent  to Trainee

    Process Stepstrainees with expenses entitlements (filered by your local office by default)

    Process Steps
    1. Select Study Leave/Absence from UI menu
    2. Select Expenses entitlements
    3. Search for trainees (use filters to find trainees)
    4. Select trainees
    5. Click Add expenses entitlements
    6. Enter details 
    7. User saves
    8. Updated trainees appears on summary list page
    Consideration for an Excel import as an alternative.
    Alternative Process



    -        Rule: Only specified fields can be entered

    -        Error: where mandatory fields not completed

    JIRA Links

    Audit Log
